
Psr15 middleware integration for snicco/signed-url.

v2.0.0-beta.9 2024-09-07 14:27 UTC


codecov Psalm Type-Coverage Psalm level PhpMetrics - Static Analysis

This package consists of two simple middlewares that will make working with snicco/signed-url a breeze. Make sure to read the general documentation to know how to instantiate the needed collaborators.


composer require snicco/signed-url-psr15-bridge


Make sure that your favorite framework supports binding middleware on the route level. This middleware should only be added to a route where you expect signed urls, not globally.

Basic Usage

$storage = /* */
$hmac = /* */

$validator = new \Snicco\Component\SignedUrl\SignedUrlValidator($storage, $hmac);

$middleware = new \Snicco\Bridge\SignedUrlPsr15\ValidateSignature(
/* Attach $middleware to your route */

Customizing the additional request context.

As a second argument you can pass a closure that will receive the current request. Anything you return from this closure will be taken into account when validating the current request.

This has to match the request context that you used when the link was created!
Using the ip-address at creation and the user-agent at validation will not work and the request will always be invalidated.

// Same as above.
$validator = /* */
$middleware = new \Snicco\Bridge\SignedUrlPsr15\ValidateSignature(
    function(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request) {
        return $request->getHeaderLine('User-Agent');

/* Attach $middleware to your route */

Only validate unsafe HTTP methods

If a signed-url should be used exactly one time (for GET requests) you might run into trouble with certain email clients that preload all links. In this case you can set the third argument of the middleware to (bool) true. The signature will then only be checked if the request method is one of [POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE]. Make sure you route is not accessible with safe request methods if you use this option.

Garbage collection

Add the CollectGarbage middleware to your global middleware groups.

// same as above
$storage = /* */
$psr3_logger = /* */

// value between 0-100
// the percentage that one request through the middleware
// will trigger garbage collection.
$percentage = 4;

$middleware = new \Snicco\Bridge\SignedUrlPsr15\CollectGarbage($percentage, $storage, $logger);

/* Attach $middleware to your route */