
Enable expiry on user's account and user's password.

2.1.1 2024-12-02 10:00 UTC


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cleaniquecoders/laravel-expiry is a Laravel package that enables expiration for user accounts and passwords with seamless middleware and event-driven support.


  • Account Expiry: Middleware to check and handle expired accounts.
  • Password Expiry: Middleware to enforce password expiration policies.
  • Event Listeners: Automatically trigger events when accounts or passwords expire.


Install the package via Composer:

composer require cleaniquecoders/laravel-expiry

Publish and run the migration files to add the necessary expiry columns:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-expiry-migrations
php artisan migrate

Middleware Registration

The package automatically registers the following middleware in your application:

  • account.expiry: Handles account expiry checks.
  • password.expiry: Handles password expiry checks.


Apply Middleware

Use the middleware in your routes to enforce expiry checks:

Route::middleware(['account.expiry', 'password.expiry'])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/protected-route', [SomeController::class, 'index']);

Event Listeners

The package provides a configuration-driven approach to managing event listeners. By default, the following events and listeners are configured:

Default Event-to-Listener Mapping

The configuration (config/laravel-expiry.php) includes the following mappings:

'events' => [
    \CleaniqueCoders\LaravelExpiry\Events\ExpiredAccount::class => [
    \CleaniqueCoders\LaravelExpiry\Events\ExpiredPassword::class => [

Handling Events

The package automatically registers these events and listeners. You can modify or extend the behaviour by updating the configuration file.

For example, when a user's account or password expires:

  • The ExpiredAccount or ExpiredPassword event is triggered.
  • The LogoutOnExpired listener handles these events by logging the user out.

Customising Listeners

To add custom listeners for these events, update the configuration file (config/laravel-expiry.php):

'events' => [
    \CleaniqueCoders\LaravelExpiry\Events\ExpiredAccount::class => [
    \CleaniqueCoders\LaravelExpiry\Events\ExpiredPassword::class => [

With this setup, the package makes it easy to integrate custom logic for handling expiry events.


To run the test suite, use the following command:

vendor/bin/pest --testdox

The package is fully tested with PestPHP to ensure reliability.


Thank you for considering contributing to cleaniquecoders/laravel-expiry. Contributions are welcome and appreciated!

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug, you can either:

  • Submit a pull request with a failing test case.
  • Create an issue describing the problem clearly with steps to reproduce it.

Coding Style

The package follows PSR-2 coding standards and PSR-4 autoloading.


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.