
v2.0.0-beta.9 2024-09-07 14:27 UTC


codecov Psalm Type-Coverage Psalm level PhpMetrics - Static Analysis PHP-Versions

The TestableClock component of the Snicco project decouples code from DateTimeImmutable so that its properly testable.


composer require snicco/testable-clock


Instead of using DateTimeImmutable and time() directly in your code you use the Clock interface.

use Snicco\Component\TestableClock\Clock;
use Snicco\Component\TestableClock\SystemClock;
use Snicco\Component\TestableClock\TestClock;

class IsTrialExpired {
    private  Clock $clock;
    public function __construct(Clock $clock) {
        $this->clock = $clock;
    public function __invoke(object $trial) {
        return $trial->expiresAt > $this->clock->currentTimestamp();

// In production code
$clock = SystemClock::fromUTC();

// or
$clock = new SystemClock(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));

$is_trial_expired = new IsTrialExpired($clock)

// In test code
$test_clock = new TestClock();

$is_trial_expired = new IsTrialExpired($test_clock)

The TestClock stays frozen, meaning it will always return the same timestamp.

You can advance the clock, or go back in time.

use Snicco\Component\TestableClock\TestClock;

$clock = new TestClock();

$time_0 = $clock->currentTimestamp();

var_dump(time() === $time_0); // true


$time_01 = $clock->currentTimestamp();

var_dump($time_01 === $time_0); // true
var_dump(time() === $time_01); // false


$time_02 = $clock->currentTimestamp();

var_dump(time() === $time_02); // true

$time_03 = $clock->travelIntoPast(10);

var_dump($time_03 === $time_01); // true 


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