
Laravel Event Recorder

v2.0 2018-08-15 16:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 09:17:46 UTC


Build Status


Denis Mitrofanov


PHP 7.0 or higher MYSQL 5.7 or higher or POSTGRES probably any 9.* version or higher will do Laravel >=5.5

Version 2.x


Any class that should be recorded to DB must implement the Denismitr\EventRecorder\Contracts\ShouldBeRecorded interface or extend Denismitr\EventRecorder\ConditionallyRecordable abstract class that gives ability to record events only under certain conditions. Both ways enforce the concrete implementation of two methods getProperties(): array and getDescription(): string methods, plus a method public function shouldBeSkipped(): bool, in case of extending the abstract class, can be overridden when you wish to skip the recording of event under certain conditions. Properties returned by the getProperties() are an arbitrary array of important key-value pairs for the given event that you wish to log/persist. (see example below). getDescription(): string is just a human readable form of the event that occurred. The properties are stored in json format and description is a VARCHAR 512 (configurable) string field.


Via composer composer require denismitr/laravel-event-recorder

In Laravel 5.5 the service provider will automatically get registered. But you can register it manually too in the config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // ...

You can publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Denismitr\EventRecorder\EventRecorderServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Denismitr\EventRecorder\EventRecorderServiceProvider" --tag="config"

After the migration has been published and you are happy with configuration, run the mirations: php artisan migrate


Let's imagine we have a MoneyAddedToWallet event:

class MoneyAddedToWallet implements ShouldBeRecorded
     * @var Wallet
    public $wallet;

     * @var int
    public $amount;

     * MoneyAddedToWallet constructor.
     * @param Wallet $wallet
     * @param int $amount
    public function __construct(Wallet $wallet, int $amount)
        $this->wallet = $wallet;
        $this->amount = $amount;

    public function getProperties(): array
        return [
            'wallet_id' => $this->wallet->id,
            'amount' => $this->amount,
            'user_id' => $this->wallet->user_id,
            'operation' => 'credit',

    public function getDescription(): string
        return vsprintf("User with ID %s added %d to the wallet with ID %s", [

Or another option with inheritance:

class MoneyAddedToWallet extends ConditionallyRecordable
    use TriggeredByUser;

     * @var Wallet
    public $wallet;

     * @var int
    public $amount;

     * @var bool
    public $byAdmin;

     * MoneyAddedToWallet constructor.
     * @param Wallet $wallet
     * @param int $amount
     * @param bool $byAdmin
    public function __construct(Wallet $wallet, int $amount, $byAdmin = false)
        $this->wallet = $wallet;
        $this->amount = $amount;
        $this->byAdmin = $byAdmin;

    public function getProperties(): array
        return [
            'wallet_id' => $this->wallet->id,
            'amount' => $this->amount,
            'user_id' => $this->getTriggeredById(),
            'operation' => 'credit',

    public function getDescription(): string
        return vsprintf("User with ID %s added $%d to the wallet with ID %s", [

    // This method overrides default implementation
    // that always return false
    public function shouldBeSkipped(): bool
        // skip events generated by admin action
        return !! $this->byAdmin;

After it is fired. A record in the recorded_events table will be created. The following extract from test file hopefully explains what is going on.

event(new MoneyAddedToWallet($this->wallet, 1234));

$recordedEvent = RecordedEvent::first();

$this->assertEquals(MoneyAddedToWallet::class, $recordedEvent->class);
// json properties
$this->assertEquals(1234, $recordedEvent->properties->get('amount'));
$this->assertEquals($this->wallet->id, $recordedEvent->properties->get('wallet_id'));
$this->assertEquals($this->user->id, $recordedEvent->properties->get('user_id'));
$this->assertEquals('credit', $recordedEvent->properties->get('operation'));

$this->assertDatabaseHas('recorded_events', [
    'name' => 'money_added_to_wallet',
    'class' => 'Denismitr\EventRecorder\Tests\Stubs\Events\MoneyAddedToWallet',
    'description' => "User with ID {$this->user->id} added 1234 to the wallet with ID {$this->wallet->id}"

Two important things to notice:

  • first - this package uses a dependency denismitr/laravel-json-attributes to handle json properties in an elegant way. See the docs for more information.
  • second - there is a column name in recorded_events it is being generated from the full event class in the form of snake cased class name (without the namespace).

Triggered By

As of version 1.0 package supports recording an ID of a user who triggered an event and as of version 2.0 also you can store arbitrary attributes of the user. If you use a trait Denismitr\EventRecorder\TriggeredByUser in the event class you wish to record, when event occurs the user who is currently logged in ID will be saved along with other data for this event. The DB column in recorded_events used for this is called triggered_by_id. There is a Laravel belongsTo relationship defined in RecordedEvents model. This way you can retrieve an instance of a user whose actions have triggered the event.

As of version 2.0 there is a nullable triggered_by_properties column added to the schema. And a new trait Denismitr\EventRecorder\Traits\CanTriggerEvents that is responsible for picking, filtering the user data for stroing into that column. Use of this trait is optional. By default it will persist all attributes that the given User model has, except for those included in the standard Laravel User model $hidden array. You can further control what attributes should not be persisted by adding public $eventAttributeBlacklist = []; to your User model and filling it with attributes you wish to exclude.

Since this trait is responsible only for storing user data as json, not using it will not prevent the storing of user id as triggered_by_id that is fully the responsibility of the Denismitr\EventRecorder\TriggeredByUser and the event class where it is being used.


The contents of configuration file is as follows:

return [
    'triggered_by_id_type' => 'unsignedInteger',

    'triggered_by_class' => 'App\User',

    'max_length' => [
        'event_name' => 100,
        'event_description' => 512,

If you need to change some of these properties, be sure to do that before you actually run the php artisan migrate, otherwise you will have to do either php artisan migrate:fresh or if it is already impossible, you would have to manually create the logic for changing your DB schema.