
Get notified when stuck jobs are detected.

2.4.0 2023-01-22 22:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 00:07:04 UTC


Laravel Stuck Jobs Notifier

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

Get notified and execute PHP callback when you have stuck jobs for a defined number of hours.

Notifications can be sent by mail, Slack and webhooks (chats often provide a webhook API).

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Table of Contents


Install the package with composer:

composer require okipa/laravel-stuck-jobs-notifier

If you intend to send Slack notifications you will have to install:

composer require laravel/slack-notification-channel

If you intend to send webhook notifications you will have to install:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/webhook


Publish the package configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=stuck-jobs-notifier:config


All words and sentences used in this package are translatable.

See how to translate them on the Laravel official documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/localization#using-translation-strings-as-keys.

Here is the list of the words and sentences available for translation by default:

* {1}[:app - :env] :count job is stuck in queue|[2,*][:app - :env] :count jobs are stuck in queue
* {1}We have detected that :count job is stuck in the [:app - :env](:url) queue since the :day at :hour.|[2,*]We have detected that :count jobs are stuck in the [:app - :env](:url) queue since the :day at :hour.
* Please check your stuck jobs connecting to your server and executing the "php artisan queue:failed" command.
* {1}`[:app - :env]` :count job is stuck in the :url queue since the :day at :hour.|[2,*]`[:app - :env]` :count jobs are stuck in the :url queue since the :day at :hour.
* {1}:count job is stuck in queue since the :day at :hour.|[2,*]:count jobs are stuck in queue since the :day at :hour.
* Notification test:
* Exception test:


Just add this command in the schedule() method of your \App\Console\Kernel class:

$schedule->command('queue:stuck:notify')->twiceDaily(10, 16);

And you will be notified as soon as some jobs will be stuck in the failed_jobs table for the number of days you configured.

Once everything has been set up, you can check if the configuration is correct by simulating stuck jobs detection:

php artisan queue:stuck:simulate


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.