
Paymaya SDK for Laravel

1.1.0 2021-02-17 07:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 15:58:55 UTC


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Paymaya SDK for Laravel


You can install the package via composer:

composer require coreproc/paymaya-laravel

You can publish and run the migrations with:

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Coreproc\Paymaya\PaymayaServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    'environment' => env('PAYMAYA_ENVIRONMENT', PayMayaClient::ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX),
    'key' => env('PAYMAYA_KEY'),

    'secret' => env('PAYMAYA_SECRET'),

    'webhooks' => [

        'checkout_success' => env('PAYMAYA_WEBHOOKS_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS'),

        'checkout_failure' => env('PAYMAYA_WEBHOOKS_CHECKOUT_FAILURE'),

        'checkout_dropout' => env('PAYMAYA_WEBHOOKS_CHECKOUT_DROPOUT'),

        'payment_success' => env('PAYMAYA_WEBHOOKS_PAYMENT_SUCCESS'),

        'payment_failed' => env('PAYMAYA_WEBHOOKS_PAYMENT_FAILED'),

        'payment_expired' => env('PAYMAYA_WEBHOOKS_PAYMENT_EXPIRED'),




Creating a payment

use CoreProc\PayMaya\PayMayaClient;
use CoreProc\PayMaya\Requests\Address;
use Coreproc\PaymayaLaravel\Builders\PaymayaCheckoutBuilder;
use Coreproc\PaymayaLaravel\Facades\PaymayaCheckoutClientFacade;

$checkout = PaymayaCheckoutBuilder::make()
    ->setItem($paymayaItemModel, 1)
    ->setBuyerLastName('Dela Cruz')
    ->setBuyerShippingAddress(Address::make()->setLine1('123 Daan')->setCity('Quezon City'))
    ->setBuyerBillingAddress(Address::make()->setLine1('456 Highway')->setCity('Makati City'))

$response = PaymayaCheckoutClientFacade::post($checkout);

$result = PayMayaClient::getDataFromResponse($response);

return redirect()->to($result->redirectUrl);

Installing the webhooks

php artisan paymaya:install-webhook

This command will register all webhooks defined in the configuration file. To register only the webhooks you need, remove webhooks from the array.

You can also refer to the webhook's callback URL using the route name.

return [
    'webhooks' => [
        'payment_success' => 'hooks.paymaya.success',
        'payment_failed' => 'hooks.paymaya.failed',
        'payment_expired' => 'hooks.paymaya.expired',


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.