
Jasper reports in PHP

1.0.0 2019-05-27 15:49 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-28 05:06:13 UTC


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PDF report generation with jasper reports for PHP.



  • Report generation in PDF (other formats can be supported, open an issue)
  • Datasources for JDBC, JSON and XML (url or filesystem)
  • Support for PSR-7 responses (stream)


  • PHP 7.1+
  • PHPJasperBridge (see install)
  • Java



Creating a new report

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapter as JavaBridgeAdapter;
use Soluble\Jasper\{ReportRunnerFactory, Report, ReportParams};
use Soluble\Jasper\DataSource\JavaSqlConnection;
use Soluble\Jasper\Exporter\PDFExporter;

// Step 1: Get the report runner
// Good practice is to initialize once and get it from a PSR-11 compatible container

$bridgeAdapter = new JavaBridgeAdapter([
    'servlet_address' => 'localhost:8080/JasperReports/servlet.phpjavabridge'    

$reportRunner = ReportRunnerFactory::getBridgedReportRunner($bridgeAdapter);

// Step 2: Define your report parameters

$report = new Report(
     new ReportParams([
            'BookTitle'    => 'Soluble Jasper',
            'BookSubTitle' => 'Generated on JVM with Jasper reports'
     new JavaSqlConnection(

// Step 3: Export the report

$pdfExporter = new PDFExporter($report, $reportRunner);

$pdfExporter->saveFile('/path/my_report_output.pdf', [
    'author' => 'John Doe',
    'title' => 'My document'

// Or for PSR7 response

$response = $pdfExporter->getPsr7Response([
    'author' => 'John Doe',
    'title' => 'My document'    

//$exportManager = $reportRunner->getExportManager($report);

$pdfExporter = $exportManager->getPdfExporter();

// Both will need to cache the report 
$psr7Response = $pdfExporter->getPsr7Response();
$stream       = $pdfExporter->getStream();


Jasper reports supports multiple datasources for filling the report (see JRApi)


Example using JavaSqlConnection:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Soluble\Jasper\DataSource\JavaSqlConnection;

$dataSource = new JavaSqlConnection(

!!! tip For convenience you can also use the JdbcDsnFactory to convert database params.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Soluble\Jasper\DataSource\Util\JdbcDsnFactory;

$dbParams = [
    'driver'    => 'mysql', // JDBC driver key.
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'db'        => 'my_db',
    'user'      => 'user',
    'password'  => 'password',
    // Optional extended options
    'driverOptions'  => [
        'serverTimezone' => 'UTC'

$dsn = JdbcDsnFactory::createDsnFromParams($dbParams);

// You should get a jdbc formatted dsn:
//   'jdbc:mysql://localhost/my_db?user=user&password=password&serverTimezone=UTC'
// ready to use as $dsn argument for `JdbcDataSource`


Example using JsonDataSource:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Soluble\Jasper\{ReportRunnerFactory, Report, ReportParams};
use Soluble\Jasper\DataSource\JsonDataSource;
$jsonDataSource = new JsonDataSource('<url_or_path>/northwind.json');
    JsonDataSource::PARAM_JSON_DATE_PATTERN   => 'yyyy-MM-dd',
    JsonDataSource::PARAM_JSON_NUMBER_PATTERN => '#,##0.##',
    JsonDataSource::PARAM_JSON_TIMEZONE_ID    => 'Europe/Brussels',
    JsonDataSource::PARAM_JSON_LOCALE_CODE    => 'en_US'

$report = new Report(
                new ReportParams([
                    'LOGO_FILE' => '/path/assets/wave.png',
                    'TITLE'     => 'My Title'            

$reportRunner = ReportRunnerFactory::getBridgedReportRunner($this->ba);
$exportManager = $reportRunner->getExportManager($report);



Example using XmlDataSource:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Soluble\Jasper\{ReportRunnerFactory, Report, ReportParams};
use Soluble\Jasper\DataSource\XmlDataSource;
$xmlDataSource = new XmlDataSource('<url_or_path>/northwind.xml');
    XmlDataSource::PARAM_XML_DATE_PATTERN   => 'yyyy-MM-dd',
    XmlDataSource::PARAM_XML_NUMBER_PATTERN => '#,##0.##',
    XmlDataSource::PARAM_XML_TIMEZONE_ID    => 'Europe/Brussels',
    XmlDataSource::PARAM_XML_LOCALE_CODE    => 'en_US'

$report = new Report(
                new ReportParams([
                    'LOGO_FILE' => '/path/assets/wave.png',
                    'TITLE'     => 'My Title'            

$reportRunner = ReportRunnerFactory::getBridgedReportRunner($this->ba);
$exportManager = $reportRunner->getExportManager($report);



You can enable any psr/log compatible logger. Here's a basic example with monolog:


use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapter as JavaBridgeAdapter;
use Soluble\Jasper\{ReportRunnerFactory, Report, ReportParams};
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$logger = new Logger('soluble-japha-logger');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING));

$bridgeAdapter = new JavaBridgeAdapter([
    'servlet_address' => 'localhost:8080/JasperReports/servlet.phpjavabridge'    

$reportRunner = ReportRunnerFactory::getBridgedReportRunner($bridgeAdapter, $logger);

$report = new Report('/path/my_report.jrxml', new ReportParams());

// Any exception during report compilation, filling or exporting will
// be logged ;)


When running or exporting a report, the following exception can be thrown:

Generally at compile time:

Exception Description
ReportFileNotFoundException When the report file cannot be opened (PHP or Java side, check perms)
BrokenXMLReportFileException When the report JRXML file cannot be parsed (xml error)
ReportCompileException Compilation error, generally an invalid expression or missing resource
JavaProxiedException Exception on the Java side, and call $e->getJvmStackTrace() for debug
RuntimeException Normally never thrown, see exception message

At filling time:

Exception Description
BrokenJsonDataSourceException When the json datasource cannot be parsed
JavaProxiedException Exception on the Java side, and call $e->getJvmStackTrace() for debug


This project requires a java server (or service) running on the same machine that will expose the jasper API to the php side (network bridge).

Check the installation example below or a more complex doc here.


Build a war file

# Example based on php-java-bridge master
$ git clone
$ cd php-java-bridge
$ ./gradlew war -I init-scripts/init.jasperreports.gradle -I init-scripts/init.mysql.gradle 

Deploy on Tomcat (example on ubuntu sudo apt install tomcat8)

$ sudo cp ./build/libs/JavaBridgeTemplate.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/JasperReports.war

Wait few seconds and point your browser to http://localhost:8080/JasperReports, you should see the php-java-bridge dashboard page.

The bridge address can be used in the japha bridge adapter:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapter;

$ba = new Adapter([
    'driver' => 'Pjb62',
    'servlet_address' => 'localhost:8080/JasperReports/servlet.phpjavabridge'    

// This should print your JVM version
echo $ba->javaClass('java.lang.System')->getProperty('java.version');

If you encounter permissions problems (i.e. the pdf are created under tomcat8 user), just add your user to the tomcat group:

$ sudo usermod -a -G <tomcat group name> <username>


Early benchmarks for common operation (run on a laptop for now, will do soon on digitalocean). See tests/bench/simple_benchmarks.php.

Jasper compile time and filling (internal)

Benchmark name x1 x5 x10 Average Memory
00_report_mini.jrxml (compile) 43.03ms 179.05ms 347.55ms 35.60ms 18.97Kb
00_report_mini.jrxml (fill) 3.19ms 9.15ms 18.58ms 1.93ms 14.27Kb
01_report_default.jrxml (compile) 39.24ms 192.41ms 338.65ms 35.64ms 0.31Kb
01_report_default.jrxml (fill) 3.70ms 11.22ms 22.75ms 2.35ms 0.44Kb

PDF exports

Benchmark name x1 x5 x10 Average Memory
00_report_mini.jrxml (text-only) 38.74ms 3.76ms 8.58ms 3.19ms 0.79Kb
01_report_default.jrxml (text+png) 318.68ms 1,365.02ms 2,709.56ms 274.58ms 0.75Kb
06_report_barcodes.jrxml (barcodes) 123.81ms 323.71ms 630.51ms 67.38ms 0.75Kb
  • Connection time: 3 ms

Coding standards and interop