
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Library to tests psr-7 compatible classes

v3.0.1 2016-05-28 16:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-10-05 12:06:37 UTC


Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

Simple library to execute unit tests in psr-7 compatible http messages.

It uses symfony/dom-crawler and symfony/css-selector library to parse and test the html in the body. And Guzzle as http client

This package provides a binary java file with the w3c vnu validator (to validate html) but you can use the REST api (slower) if you don't have (or don't want to have) java installed.

Usage example:

use Psr7Unitesting\Assert;

class AppTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
	public function testRemote()
		//Execute a GET request and assert the response:

			->header('Content-Type', 'text/html')

				->end() //back to Response

				->isValid() //use w3c vnu validator
				->contains('a.home-link', 'Go to home')
				->notContains('p', '') //empty paragraphs

				//Execute more tests for each element individually
				->map('img', function ($img) {

	public function testLocal()
		//Assert local psr-7 instances
		$app = new App();
		$response = $app->dispatch('/post/34');


Available assertions:


method description
hasHeader Asserts that a header exists
hasNotHeader Asserts that a header does not exists
header Asserts that a header has a specific value
protocolVersion Asserts the protocol version of the message
body Asserts the body content (as string)
assertBody Returns a Stream assertion instance


Extends Message with the following additions:

method description
method Asserts the method value
requestTarget Asserts the request target value
uri Asserts the uri value (as string)
assertUri Returns a Uri assertion instance


Extends Request with the following additions:

method description
hasServerParam Asserts that a server param exists
serverParam Asserts a server param value
hasCookieParam Asserts that a cookie param exists
cookieParam Asserts a cookie param value
hasQueryParam Asserts that a query param exists
queryParam Asserts a query param value
hasUploadedFile Asserts that an uploaded file exists
hasParsedBody Asserts that a param exists in the parsed body
parsedBody Asserts a value in the parsed body
hasAttribute Asserts that an attribute exists
attribute Asserts an attribute value


Extends Message with the following additions:

method description
statusCode Asserts the status code value
reasonPhrase Asserts the reason pharase value
assertHtml Returns a Html assertion instance


method description
scheme Asserts the scheme value
authority Asserts the authority value
userInfo Asserts the user info value
host Asserts the host value
port Asserts the port value
path Asserts the path value
query Asserts the query value
fragment Asserts the fragment value


method description
size Asserts the stream size
isSeekable Asserts that the stream is seekable
isNotSeekable Asserts that the stream is not seekable
isWritable Asserts that the stream is writable
isNotWritable Asserts that the stream is not writable
isReadable Asserts that the stream is readable
isNotReadable Asserts that the stream is not readable
assertHtml Returns a Html assertion instance


method description
count Asserts the number of elements matching with the selector
has Asserts there is at least one element matching with the selector
hasNot Asserts there is not any element matching with the selector
contains Asserts there is at least one element matching with the selector containing the text
notContains Asserts there is not any element matching with the selector and containing the text
isValid Asserts the html value is w3c standard
map Execute a callback for each element selected