
Split a job into multiple separate job chunks

v1.1.0 2024-05-14 17:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-14 18:05:12 UTC


Laravel Chunkable Jobs

Build Status

This package allows you to split up a process into multiple jobs with their own chunk. This is perfect for processing lots of data as you can delegate the processing into separate jobs or if you are retrieving data from a paginated API. It works by processing the job and then queueing another job to process the next chunk until it reaches the end.



use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;
use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\ChunkableJob;

class GetPageOfPokemon extends ChunkableJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public function defineChunk(): ?Chunk
        $response = Http::asJson()->get('');

    	$count = $response->json('count'); // 1154

    	return new Chunk(totalItems: $count, chunkSize: 1, startingPosition: 1);

    protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void
        $response = Http::asJson()->get(sprintf('', $chunk->limit, $chunk->offset));

    	$data = $response->json();

    	// Store data of response


Install the package through Composer. This package requires PHP 8.1+ and Laravel 8 or higher.

composer require sammyjo20/laravel-chunkable-jobs

Getting Started

Create a new job and remove the handle method from the job. Next, extend the ChunkableJob class. You will be required to add two methods to your class, a defineChunk method and handleChunk method. In my example, I will be fetching every Pokemon from the Pokemon API and storing it into my application. You should have something like the following.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;
use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\ChunkableJob;

class GetPageOfPokemon extends ChunkableJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public function defineChunk(): ?Chunk

    protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void

Next, we’ll need to define our chunk, this tells the chunkable job how many items it has to process and the size of the chunks so it knows how many times to run the “handleChunk” method. Inside of this method, you can return a chunk. This chunk accepts three arguments: totalItems , chunkSize and startingPosition . If you return null or a chunk without any totalItems, handleChunk will not be processed.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;

public function defineChunk(): ?Chunk
    $response = Http::asJson()->get('');

    $count = $response->json('count'); // 1154

    return new Chunk(totalItems: $count, chunkSize: 1, startingPosition: 1);

Chunk Constructor

  • totalItems: The amount of items that you want to chunk through, for example if I had 100 items with a chunk size of 10, it would create 10 chunks.
  • chunkSize: The size of each chunk. If you are dealing with a paginated API, this is the same as the per page of that API.
  • startingPosition: The starting position of the chunk, it defaults to 1 but if you want to resume a job, you can change this startingPosition.

Next, we’ll want to write the logic to process each chunk. In my example, I want to make an API call for that chunk and then store the response. The handleMethod will be executed on every chunk and will contain useful information about the chunk.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;

protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void
    $response = Http::asJson()->get(sprintf('', $chunk->limit, $chunk->offset));

    $data = $response->json();

    // Store data of response

Chunk Properties

  • totalItems: The total items provided when the chunk was created. This property does not change.
  • totalChunks: The total number of chunks generated when the chunk was created. This property does not change.
  • remainingItems: The remaining items in the chunk. This property decreases as the chunked jobs are dispatched.
  • remainingChunks: The remaining chunks. This property decreases as the chunked jobs are dispatched.
  • originalSize: The size of the chunk. This property does not change.
  • size: The size of the current chunk. This property will only change on the last chunk if there is a remainder.
  • limit: The limit of the current chunk. Similar to size, it is designed to help you interact with APIs that operate a limit/offset
  • offset: The offset of the current chunk. This property increases as the chunked jobs are dispatched
  • position: The current position of the chunk. It is designed to act as “page” if you are dealing with a paginated API. This will increase as the chunked jobs are dispatched.
  • metadata: An array if you would like to apply any metadata to the chunk. Metadata will be passed to all next chunks.

Chunk Methods

  • next: Allows you to get the next chunk. It is an immutable method so the original object is not affected.
  • move: Allows you to move to a given chunk position. It is immutable by default but you can make it immutable.
  • replace: Allows you to replace the current object with another chunk.
  • isFirst: Specifies if the chunk is the first chunk.
  • isNotFirst: Opposite of isFirst
  • isLast: Specifies if the chunk is the last chunk.
  • isNotLast: Opposite of isFirst
  • isEmpty: Specifies if the chunk is empty, which means the totalItems property is zero.
  • isNotEmpty: Opposite of isEmpty


To dispatch a chunkable job, it's exactly the same. The default behaviour of chunkable jobs is to process one job, then dispatch the next after it has been successfully processed.



Dispatching every chunked job at once

Sometimes you may want to throw as much resource as you can to a specific chunked job. If processing one chunk at a time is not suitable and you would rather dispatch every chunk straight away, you can use the dispatchAllChunks static method on the chunkable job. It will accept constructor arguments through the parameters. Alternatively, you can use the BulkChunkDispatcher class.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\BulkChunkDispatcher;

// Will dispatch all jobs at once 🚀


// or

BulkChunkDispatcher::dispatch(new GetPageOfPokemon);

Stopping Chunking Early

Sometimes you might want to stop the chunking process early. You can use the stopChunking method and the job won’t dispatch the next chunk.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;

protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void
    $response = Http::asJson()->get(sprintf('', $chunk->limit, $chunk->offset));

    // Stop chunking early...

    if ($response->failed()) {

Customising The Starting Chunk

Sometimes you might want to resume a chunkable job where it may have failed previously or paused. You can set the chunk on the job instance before you dispatch the job.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;

$job = new GetPageOfPokemon;

$job->setChunk(new Chunk(totalItems: 100, chunkSize: 10, startingPosition: 5));


Using ChunkRange to iterate over all chunks

If you need to iterate over every chunk, you can use the ChunkRange class. This will return a generator that you can iterate over to get every chunk.

use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\ChunkRange;

$chunkRange = ChunkRange::create(30, 10);

foreach($chunkRange as $chunk) {
    // Handle $chunks

Unknown Size Chunking

Sometimes you might not know the size/limit that you want to chunk for and therefor you want to keep chunking infinitely and stop when you know when you have reached a limit. If you would like to do this, you can use the UnknownSizeChunk which will set the size to PHP_MAX_INT (which is a really really big number) and you can stop when you like.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;
use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\ChunkableJob;
use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\UnknownSizeChunk;

class GetPageOfPokemon extends ChunkableJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public function defineChunk(): ?Chunk
        return UnknownSizeChunk(chunkSize: 100);

    protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void
        // Keep processing
        // When ready to stop: 
        if ($stop === true) {

Setting the next chunk

Sometimes you might want to change the chunking entirely, if you would like to do this, you can use the nextChunk method when chunking and the next chunk will be replaced by this chunk.


protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void
    $chunk = new Chunk(100, 10)
    $chunk = $chunk->move(5);


SetUp & TearDown

The setUp and tearDown methods are called before and after the chunking process. This is useful if you need to do some setup before the chunking starts and some cleanup after all the job chunks have finished processing.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;
use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\ChunkableJob;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class GetPageOfPokemon extends ChunkableJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public function defineChunk(): ?Chunk
        $response = Http::asJson()->get('');

    	$count = $response->json('count'); // 1154

    	return new Chunk(totalItems: $count, chunkSize: 1, startingPosition: 1);

    protected function handleChunk(Chunk $chunk): void
        $response = Http::asJson()->get(sprintf('', $chunk->limit, $chunk->offset));

    	$data = $response->json();

    	// Store data of response
    protected function setUp(): void
        Log::info('Starting the retrieval process...');
    protected function tearDown(): void
        Log::info('Finished the retrieval process!');

Warning around properties

When you use the ChunkableJob class on your job, you have to be careful about the properties that you set on your jobs during runtime. When the every next chunkable job is created, the current object is cloned including its public, protected and private properties. If there are any properties that are set by the defineChunk or handleChunk methods, and you do not want them to be shared with the next chunk, make sure to add the property to the $ignoredProperties array on the job.


use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\Chunk;
use Sammyjo20\ChunkableJobs\ChunkableJob;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class GetPageOfPokemon extends ChunkableJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
    protected string $stripeSecret;
    protected array $ignoredProperties = ['stripeSecret'];

Since private properties cannot be ignored, you should use the modifyClone method which can be used to unset private properties or make final adjustments to the cloned object before it is put onto the queue.


class GetPageOfPokemon extends ChunkableJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    private ?string $privateProperty = null;

    public function __construct()
        $this->privateProperty = 'Shh!';

    // ... Other methods

    protected function modifyClone(ChunkableJob $job): static

        return $job;

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