
This is my package laravel-long-term-tasks

0.0.2 2024-08-04 15:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 05:42:28 UTC


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This package handles common cases where you must run a long-term task.

  • Example: Delete a user account after 30 days of inactivity


You can install the package via composer:

composer require muhammedalkhudiry/laravel-long-term-tasks

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="long-term-tasks-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="long-term-tasks-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'model' => \MuhammedAlkhudiry\LaravelLongTermTasks\Models\LongTermTask::class,


Let's say you have a client who should have multiple payments, and we have to submit his/her first payment, You want to remind him/her to submit the second payment within 30 days.

Typically, you would create a command that checks the database for users who have not submitted the second payment and send them a reminder email and run this command in the schedule.

(The logic here can be more complex, like checking if the user has a valid subscription, if the user has a valid payment method, etc.)

// App\Console\Kernel.php

// App\Console\Commands\SecondPaymentReminder.php
public function handle()
        ->where('type', PaymentType::FIRST->value)
        ->where('is_customer_notified', false)
          function (Payment $payment) {
            if ($payment->next_payment_at?->isToday()) {
              $payment->customer->notify(new SecondPaymentReminderNotification($payment));
              $payment->update(['is_customer_notified' => true]);

using this package, you can create a task that will be executed after 30 days, and you can handle the logic in the task itself.

schedule(new \App\Jobs\SecondPaymentReminder())

And that's it! ✨

Let's say the user refunded the first payment, you can delete the task using the task name.



Add the command to your schedule

$schedule->command('long-term-tasks:process')->everyMinute(); // You can change the frequency depending on your needs

Create a Task

schedule(new \App\Jobs\SecondPaymentReminder())
    ->on(now()->addDays(1)) // Required, the date when the task should be executed
    ->name("second-payment-{$payment->id}") // Optional, you can use it later to delete/update the task
    ->then(function ($task) {
        // When the task is executed
    ->catch(function ($task, $exception) {
        // When the task failed
    ->finally(function ($task) {
        // When the task is executed or failed
    ->shouldQueue() // Optional, by default it will run synchronously
    ->save(); // Required, to save the task


then, catch, and finally will be serialized.

Delete a Task


Update a Task



composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.