
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the eonx-com/payments-phpsdk package instead.

PHP SDK for interacting with the eoneopay

v1.0.8 2019-12-05 03:27 UTC



The status of the transaction can be determined using the state property. There are situations where a transaction can be approved or completed but reversed at a later time. The state property is the only way to determine the actual state of the transaction. A table listing the meaning of each of the state field values is below.

Value State Description
1 Pending Request received, pending processing
2 Processing Request is being processed
10 Provisionally approved May be reversed, but funds could be available after clearing
11 Approved Funds will be available after clearing
90 Failed/reversed/declined Funds could not be transferred, and are not available
80 Finalised/cleared Funds have transferred to destination are available


Main repository: https://github.com/loyaltycorp/eoneopay-phpsdk

Adding Entities

Entities are the class types the SDK exposes for serialising before sending to payments in JSON form, and the class type the responses are de-serialised to on response.

Entities are in the src/Endpoints directory, under the EoneoPay\PhpSdk\Endpoints namespace.


URIs list the acceptable actions that can be performed against with a given entity. These can be accessed programmatically by calling the uris() method on an entity instance.

Entity Serialisation / @Groups

The @Groups annotation indicates the which fields which will be serialised before being sent as JSON. The annotation uses Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups.

In the following example, the $actionUrl would be serialised when being sent to payments for both create and update calls, but $amount will only be sent for the initial create call.

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
trait SecurityTrait
     * @Groups({"create", "update"})
    protected $actionUrl;

     * @Groups({"create"})
    protected $amount;

The @Groups annotations can be used on the same fields as @Assert annotations below.

Entity Deserialisation / Validation

Validation is applied to the JSON responses from payments to ensure that the returning fields are valid.

In the following examples, $id must be a string, which can't be null. $ewallet must be de-serialisble to a a valid object of the type Ewallet.

Note that the @var annotation is used to discover the entity type that the contents of $ewallet should be de-serialised to.

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
trait EwalletFundingTrait
     * @Assert\NotNull()
     * @Assert\Type(type="\EoneoPay\PhpSdk\Endpoints\Ewallet")
     * @var \EoneoPay\PhpSdk\Endpoints\Ewallet|null
    protected $ewallet;

     * @Assert\NotNull()
     * @Assert\Type(type="string")
     * @var string|null
    protected $id;