
Format .env files according to your .env.example structure to keep track of used and unused variables

1.2.0 2024-03-19 08:17 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-19 09:29:37 UTC


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Format .env files according to your .env.example structure to keep track of used and unused variables.


I like to keep a clear overview of all available environment variables by adding some default values to my version controled .env.example file. This packages helps with structuring your example files.



composer require romanzipp/laravel-env-normalizer --dev


php artisan env:normalize

List all available options

php artisan env:normalize --help

Specify reference and target file(s)

Reference and target options are optional. If not specified the command will only look for a .env.example (as reference) and .env file (as target).

php artisan env:normalize --reference=.env.example --target=.env --target=.env.local

Automatically format all other .env files

This option will discover any other .env.* files located in the base path and add them to the target list.

php artisan env:normalize --auto

Create backup files

This will create a {name}.bak backup file for each modified target file.

php artisan env:normalize --backup

Dry run

Log the expected output to the console instead of writing it to the file.

php artisan env:normalize --dry

Example normalization

  • The base structure for all target .env files will be taken from the reference .env.example file
  • Values will be replaced with the existing content
  • Unused (not overwritten) example variables will not be added
  • Additional variables from the .env file will be appended to the bottom so you can later add them to your version controled example file
  • Commented lines #FOO=bar which do not start with hash + space # will be appended to the end


  • Detect similar variables and position them below existing ones (place MAIL_FROM below MAIL_CONNECTION instead of appendin it to the end)

