
v2.0.0-beta.9 2024-09-07 14:27 UTC


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This WordPress bundle configures the standalone snicco/blade-bridge library for usage in applications based on snicco/kernel.


composer install snicco/blade-bundle


This bundle has no configuration options currently.


Add the TemplatingBundle and the BladeBundle to your bundles.php config file.

// /path/to/configuration/bundles.php

use Snicco\Bundle\Blade\BladeBundle;
use Snicco\Bundle\Templating\TemplatingBundle;

return [
    'bundles' => [
        Snicco\Component\Kernel\ValueObject\Environment::ALL => [

You can now render .blade.php with the TemplateEngine that is bound in the kernel container.

use Snicco\Component\BetterWPDB\BetterWPDB;
use Snicco\Component\Kernel\Kernel;
use Snicco\Component\Templating\TemplateEngine;

* @var Kernel $kernel

$template_engine = $kernel->container()->make(TemplateEngine::class);

// Assuming you have a welcome.blade.php view

$template_engine->renderView('welcome', ['greet' => 'Calvin']);

The BladeBundle reconfigures a couple of the disabled blade directives:

  • @auth can be used to check if the current WordPress user is logged in.
  • @guest can be used to check if the current WordPress user is logged out.
  • @role can be used to check a role of the current WordPress user, e.g. @role(editor)


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This is how you can contribute.

Reporting issues and sending pull requests

Please report issues in the Snicco monorepo.


If you discover a security vulnerability within BetterWPCache, please follow our disclosure procedure.