
v2.0.0-beta.9 2024-09-07 14:27 UTC


codecov Psalm Type-Coverage Psalm level PhpMetrics - Static Analysis PHP-Versions

This WordPress bundle can be used together with the snicco/http-routing-bundle in applications based on snicco/kernel.

The DebugBundle configures Whoops as the error handler for the middleware pipeline of your application.

This bundle should never be used in production.


composer install snicco/debug-bundle


See config/debug.php for the available configuration options.

If this file does not exist in your configuration directory the default configuration will be copied the first time the kernel is booted in dev mode.


Add the DebugBundle to your bundles.php config file in the DEV environment.

// /path/to/configuration/bundles.php

use Snicco\Bundle\Debug\DebugBundle;

return [
    'bundles' => [
        Snicco\Component\Kernel\ValueObject\Environment::DEV => [

If the kernel environment is Environment::dev() the whoops error handler will automatically be used.

To disable the whoops error handler set the kernel env to Environment::dev(false) (Passing false as a second argument means "no debug").


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