cdma-numiscorner / allegro-api Documentation is generated from [this]( OpenAPI 3.0 specification file.
- php: >=7.2
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^2.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-26 15:56:14 UTC
Documentation is generated from this OpenAPI 3.0 specification file.
For more information, please visit
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.2 and later.
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v5.0.1 generate -i -g php --git-user-id cdma-numiscorner --git-host --git-repo-id allegro-api --invoker-package 'AllegroApi' --artifact-version 1.0 --release-note "Initial commit" -o /local
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": { "cdma-numiscorner/allegro-api": "*@dev" } }
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
<?php require_once('/path/to/OpenAPIClient-php/vendor/autoload.php');
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: bearer-token-for-user $config = AllegroApi\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'); $apiInstance = new AllegroApi\Api\AdditionalServicesApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $additional_services_group_request = new \AllegroApi\Model\AdditionalServicesGroupRequest(); // \AllegroApi\Model\AdditionalServicesGroupRequest | Additional service group body try { $result = $apiInstance->createAdditionalServicesGroupUsingPOST($additional_services_group_request); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AdditionalServicesApi->createAdditionalServicesGroupUsingPOST: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AdditionalServicesApi | createAdditionalServicesGroupUsingPOST | POST /sale/offer-additional-services/groups | Create additional services group |
AdditionalServicesApi | getAdditionalServicesGroupUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-additional-services/groups/{groupId} | Get the details of an additional services group |
AdditionalServicesApi | getListOfAdditionalServicesDefinitionsCategoriesUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-additional-services/categories | Get the additional services definitions by categories |
AdditionalServicesApi | getListOfAdditionalServicesGroupsUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-additional-services/groups | Get the user's additional services groups |
AdditionalServicesApi | modifyAdditionalServicesGroupUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-additional-services/groups/{groupId} | Modify an additional services group |
AdditionalServicesTranslationsApi | deleteAdditionalServiceGroupTranslation | DELETE /sale/offer-additional-services/groups/{groupId}/translations/{language} | Delete a translation for a specified group and language |
AdditionalServicesTranslationsApi | getAdditionalServiceGroupTranslations | GET /sale/offer-additional-services/groups/{groupId}/translations | Get translations for specified group |
AdditionalServicesTranslationsApi | updateAdditionalServiceGroupTranslation | PATCH /sale/offer-additional-services/groups/{groupId}/translations/{language} | Create/Update translations for specified group and language |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | createAdvanceShipNotice | POST /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices | Create an Advance Ship Notice |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | createLabelsCommand | PUT /fulfillment/create-labels-commands/{command-id} | Create labels |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | deleteAdvanceShipNotice | DELETE /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices/{id} | Delete Advance Ship Notice |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | getAdvanceShipNotice | GET /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices/{id} | Get single Advance Ship Notice |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | getAdvanceShipNoticeLabels | GET /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices/{id}/labels | Get labels for Advance Ship Notice |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | getAdvanceShipNoticeReceivingState | GET /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices/{id}/receiving-state | Check current state and details of Advance Ship Notice receiving |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | getAdvanceShipNotices | GET /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices | Get list of Advance Ship Notices |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | getLabelCommand | GET /fulfillment/create-labels-commands/{command-id} | Get labels |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | getSubmitCommand | GET /fulfillment/submit-commands/{command-id} | Get submit status |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | submitCommand | PUT /fulfillment/submit-commands/{command-id} | Submit the Advance Ship Notice |
AdvanceShipNoticesApi | updateAdvanceShipNotice | PUT /fulfillment/advance-ship-notices/{id} | Update Advance Ship Notice |
AfterSaleServicesApi | createAfterSalesServiceConditionsAttachmentUsingPOST | POST /after-sales-service-conditions/attachments | Create a warranty attachment metadata |
AfterSaleServicesApi | createAfterSalesServiceImpliedWarrantyUsingPOST | POST /after-sales-service-conditions/implied-warranties | Create new user's implied warranty |
AfterSaleServicesApi | createAfterSalesServiceReturnPolicyUsingPOST | POST /after-sales-service-conditions/return-policies | Create new user's return policy |
AfterSaleServicesApi | createAfterSalesServiceWarrantyUsingPOST | POST /after-sales-service-conditions/warranties | Create new user's warranty |
AfterSaleServicesApi | getAfterSalesServiceImpliedWarrantyUsingGET | GET /after-sales-service-conditions/implied-warranties/{impliedWarrantyId} | Get the user's implied warranty |
AfterSaleServicesApi | getAfterSalesServiceReturnPolicyUsingGET | GET /after-sales-service-conditions/return-policies/{returnPolicyId} | Get the user's return policy |
AfterSaleServicesApi | getAfterSalesServiceWarrantyUsingGET | GET /after-sales-service-conditions/warranties/{warrantyId} | Get the user's warranty |
AfterSaleServicesApi | getPublicSellerListingUsingGET | GET /after-sales-service-conditions/implied-warranties | Get the user's implied warranties |
AfterSaleServicesApi | getPublicSellerListingUsingGET1 | GET /after-sales-service-conditions/return-policies | Get the user's return policies |
AfterSaleServicesApi | getPublicSellerListingUsingGET2 | GET /after-sales-service-conditions/warranties | Get the user's warranties |
AfterSaleServicesApi | updateAfterSalesServiceImpliedWarrantyUsingPUT | PUT /after-sales-service-conditions/implied-warranties/{impliedWarrantyId} | Change the user's implied warranty |
AfterSaleServicesApi | updateAfterSalesServiceReturnPolicyUsingPUT | PUT /after-sales-service-conditions/return-policies/{returnPolicyId} | Change the user's return policy |
AfterSaleServicesApi | updateAfterSalesServiceWarrantyUsingPUT | PUT /after-sales-service-conditions/warranties/{warrantyId} | Change the user's warranty |
AfterSaleServicesApi | uploadAfterSalesServiceConditionsAttachmentUsingPUT | PUT /after-sales-service-conditions/attachments/{attachmentId} | Upload an warranty attachment |
AllegroPricesApi | getAllegroPricesConsentForOffer | GET /sale/allegro-prices-offer-consents/{offerId} | Get the current consent value for an offer |
AllegroPricesApi | getAllegroPricesEligibilityForAccount | GET /sale/allegro-prices-account-eligibility | Get the current eligibility information for the account |
AllegroPricesApi | updateAllegroPricesConsentForAccount | PUT /sale/allegro-prices-account-consent | Update consent value for the account |
AllegroPricesApi | updateAllegroPricesConsentForOffer | PUT /sale/allegro-prices-offer-consents/{offerId} | Update consent value for an offer |
AuctionsAndBiddingApi | getBid | GET /bidding/offers/{offerId}/bid | Get current user's bid information |
AuctionsAndBiddingApi | placeBid | PUT /bidding/offers/{offerId}/bid | Place a bid in an auction |
BadgeCampaignsApi | badgeApplicationsGetAll | GET /sale/badge-applications | Get a list of badge applications |
BadgeCampaignsApi | badgeApplicationsGetOne | GET /sale/badge-applications/{applicationId} | Get a badge application details |
BadgeCampaignsApi | badgeCampaignsGetAll | GET /sale/badge-campaigns | Get a list of available badge campaigns |
BadgeCampaignsApi | badgeOperationsGetOne | GET /sale/badge-operations/{operationId} | Get badge operation details |
BadgeCampaignsApi | getBadges | GET /sale/badges | Get a list of badges |
BadgeCampaignsApi | patchBadge | PATCH /sale/badges/offers/{offerId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update campaign badge for the given offer |
BadgeCampaignsApi | postBadges | POST /sale/badges | Apply for badge in selected offer |
BatchOfferModificationApi | getGeneralReportUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-modification-commands/{commandId} | Modification command summary |
BatchOfferModificationApi | getPriceModificationCommandStatusUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-price-change-commands/{commandId} | Change price command summary |
BatchOfferModificationApi | getPriceModificationCommandTasksStatusesUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-price-change-commands/{commandId}/tasks | Change price command detailed report |
BatchOfferModificationApi | getQuantityModificationCommandStatusUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-quantity-change-commands/{commandId} | Change quantity command summary |
BatchOfferModificationApi | getQuantityModificationCommandTasksStatusesUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-quantity-change-commands/{commandId}/tasks | Change quantity command detailed report |
BatchOfferModificationApi | getTasksUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-modification-commands/{commandId}/tasks | Modification command detailed report |
BatchOfferModificationApi | modificationCommandUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-modification-commands/{commandId} | Batch offer modification |
BatchOfferModificationApi | priceModificationCommandUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-price-change-commands/{commandId} | Batch offer price modification |
BatchOfferModificationApi | quantityModificationCommandUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-quantity-change-commands/{commandId} | Batch offer quantity modification |
BillingApi | getBillingEntries | GET /billing/billing-entries | Get a list of billing entries |
BillingApi | getBillingTypes | GET /billing/billing-types | Get a list of billing types |
BlacklistManagementApi | doAddToBlackList | POST /sale/blacklisted-users | Add a users to the blacklist |
BlacklistManagementApi | doRemoveFromBlackList | DELETE /sale/blacklisted-users/{excludedUserId} | Remove users from the blacklist |
CategoriesAndParametersApi | categorySuggestionUsingGET | GET /sale/matching-categories | Get categories suggestions |
CategoriesAndParametersApi | getCategoriesUsingGET | GET /sale/categories | Get IDs of Allegro categories |
CategoriesAndParametersApi | getCategoryEventsUsingGET1 | GET /sale/category-events | Get changes in categories |
CategoriesAndParametersApi | getCategoryParametersScheduledChangesUsingGET1 | GET /sale/category-parameters-scheduled-changes | Get planned changes in category parameters |
CategoriesAndParametersApi | getCategoryUsingGET1 | GET /sale/categories/{categoryId} | Get a category by ID |
CategoriesAndParametersApi | getFlatParametersUsingGET2 | GET /sale/categories/{categoryId}/parameters | Get parameters supported by a category |
CharityApi | searchFundraisingCampaigns | GET /charity/fundraising-campaigns | Search fundraising campaigns |
ClassifiedsApi | assignClassifiedPackagesUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-classifieds-packages/{offerId} | Assign packages to a classified |
ClassifiedsApi | classifiedOffersStatsGET | GET /sale/classified-offers-stats | Get the advertisements daily statistics |
ClassifiedsApi | classifiedSellerOfferStatsGET | GET /sale/classified-seller-stats | Get the seller's advertisements daily statistics |
ClassifiedsApi | getClassifiedPackageConfigurationUsingGET | GET /sale/classifieds-packages/{packageId} | Get the configuration of a package |
ClassifiedsApi | getClassifiedPackageConfigurationsForCategoryUsingGET | GET /sale/classifieds-packages | Get configurations of packages |
ClassifiedsApi | getClassifiedPackagesUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-classifieds-packages/{offerId} | Get classified packages assigned to an offer |
CommissionRefundsApi | cancelRefundApplication | DELETE /order/refund-claims/{claimId} | Cancel a refund application |
CommissionRefundsApi | createRefundApplication | POST /order/refund-claims | Create a refund application |
CommissionRefundsApi | getRefundApplication | GET /order/refund-claims/{claimId} | Get a refund application details |
CommissionRefundsApi | getRefundApplications | GET /order/refund-claims | Get a list of refund applications |
CompatibilityListApi | getCategoriesThatSupportCompatibilityList | GET /sale/compatibility-list/supported-categories | Get list of categories where compatibility list is supported |
CompatibilityListApi | getCompatibilityListSuggestion | GET /sale/compatibility-list-suggestions | Get suggested compatibility list. |
CompatibilityListApi | getCompatibleProducts | GET /sale/compatible-products | Get list of compatible products |
CompatibilityListApi | getCompatibleProductsGroups | GET /sale/compatible-products/groups | Get list of compatible product groups |
ContactsApi | createContactUsingPOST | POST /sale/offer-contacts | Create a new contact |
ContactsApi | getContactUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-contacts/{id} | Get contact details |
ContactsApi | getListOfContactsUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-contacts | Get the user's contacts |
ContactsApi | modifyContactUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-contacts/{id} | Modify contact details |
CustomerReturnsApi | getCustomerReturnById | GET /order/customer-returns/{customerReturnId} | [BETA] Get customer return by id |
CustomerReturnsApi | getCustomerReturns | GET /order/customer-returns | [BETA] Get customer returns by provided query parameters |
CustomerReturnsApi | rejectCustomerReturnRefund | POST /order/customer-returns/{customerReturnId}/rejection | [BETA] Reject customer return refund |
DeliveryApi | createShippingRatesSetUsingPOST | POST /sale/shipping-rates | Create a new shipping rates set |
DeliveryApi | getListOfDeliveryMethodsUsingGET | GET /sale/delivery-methods | Get the list of delivery methods |
DeliveryApi | getListOfShippingRatestUsingGET | GET /sale/shipping-rates | Get the user's shipping rates |
DeliveryApi | getSaleDeliverySettings | GET /sale/delivery-settings | Get the user's delivery settings |
DeliveryApi | getShippingRatesSetUsingGET | GET /sale/shipping-rates/{id} | Get the details of a shipping rates set |
DeliveryApi | modifyShippingRatesSetUsingPUT | PUT /sale/shipping-rates/{id} | Edit a user's shipping rates set |
DeliveryApi | putSaleDeliverySettings | PUT /sale/delivery-settings | Modify the user's delivery settings |
DisputesApi | addMessageToDisputeUsingPOST | POST /sale/disputes/{disputeId}/messages | Add a message to a dispute |
DisputesApi | createAnAttachmentUsingPOST | POST /sale/dispute-attachments | Create an attachment declaration |
DisputesApi | getAttachmentUsingGET | GET /sale/dispute-attachments/{attachmentId} | Get an attachment |
DisputesApi | getDisputeUsingGET | GET /sale/disputes/{disputeId} | Get a single dispute |
DisputesApi | getListOfDisputesUsingGET | GET /sale/disputes | Get the user's disputes |
DisputesApi | getMessagesFromDisputeUsingGET | GET /sale/disputes/{disputeId}/messages | Get the messages within a dispute |
DisputesApi | uploadDisputeAttachmentUsingPUT | PUT /sale/dispute-attachments/{attachmentId} | Upload a dispute message attachment |
FulfillmentParcelsApi | getFulfillmentOrderParcels | GET /fulfillment/orders/{orderId}/parcels | Get list of shipped parcels |
FulfillmentProductsApi | getAvailableProducts | GET /fulfillment/available-products | Get list of available products |
FulfillmentStockApi | getFulfillmentStock | GET /fulfillment/stock | Get available stock |
ImagesAndAttachmentsApi | createOfferAttachmentUsingPOST | POST /sale/offer-attachments | Create an offer attachment |
ImagesAndAttachmentsApi | uploadOfferAttachmentUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-attachments/{attachmentId} | Upload an offer attachment |
ImagesAndAttachmentsApi | uploadOfferImageUsingPOST | POST /sale/images | Upload an offer image |
InformationAboutMarketplacesApi | marketplacesGET | GET /marketplaces | Get details for all marketplaces in allegro |
InformationAboutUserApi | addAdditionalEmailUsingPOST | POST /account/additional-emails | Add a new additional email address to user's account |
InformationAboutUserApi | answerUserRatingUsingPUT | PUT /sale/user-ratings/{ratingId}/answer | Answer for user's rating |
InformationAboutUserApi | deleteAdditionalEmailUsingDELETE | DELETE /account/additional-emails/{emailId} | Delete an additional email address |
InformationAboutUserApi | getAdditionalEmailUsingGET | GET /account/additional-emails/{emailId} | Get information about a particular additional email |
InformationAboutUserApi | getListOfAdditionalEmailsUsingGET | GET /account/additional-emails | Get user's additional emails |
InformationAboutUserApi | getSellerSmartClassificationGET | GET /sale/smart | Get Smart! seller classification report |
InformationAboutUserApi | getUserRatingsUsingGET | GET /sale/user-ratings | Get the user's ratings |
InformationAboutUserApi | meGET | GET /me | Get basic information about user |
InformationAboutUserApi | userRatingRemovalUsingPUT | PUT /sale/user-ratings/{ratingId}/removal | Request removal of user's rating |
MessageCenterApi | changeReadFlagOnThreadPUT | PUT /messaging/threads/{threadId}/read | Mark a particular thread as read |
MessageCenterApi | deleteMessageDELETE | DELETE /messaging/messages/{messageId} | Delete single message |
MessageCenterApi | downloadAttachmentGET | GET /messaging/message-attachments/{attachmentId} | Download attachment |
MessageCenterApi | getMessageGET | GET /messaging/messages/{messageId} | Get single message |
MessageCenterApi | getThreadGET | GET /messaging/threads/{threadId} | Get user thread |
MessageCenterApi | listMessagesGET | GET /messaging/threads/{threadId}/messages | List messages in thread |
MessageCenterApi | listThreadsGET | GET /messaging/threads | List user threads |
MessageCenterApi | newAttachmentDeclarationPOST | POST /messaging/message-attachments | Add attachment declaration |
MessageCenterApi | newMessageInThreadPOST | POST /messaging/threads/{threadId}/messages | Write a new message in thread |
MessageCenterApi | newMessagePOST | POST /messaging/messages | Write a new message |
MessageCenterApi | uploadAttachmentPUT | PUT /messaging/message-attachments/{attachmentId} | Upload attachment binary data |
OfferManagementApi | changePublicationStatusUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offer-publication-commands/{commandId} | Batch offer publish / unpublish |
OfferManagementApi | createChangePriceCommandUsingPUT | PUT /offers/{offerId}/change-price-commands/{commandId} | Modify the Buy Now price in an offer |
OfferManagementApi | createOfferUsingPOST | POST /sale/offers | Create a draft offer |
OfferManagementApi | createProductOffers | POST /sale/product-offers | Create offer based on product |
OfferManagementApi | deleteOfferUsingDELETE | DELETE /sale/offers/{offerId} | Delete a draft offer |
OfferManagementApi | editProductOffers | PATCH /sale/product-offers/{offerId} | Edit an offer |
OfferManagementApi | getAvailableOfferPromotionPackages | GET /sale/offer-promotion-packages | Get all available offer promotion packages |
OfferManagementApi | getOfferPromoOptionsUsingGET | GET /sale/offers/{offerId}/promo-options | Get offer promotion packages |
OfferManagementApi | getOffersUnfilledParametersUsingGET1 | GET /sale/offers/unfilled-parameters | Get offers with missing parameters |
OfferManagementApi | getProductOffer | GET /sale/product-offers/{offerId} | Get all data of the particular product-offer |
OfferManagementApi | getProductOfferProcessingStatus | GET /sale/product-offers/{offerId}/operations/{operationId} | Check the processing status of a POST or PATCH request |
OfferManagementApi | getPromoModificationCommandDetailedResultUsingGET | GET /sale/offers/promo-options-commands/{commandId}/tasks | Modification command detailed result |
OfferManagementApi | getPromoModificationCommandResultUsingGET | GET /sale/offers/promo-options-commands/{commandId} | Modification command summary |
OfferManagementApi | getPromoOptionsForSellerOffersUsingGET | GET /sale/offers/promo-options | Get promo options for seller's offers |
OfferManagementApi | getPublicationReportUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-publication-commands/{commandId} | Publish command summary |
OfferManagementApi | getPublicationTasksUsingGET | GET /sale/offer-publication-commands/{commandId}/tasks | Publish command detailed report |
OfferManagementApi | modifyOfferPromoOptionsUsingPOST | POST /sale/offers/{offerId}/promo-options-modification | Modify offer promotion packages |
OfferManagementApi | promoModificationCommandUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offers/promo-options-commands/{commandId} | Batch offer promotion package modification |
OfferManagementApi | updateOfferUsingPUT | PUT /sale/offers/{offerId} | Complete a draft offer or edit an offer |
OfferRatingApi | offerRatingGET | GET /sale/offers/{offerId}/rating | Get offer rating |
OfferTagsApi | assignTagToOfferPOST | POST /sale/offers/{offerId}/tags | Assign tags to an offer |
OfferTagsApi | createTagPOST1 | POST /sale/offer-tags | Create a tag |
OfferTagsApi | deleteTagUsingDELETE | DELETE /sale/offer-tags/{tagId} | Delete a tag |
OfferTagsApi | listAssignedOfferTagsGET | GET /sale/offers/{offerId}/tags | Get tags assigned to an offer |
OfferTagsApi | listSellerTagsGET1 | GET /sale/offer-tags | Get the user's tags |
OfferTagsApi | updateTagPUT | PUT /sale/offer-tags/{tagId} | Modify a tag |
OfferTranslationsApi | deleteManualTranslationUsingDELETE | DELETE /sale/offers/{offerId}/translations/{language} | Delete offer translation |
OfferTranslationsApi | getOfferTranslationUsingGET | GET /sale/offers/{offerId}/translations | Get offer translations |
OfferTranslationsApi | updateOfferTranslationUsingPATCH | PATCH /sale/offers/{offerId}/translations/{language} | Update offer translation |
OfferVariantsApi | createVariantSet | POST /sale/offer-variants | Create variant set |
OfferVariantsApi | deleteVariantSet | DELETE /sale/offer-variants/{setId} | Delete a variant set |
OfferVariantsApi | getVariantSet | GET /sale/offer-variants/{setId} | Get a variant set |
OfferVariantsApi | getVariantSets | GET /sale/offer-variants | Get the user's variant sets |
OfferVariantsApi | updateVariantSet | PUT /sale/offer-variants/{setId} | Update variant set |
OrderManagementApi | addOrderInvoicesMetadata | POST /order/checkout-forms/{id}/invoices | Post new invoice |
OrderManagementApi | createOrderShipmentsUsingPOST | POST /order/checkout-forms/{id}/shipments | Add a parcel tracking number |
OrderManagementApi | getAllegroPickupDropOffPointsGET | GET /order/carriers/ALLEGRO/points | Get Allegro pickup drop off points |
OrderManagementApi | getListOfOrdersUsingGET | GET /order/checkout-forms | Get the user's orders |
OrderManagementApi | getOrderEventsStatisticsUsingGET | GET /order/event-stats | Get order events statistics |
OrderManagementApi | getOrderEventsUsingGET | GET /order/events | Get order events |
OrderManagementApi | getOrderInvoicesDetails | GET /order/checkout-forms/{id}/invoices | Get order invoices details |
OrderManagementApi | getOrderShipmentsUsingGET | GET /order/checkout-forms/{id}/shipments | Get a list of parcel tracking numbers |
OrderManagementApi | getOrdersCarriersUsingGET | GET /order/carriers | Get a list of available shipping carriers |
OrderManagementApi | getOrdersDetailsUsingGET | GET /order/checkout-forms/{id} | Get an order's details |
OrderManagementApi | getParcelTrackingUsingGET | GET /order/carriers/{carrierId}/tracking | Get carrier parcel tracking history |
OrderManagementApi | setOrderFulfillmentUsingPUT | PUT /order/checkout-forms/{id}/fulfillment | Set seller order status |
OrderManagementApi | uploadOrderInvoiceFile | PUT /order/checkout-forms/{id}/invoices/{invoiceId}/file | Upload invoice file |
ParcelManagementApi | cancelParcel | PUT /parcel-management/parcel-cancel-commands/{commandId} | Cancel parcel |
ParcelManagementApi | createNewParcel | PUT /parcel-management/parcel-create-commands/{commandId} | Create a new parcel |
ParcelManagementApi | getAvailableDeliveryServices | GET /parcel-management/delivery-services | Get available delivery services |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelCancellationStatus | GET /parcel-management/parcel-cancel-commands/{commandId} | Get parcel cancellation status |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelCreationStatus | GET /parcel-management/parcel-create-commands/{commandId} | Get parcel creation status |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelDetails | GET /parcel-management/parcels/{parcelId} | Get parcel details |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelLabel | GET /parcel-management/parcels/label | Get parcel label |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelPickupStatus | GET /parcel-management/parcel-pickup-request-commands/{commandId} | Get parcel pickup status |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelsPickupDateProposals | GET /parcel-management/pickup-date-proposals | Get parcels pickup date proposals |
ParcelManagementApi | getParcelsProtocol | GET /parcel-management/parcels/protocol | Get parcels protocol |
ParcelManagementApi | requestParcelPickup | PUT /parcel-management/parcel-pickup-request-commands/{commandId} | Request parcel pickup |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentsOperationHistory | GET /payments/payment-operations | Payment operations history |
PaymentsApi | getRefundedPayments | GET /payments/refunds | Get a list of refunded payments |
PaymentsApi | initiateRefund | POST /payments/refunds | Initiate a refund of a payment |
PointsOfServiceApi | createPOSUsingPOST | POST /points-of-service | Create a point of service |
PointsOfServiceApi | deletePOSUsingDELETE | DELETE /points-of-service/{id} | Delete a point of service |
PointsOfServiceApi | getPOSDataUsingGET | GET /points-of-service/{id} | Get the details of a point of service |
PointsOfServiceApi | getPOSListUsingGET | GET /points-of-service | Get the user's points of service |
PointsOfServiceApi | modifyPOSUsingPUT | PUT /points-of-service/{id} | Modify a point of service |
PricingApi | calculateFeePreviewUsingPOST | POST /pricing/offer-fee-preview | Calculate fee and commission for an offer |
PricingApi | offerQuotesPublicUsingGET | GET /pricing/offer-quotes | Get the user's current offer quotes |
ProductsApi | getFlatProductParametersUsingGET | GET /sale/categories/{categoryId}/product-parameters | Get product parameters available in given category |
ProductsApi | getProductChangeProposal | GET /sale/products/change-proposals/{changeProposalId} | Get all data of the particular product changes proposal |
ProductsApi | getSaleProduct | GET /sale/products/{productId} | Get all data of the particular product |
ProductsApi | getSaleProducts | GET /sale/products | Get search products results |
ProductsApi | productChangeProposal | POST /sale/products/{productId}/change-proposals | Propose changes in product |
ProductsApi | proposeSaleProduct | POST /sale/product-proposals | Propose a product |
PromotionCampaignsApi | addPromotionToCampaignUsingPOST | POST /sale/loyalty/promotion-campaigns | Create an application for a promotion campaign |
PromotionCampaignsApi | deleteCampaignFromPromotionUsingDELETE | DELETE /sale/loyalty/promotion-campaigns | Delete a campaign in a promotion |
PromotionCampaignsApi | deletePromotionCampaignApplicationUsingDELETE | DELETE /sale/loyalty/promotion-campaign-applications/{applicationId} | Delete an application for promotion campaign |
PromotionCampaignsApi | getPromotionCampaignApplicationUsingGET | GET /sale/loyalty/promotion-campaign-applications/{applicationId} | Get an application for promotion campaign |
PromotionCampaignsApi | getPromotionCampaignsUsingGET | GET /sale/loyalty/promotion-campaigns | Get the user's promotion campaigns |
PublicOfferInformationApi | getListing | GET /offers/listing | Search offers |
PublicUserInformationApi | getUserSummaryUsingGET | GET /users/{userId}/ratings-summary | Get any user's ratings summary |
RebatesAndPromotionsApi | createPromotionUsingPOST1 | POST /sale/loyalty/promotions | Create a new promotion |
RebatesAndPromotionsApi | deactivatePromotionUsingDELETE | DELETE /sale/loyalty/promotions/{promotionId} | Deactivate a promotion by id |
RebatesAndPromotionsApi | getPromotionUsingGET | GET /sale/loyalty/promotions/{promotionId} | Get a promotion data by id |
RebatesAndPromotionsApi | listSellerPromotionsUsingGET1 | GET /sale/loyalty/promotions | Get the user's list of promotions |
RebatesAndPromotionsApi | updatePromotionUsingPUT | PUT /sale/loyalty/promotions/{promotionId} | Modify a promotion |
SizeTablesApi | createTableUsingPOST | POST /sale/size-tables | Create a size table |
SizeTablesApi | getTableUsingGET | GET /sale/size-tables/{tableId} | Get a size table |
SizeTablesApi | getTablesTemplatesUsingGET | GET /sale/size-tables-templates | Get the size tables templates |
SizeTablesApi | getTablesUsingGET | GET /sale/size-tables | Get the user's size tables |
SizeTablesApi | modifyTableUsingPUT | PUT /sale/size-tables/{tableId} | Update a size table |
TaxSettingsApi | getTaxSettingsForCategory | GET /sale/tax-settings | Get all tax settings for category |
UsersOfferInformationApi | getOfferEvents | GET /sale/offer-events | Get events about the seller's offers |
UsersOfferInformationApi | getOfferSmartClassificationGET | GET /sale/offers/{offerId}/smart | Get Smart! classification report of the particular offer |
UsersOfferInformationApi | getOfferUsingGET | GET /sale/offers/{offerId} | Get all fields of the particular offer |
UsersOfferInformationApi | searchOffersUsingGET | GET /sale/offers | Get seller's offers |
- AdditionalEmail
- AdditionalEmailRequest
- AdditionalEmailsResponse
- AdditionalMarketplacePromoOptionsCommandModification
- AdditionalMarketplacePromoOptionsModification
- AdditionalMarketplacePublication
- AdditionalMarketplacePublicationState
- AdditionalMarketplacePublicationStatus
- AdditionalMarketplaceSellingMode
- AdditionalMarketplacesVisibility
- AdditionalServiceDefinitionRequest
- AdditionalServiceGroupTranslation
- AdditionalServiceGroupTranslationPatchResponse
- AdditionalServiceGroupTranslationResponse
- AdditionalServiceRequest
- AdditionalServiceResponse
- AdditionalServiceTranslation
- AdditionalServicesGroup
- AdditionalServicesGroupRequest
- AdditionalServicesGroupResponse
- AdditionalServicesGroupTranslationRequest
- AdditionalServicesGroupTranslationWrapper
- AdditionalServicesGroupTranslationWrapperWithType
- AdditionalServicesGroups
- Address
- AdvanceShipNotice
- AdvanceShipNoticeList
- AdvanceShipNoticeResponse
- AdvanceShipNoticeStatus
- AfterSalesServices
- AfterSalesServicesAddress
- AfterSalesServicesAttachment
- AfterSalesServicesProductOfferRequest
- AllegroCarrier
- AllegroMarketplaces
- AllegroParcelTrackingHistory
- AllegroParcelTrackingHistoryTrackingDetails
- AllegroParcelTrackingStatus
- AllegroPickupDropOffPoint
- AllegroPickupDropOffPointAddress
- AllegroPickupDropOffPointOpening
- AllegroPickupDropOffPointPayments
- AllegroPickupDropOffPointRestrictions
- AllegroPickupDropOffPointServices
- AllegroPickupDropOffPointsResponse
- AllegroPricesChangeRequest
- AllegroPricesConsentChangeResponse
- AllegroPricesEligibilityResponse
- AllegroPricesQualificationResponse
- Answer
- ApplicationTimePolicy
- Attachment
- AttachmentDeclaration
- AttachmentFile
- AttachmentFileRequest
- AttachmentType
- AuctionDetails
- AuthError
- AvailableConstraint
- AvailableProductResponse
- AvailableProductsList
- AvailablePromotionPackage
- AvailablePromotionPackages
- AverageRates
- B2b
- Badge
- BadgeApplication
- BadgeApplicationBargainPrice
- BadgeApplicationCampaign
- BadgeApplicationMarketPrice
- BadgeApplicationOffer
- BadgeApplicationPrices
- BadgeApplicationProcess
- BadgeApplicationPurchaseConstraints
- BadgeApplicationPurchaseConstraintsLimit
- BadgeApplicationPurchaseConstraintsLimitPerUser
- BadgeApplicationRejectionReason
- BadgeApplicationRejectionReasonMessage
- BadgeApplicationRequest
- BadgeApplicationSubmittedMarketPrice
- BadgeApplicationSubmittedPrices
- BadgeApplicationSubsidyPrices
- BadgeApplicationSubsidySellerPrice
- BadgeApplicationSubsidyTargetPrice
- BadgeApplications
- BadgeCampaign
- BadgeOperation
- BadgeOperationProcess
- BadgePatchPrices
- BadgePatchPricesPrices
- BadgePatchPricesPricesBargain
- BadgePatchProcess
- BadgePatchProcessProcess
- BadgePatchRequest
- BadgeProcess
- BadgePublicationTimePolicy
- BadgesList
- BaseOperation
- BaseSaleProductResponseDto
- BasicDefinitionResponse
- Benefit
- BenefitSpecification
- BidRequest
- BillingEntries
- BillingEntry
- BillingEntryBalance
- BillingEntryOffer
- BillingEntryOrder
- BillingEntryTax
- BillingEntryType
- BillingEntryValue
- BillingType
- BlackListResponse
- BlacklistRequest
- BlacklistUser
- BlockadeOperation
- BlockadeOperationAllOf
- BlockadeReleaseOperation
- BlockadeReleaseOperationAllOf
- BundleBenefitSpecification
- BundleBenefitSpecificationAllOf
- BuyNowPrice
- BuyerParticipant
- BuyerParticipantAllOf
- BuyerPreferencesReference
- BuyerReference
- CampaignRefusalReason
- CampaignRequestDto
- CampaignResponseDto
- CancelParcelParameters
- Caption
- CarrierParcelTrackingResponse
- CategoriesDto
- CategoriesResponse
- Category
- CategoryBaseEvent
- CategoryCreatedEvent
- CategoryCreatedEventAllOf
- CategoryDefinitionDescriptionResponse
- CategoryDefinitionResponse
- CategoryDeletedEvent
- CategoryDeletedEventAllOf
- CategoryDeletedEventAllOfRedirectCategory
- CategoryDto
- CategoryDtoParent
- CategoryEventBaseCategory
- CategoryEventBaseCategoryParent
- CategoryEventsResponse
- CategoryMovedEvent
- CategoryMovedEventAllOf
- CategoryOptionsDto
- CategoryParameter
- CategoryParameterDisplayConditions
- CategoryParameterList
- CategoryParameterOptions
- CategoryParameterRequirementConditions
- CategoryParameterWithValue
- CategoryParameterWithoutValue
- CategoryParametersScheduledBaseChange
- CategoryParametersScheduledBaseChangeCategory
- CategoryParametersScheduledBaseChangeParameter
- CategoryParametersScheduledChangesResponse
- CategoryProductParameter
- CategoryProductParameterList
- CategoryRenamedEvent
- CategoryRenamedEventAllOf
- CategoryResponse
- CategorySuggestionCategoryNode
- CategorySuggestionResponse
- Cells
- ChangePrice
- ChangePriceInput
- ChangePriceWithoutOutput
- ChangedParameterDto
- ChangedTranslation
- CharityOrganization
- CheckFormsNewOrderInvoice
- CheckFormsNewOrderInvoiceFile
- CheckFormsNewOrderInvoiceId
- CheckoutForm
- CheckoutFormAddWaybillCreated
- CheckoutFormAddWaybillRequest
- CheckoutFormAdditionalService
- CheckoutFormBuyerAddressReference
- CheckoutFormBuyerReference
- CheckoutFormDeliveryAddress
- CheckoutFormDeliveryMethod
- CheckoutFormDeliveryPickupPoint
- CheckoutFormDeliveryPickupPointAddress
- CheckoutFormDeliveryReference
- CheckoutFormDeliveryTime
- CheckoutFormDeliveryTimeGuaranteed
- CheckoutFormDiscount
- CheckoutFormFulfillment
- CheckoutFormFulfillmentShipmentSummary
- CheckoutFormFulfillmentShipmentSummaryLineItemsSent
- CheckoutFormFulfillmentStatus
- CheckoutFormInvoiceAddress
- CheckoutFormInvoiceAddressCompany
- CheckoutFormInvoiceAddressNaturalPerson
- CheckoutFormInvoiceInfo
- CheckoutFormLineItem
- CheckoutFormMarketplace
- CheckoutFormOrderWaybillResponse
- CheckoutFormPaymentProvider
- CheckoutFormPaymentReference
- CheckoutFormPaymentType
- CheckoutFormReference
- CheckoutFormStatus
- CheckoutFormSummary
- CheckoutForms
- CheckoutFormsOrderInvoice
- CheckoutFormsOrderInvoiceEptVerification
- CheckoutFormsOrderInvoiceEptVerificationReasons
- CheckoutFormsOrderInvoiceFile
- CheckoutFormsOrderInvoiceFileSecurityVerification
- CheckoutFormsOrderInvoices
- ClassifiedDailyEventStatResponseDto
- ClassifiedEventStat
- ClassifiedExtension
- ClassifiedExtraPackage
- ClassifiedPackage
- ClassifiedPackageConfig
- ClassifiedPackageConfigs
- ClassifiedPackages
- ClassifiedPromotion
- ClassifiedPublication
- ClassifiedResponse
- ClassifiedStatEventType
- ClassifiedsPackages
- CommandOutput
- CommandTask
- CommissionResponse
- Company
- CompatibilityList
- CompatibilityListIdItem
- CompatibilityListIdItemAdditionalInfo
- CompatibilityListIdItemAllOf
- CompatibilityListItem
- CompatibilityListItemProductBased
- CompatibilityListManual
- CompatibilityListManualType
- CompatibilityListProductBased
- CompatibilityListProductBasedAllOf
- CompatibilityListProductBasedProductOfferResponse
- CompatibilityListProductBasedProductOfferResponseAllOf
- CompatibilityListProductOfferResponse
- CompatibilityListSupportedCategoriesDto
- CompatibilityListSupportedCategoriesDtoSupportedCategories
- CompatibilityListSupportedCategoriesDtoValidationRules
- CompatibilityListTextItem
- CompatibilityListTextItemAllOf
- CompatibleProductDto
- CompatibleProductDtoAttributes
- CompatibleProductDtoGroup
- CompatibleProductsGroupsDto
- CompatibleProductsGroupsDtoGroups
- CompatibleProductsListDto
- CompensationOperation
- CompensationOperationAllOf
- Configuration
- ConstraintCriteria
- ContactRequest
- ContactResponse
- ContactResponseList
- ContributionOperation
- ContributionOperationAllOf
- Coordinates
- CorrectionOperation
- CorrectionOperationAllOf
- CourierBySellerShipping
- CourierBySellerShippingAllOf
- CreateAdvanceShipNoticeRequest
- CreateAdvanceShipNoticeResponse
- CreateLabelsCommand
- CreateLabelsCommandInput
- CreateLabelsCommandOnlyInput
- CreateLabelsCommandOutput
- CreateLabelsFailedCommandOutput
- CreateLabelsFailedCommandOutputAllOf
- CreateLabelsRunningCommandOutput
- CreateLabelsRunningCommandOutputAllOf
- CreateLabelsSuccessfulCommandOutput
- CreateLabelsSuccessfulCommandOutputAllOf
- CreateLabelsSuccessfulCommandOutputAllOfLabels
- CurrentPrice
- CustomParameter
- CustomerReturn
- CustomerReturnItem
- CustomerReturnItemReason
- CustomerReturnParcelSender
- CustomerReturnRefund
- CustomerReturnRefundBankAccount
- CustomerReturnRefundBankAccountAddress
- CustomerReturnRefundRejectionRequest
- CustomerReturnRefundRejectionRequestRejection
- CustomerReturnRejection
- CustomerReturnResponse
- CustomerReturnReturnParcel
- Deduction
- DeductionChargeOperation
- DeductionChargeOperationAllOf
- DeductionIncreaseOperation
- DeductionIncreaseOperationAllOf
- DeliveryBasic
- DeliveryFull
- DeliveryFullAllOf
- DeliveryMethodId
- DeliveryProductOfferRequest
- DeliveryProductOfferResponse
- DeliveryService
- DeliveryServices
- DeliverySettingsRequest
- DeliverySettingsRequestAbroadFreeDelivery
- DeliverySettingsRequestFreeDelivery
- DeliverySettingsRequestMarketplace
- DeliverySettingsResponse
- DeliverySettingsResponseAbroadFreeDelivery
- DeliverySettingsResponseCustomCost
- DeliverySettingsResponseFreeDelivery
- DeliverySettingsResponseJoinPolicy
- DeliverySettingsResponseMarketplace
- DescribesListingFee
- DescribesSuccessCommissionFee
- DescriptionSection
- DescriptionSectionItem
- DescriptionSectionItemImage
- DescriptionSectionItemImageAllOf
- DescriptionSectionItemText
- DescriptionSectionItemTextAllOf
- DictionaryCategoryParameter
- DictionaryCategoryParameterAllOf
- DictionaryCategoryParameterAllOfDictionary
- DictionaryCategoryProductParameter
- DictionaryCategoryProductParameterAllOf
- DictionaryCategoryProductParameterAllOfDictionary
- DictionaryCategoryProductParameterAllOfRestrictions
- DimensionItem
- Discounts
- DiscountsProductOfferRequest
- DiscountsProductOfferRequestWholesalePriceList
- DiscountsProductOfferResponse
- DiscountsWholesalePriceList
- Dispute
- DisputeAttachment
- DisputeAttachmentId
- DisputeAuthor
- DisputeAuthorRole
- DisputeCheckoutForm
- DisputeFirstMessage
- DisputeListResponse
- DisputeMessage
- DisputeMessageAuthor
- DisputeMessageList
- DisputeUser
- EmailRequest
- EmailResponse
- Error
- Error200
- Error400
- Error403
- Error404
- Error504
- ErrorsHolder
- ExtendedTax
- ExternalId
- Fee
- FeePreviewResponse
- FloatCategoryParameter
- FloatCategoryProductParameter
- FloatCategoryProductParameterAllOf
- FloatCategoryProductParameterAllOfRestrictions
- FulfillmentOrder
- FulfillmentOrderParcel
- FulfillmentOrderParcelItem
- FundraisingCampaign
- FundraisingCampaigns
- GeneralReport
- GetBadgeCampaignsList
- GetSaleProductsResponse
- GetSaleProductsResponseNextPage
- HandlingUnit
- Header
- ImageUrl
- ImpliedWarrantiesListImpliedWarrantyBasic
- ImpliedWarranty
- ImpliedWarrantyBasic
- ImpliedWarrantyPeriod
- ImpliedWarrantyRequest
- ImpliedWarrantyResponse
- InitializeRefund
- InitializeRefundAdditionalServices
- InitializeRefundDelivery
- InitializeRefundOverpaid
- InlineObject
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse2001DeliveryMethods
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraints
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraintsFirstItemRate
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraintsMaxPackageWeight
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraintsMaxQuantityPerPackage
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraintsNextItemRate
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraintsShippingTime
- InlineResponse2001ShippingRatesConstraintsShippingTimeDefault
- InlineResponse200ShippingRates
- InlineResponse202
- IntegerCategoryParameter
- IntegerCategoryProductParameter
- IntegerCategoryProductParameterAllOf
- IntegerCategoryProductParameterAllOfRestrictions
- Interlocutor
- JustId
- Labels
- LargeOrderDiscountBenefitSpecification
- LargeOrderDiscountBenefitSpecificationAllOf
- LargeOrderDiscountBenefitSpecificationAllOfDiscount
- LargeOrderDiscountBenefitSpecificationAllOfOrderValue
- LargeOrderDiscountBenefitSpecificationAllOfThresholds
- LatestOrderEvent
- LineItemReconciliation
- ListingCategory
- ListingCategoryWithCount
- ListingOffer
- ListingResponse
- ListingResponseCategories
- ListingResponseFilters
- ListingResponseFiltersValues
- ListingResponseOffers
- ListingResponseSearchMeta
- ListingResponseSort
- Location
- ManualDescriptionTranslation
- ManualTitleTranslation
- ManualTranslationUpdateRequest
- MarketplaceAvailablePromotionPackages
- MarketplaceId
- MarketplaceItem
- MarketplaceItemCurrencies
- MarketplaceItemCurrency
- MarketplaceItemLanguage
- MarketplaceItemLanguages
- MarketplaceItemShippingCountry
- MarketplaceOfferPromoOption
- MarketplaceReference
- MarketplacesVisibility
- MaxPrice
- MeResponse
- MeResponseBaseMarketplace
- Message
- MessageAdditionalInformation
- MessageAttachmentId
- MessageAttachmentInfo
- MessageAuthor
- MessageAuthorRole
- MessageOffer
- MessageOrder
- MessageRelatedObject
- MessageRequest
- MessageToSellerSettings
- MessagesList
- MinimalPrice
- Modification
- ModificationDelivery
- ModificationDiscounts
- ModificationDiscountsWholesalePriceList
- ModificationPayments
- ModificationPromotion
- ModificationPublication
- ModificationPublicationMarketplaces
- ModificationPublicationMarketplacesAdditional
- MultiPackBenefitSpecification
- MultiPackBenefitSpecificationAllOf
- MultiPackBenefitSpecificationAllOfConfiguration
- MultiPackBenefitSpecificationAllOfTrigger
- MyBidResponse
- NetPrice
- NewAttachmentDeclaration
- NewMessage
- NewMessageInThread
- Offer
- OfferActivatedEvent
- OfferActivatedEventAllOf
- OfferAdditionalMarketplace
- OfferAdditionalServices
- OfferArchivedEvent
- OfferArchivedEventAllOf
- OfferAttachment
- OfferAttachmentRequest
- OfferBadgeCampaign
- OfferBidCanceledEvent
- OfferBidCanceledEventAllOf
- OfferBidPlacedEvent
- OfferBidPlacedEventAllOf
- OfferCategory
- OfferCategoryRequest
- OfferChangeCommand
- OfferChangedEvent
- OfferChangedEventAllOf
- OfferCriterium
- OfferDelivery
- OfferDescriptionTranslation
- OfferEndedEvent
- OfferEndedEventAllOf
- OfferEventBaseOffer
- OfferEventEndedOffer
- OfferEventEndedOfferAllOf
- OfferEventEndedOfferAllOfPublication
- OfferEventExternalOffer
- OfferEventExternalOfferAllOf
- OfferEventExternalOfferWithPublication
- OfferEventExternalOfferWithPublicationAllOf
- OfferFixedPrice
- OfferId
- OfferImageLinkUploadRequest
- OfferImageUploadResponse
- OfferImages
- OfferListingDto
- OfferListingDtoImage
- OfferListingDtoV1AdditionalMarketplace
- OfferListingDtoV1AdditionalMarketplacePublication
- OfferListingDtoV1AdditionalMarketplaceSellingMode
- OfferListingDtoV1AdditionalMarketplaceStock
- OfferListingDtoV1B2b
- OfferListingDtoV1Delivery
- OfferListingDtoV1Publication
- OfferListingDtoV1PublicationMarketplaces
- OfferListingDtoV1SaleInfo
- OfferListingDtoV1Stats
- OfferListingDtoV1Stock
- OfferLowestPrice
- OfferMarketplaceReference
- OfferMarketplaces
- OfferMarketplacesPublication
- OfferPrice
- OfferPriceChangeCommand
- OfferPriceChangedEvent
- OfferPriceChangedEventAllOf
- OfferPromoOption
- OfferPromoOptions
- OfferPromoOptionsForSeller
- OfferPromoOptionsPendingChanges
- OfferPromotion
- OfferPublication
- OfferQuantityChangeCommand
- OfferQuoteDto
- OfferQuotesDto
- OfferRating
- OfferRatingScoreDistribution
- OfferRatingSizeFeedback
- OfferReference
- OfferRequirements
- OfferResponse
- OfferResponseAllOf
- OfferSeller
- OfferSellingMode
- OfferShippingRates
- OfferStatModelDto
- OfferStatResponseDto
- OfferStatsResponseDto
- OfferStatus
- OfferStock
- OfferStockChangedEvent
- OfferStockChangedEventAllOf
- OfferTaxRate
- OfferTaxSettings
- OfferTitleTranslation
- OfferTranslation
- OfferTranslationType
- OfferTranslationUpdatedEvent
- OfferTranslationUpdatedEventAllOf
- OfferTranslations
- OfferVendor
- OfferVisibilityChangedEvent
- OfferVisibilityChangedEventAllOf
- OffersSearchResultDto
- OpenHour
- OperationParticipantAddress
- OperationPayment
- OperationValue
- Order
- OrderEvent
- OrderEventData
- OrderEventStats
- OrderEventType
- OrderEventsList
- OrderLineItem
- OrderMarketplace
- OrderOffers
- OrdersShippingCarrier
- OrdersShippingCarriersResponse
- OwnTransportShipping
- OwnTransportShippingAllOf
- Parameter
- ParameterProductOfferRequest
- ParameterProductOfferResponse
- ParameterRangeValue
- ParametersForPreviewPrice
- ParcelAdditionalServices
- ParcelAdditionalServicesAvailability
- ParcelAdditionalServicesCashOnDelivery
- ParcelAdditionalServicesCashOnDeliveryAvailability
- ParcelAdditionalServicesCashOnDeliveryValue
- ParcelAdditionalServicesOptionAvailability
- ParcelCreationAddress
- ParcelCreationAddressWithMandatoryPlace
- ParcelCreationParameters
- ParcelCreationParametersLabel
- ParcelDetails
- ParcelDetailsLabel
- ParcelItemDetails
- ParcelItemDetailsWithWaybill
- ParcelItemDetailsWithWaybillDimensions
- ParcelItemDetailsWithWaybillValue
- ParcelItemDetailsWithWaybillWeight
- ParcelTrackingHistory
- ParcelTrackingHistoryTrackingDetails
- ParcelTrackingStatus
- Participant
- Payment
- PaymentOperations
- Payments
- PaymentsSurcharge
- Payout
- PayoutOperation
- PayoutOperationAllOf
- PayoutOperationCancel
- PayoutOperationCancelAllOf
- PhonesRequest
- PhonesResponse
- Pickup
- PickupDateParcelsProposals
- PickupDateProposal
- PickupDateProposals
- PickupParcelParameters
- Pos
- PosLocation
- Price
- PriceModification
- PriceModificationFixedPrice
- PriceModificationFixedPriceAllOf
- PriceModificationFixedPriceHolder
- PriceModificationPercentageChangeDecrease
- PriceModificationPercentageChangeDecreaseAllOf
- PriceModificationPercentageChangeIncrease
- PriceModificationPercentageChangeIncreaseAllOf
- PriceModificationValueChangeDecrease
- PriceModificationValueChangeDecreaseAllOf
- PriceModificationValueChangeHolder
- PriceModificationValueChangeIncrease
- PriceModificationValueChangeIncreaseAllOf
- ProcessingStatus
- Product
- ProductCategory
- ProductCategoryProposal
- ProductChangeDto
- ProductChangeDtoProduct
- ProductChangeProposalDto
- ProductChangeProposalRequest
- ProductChangesResponse
- ProductImageProposal
- ProductItem
- ProductNameProposal
- ProductOffer
- ProductOfferAdditionalServicesRequest
- ProductOfferAdditionalServicesResponse
- ProductOfferAllOf
- ProductOfferBase
- ProductOfferFundraisingCampaignRequest
- ProductOfferFundraisingCampaignResponse
- ProductOfferResponse
- ProductOfferResponsePublication
- ProductParameter
- ProductParameterDto
- ProductParameterDtoOptions
- ProductParameterOptions
- ProductParameterProposal
- ProductParameterValueProposal
- ProductProposalsRequest
- ProductProposalsResponse
- ProductProposalsResponseAllOf
- ProductSetElement
- ProductSetElementQuantity
- ProductSetElementQuantityQuantity
- ProductsCategoryPath
- ProductsCategorySubcategories
- PromoModificationReport
- PromoModificationTask
- PromoOptionsCommand
- PromoOptionsCommandModification
- PromoOptionsCommandModificationPackage
- PromoOptionsModification
- PromoOptionsModifications
- Promotion
- PromotionCampaignRequestDto
- PromotionCampaignResponseDto
- PromotionCampaignsResponseDto
- PromotionRequestDto
- PromotionResponseDto
- PublicOfferPreviewRequest
- PublicTableDto
- PublicTablesDto
- Publication
- PublicationChangeCommandDto
- PublicationModification
- PublicationTimePolicy
- QuantityModification
- QuoteResponse
- Rates
- Receiver
- ReceivingEntry
- ReceivingState
- ReceivingStatus
- Recipient
- Reference
- RefundAdditionalServicesValue
- RefundCancelOperation
- RefundCancelOperationAllOf
- RefundChargeOperation
- RefundChargeOperationAllOf
- RefundClaim
- RefundClaimBuyer
- RefundClaimCommission
- RefundClaimLineItem
- RefundClaimLineItemOffer
- RefundClaimRequest
- RefundClaimRequestLineItem
- RefundClaimResponse
- RefundDeliveryValue
- RefundDetails
- RefundIncreaseOperation
- RefundIncreaseOperationAllOf
- RefundLineItem
- RefundLineItemValue
- RefundOverpaidValue
- RefundPayment
- RefundSurchargeValue
- RefundTotalValue
- RefusalMessage
- RefusalReason
- RefusalReasonAllOf
- RelatedReason
- RelatedReasonAllOf
- Removal
- RemovalRequest
- RequirementChange
- RequirementChangeAllOf
- ReserveInfo
- RestrictionCause
- ReturnPoliciesListReturnPolicyBasic
- ReturnPolicy
- ReturnPolicyAddress
- ReturnPolicyAvailability
- ReturnPolicyBasic
- ReturnPolicyContact
- ReturnPolicyOptions
- ReturnPolicyRequest
- ReturnPolicyResponse
- ReturnPolicyReturnCost
- SaleProductCompatibilityList
- SaleProductDto
- SaleProductOffer
- SaleProductOfferPatchRequestV1
- SaleProductOfferPatchRequestV1AllOf
- SaleProductOfferPublicationBase
- SaleProductOfferPublicationMarketplacesRequest
- SaleProductOfferPublicationMarketplacesResponse
- SaleProductOfferPublicationRequest
- SaleProductOfferPublicationRequestAllOf
- SaleProductOfferPublicationResponse
- SaleProductOfferPublicationResponseAllOf
- SaleProductOfferRequestBase
- SaleProductOfferRequestBaseAllOf
- SaleProductOfferRequestBaseAllOfPublication
- SaleProductOfferRequestV1
- SaleProductOfferRequestV1AllOf
- SaleProductOfferResponseV1
- SaleProductOfferResponseV1AllOf
- SaleProductOfferStatusResponse
- SaleProductOfferStatusResponseOperation
- SaleProductOffersRequestStock
- SaleProductResponseCategoriesDto
- SearchResult
- Seller
- SellerCreateRebateRequestDto
- SellerOfferBaseEvent
- SellerOfferEventsResponse
- SellerOfferStatsResponseDto
- SellerParticipant
- SellerParticipantAllOf
- SellerRebateDto
- SellerRebateOfferCriterion
- SellerRebateOfferCriterionOffers
- SellerRebatesDto
- SellerReference
- SellingMode
- SellingModeFormat
- SellingModeWithNetPrice
- Sender
- Shipping
- ShippingRate
- ShippingRateDeliveryMethod
- ShippingRateFirstItemRate
- ShippingRateMaxPackageWeight
- ShippingRateNextItemRate
- ShippingRateShippingTime
- ShippingRates
- ShippingRatesSet
- SinglePromotionCampaignResponseDto
- SizeTable
- SizeTablePostRequest
- SizeTablePutRequest
- SizeTableTemplateImageResponse
- SizeTableTemplateResponse
- SizeTableTemplatesResponse
- SmartDeliveryMethod
- SmartOfferClassificationReport
- SmartOfferClassificationReportClassification
- SmartOfferClassificationReportConditions
- SmartSellerClassificationReport
- SmartSellerClassificationReportClassification
- SmartSellerClassificationReportConditions
- StandardizedDescription
- StartingPrice
- Stock
- StockProduct
- StockProductItem
- StockProductList
- StockQuantity
- StockSellingStats
- StockStorageFee
- StockStorageFeeDetails
- StringCategoryParameter
- StringCategoryProductParameter
- StringCategoryProductParameterAllOf
- StringCategoryProductParameterAllOfRestrictions
- Subject
- SubmitCommand
- SubmitCommandInput
- SubmitCommandOutput
- SubmitFailedCommandOutput
- SubmitRunningCommandOutput
- SubmitSuccessfulCommandOutput
- SubmitSuccessfulCommandOutputAllOf
- Surcharge
- SurchargeOperation
- SurchargeOperationAllOf
- TagId
- TagIdsRequest
- TagListResponse
- TagRequest
- TagResponse
- TaskCount
- TaskReport
- Tax
- TaxSetting
- TaxSettingExemption
- TaxSettingRate
- TaxSettingSubject
- TaxSettings
- TecdocSpecification
- TecdocSpecificationItem
- ThirdParty
- ThirdPartyDeliveryShipping
- ThirdPartyDeliveryShippingAllOf
- Thread
- ThreadId
- ThreadReadFlag
- ThreadsList
- UnfilledParametersResponse
- UnfilledParametersResponseCategory
- UnfilledParametersResponseOffers
- UnfilledParametersResponseParameters
- User
- UserCampaignEligibility
- UserRating
- UserRatingAnswerRequest
- UserRatingListResponse
- UserRatingRemovalRequest
- UserRatingRemovalRequestRequest
- UserRatingSummaryResponse
- UserRatingSummaryResponseNotRecommended
- UserRatingSummaryResponseRecommended
- Validation
- ValidationError
- ValidationWarning
- VariantSet
- VariantSetOffer
- VariantSetParameter
- VariantSetResponse
- VariantSetResponseAllOf
- VariantSets
- VariantSetsVariantSet
- VisibilityTimePolicy
- Wallet
- WalletBalance
- WarrantiesListWarrantyBasic
- Warranty
- WarrantyAttachment
- WarrantyBasic
- WarrantyPeriod
- WarrantyRequest
- WarrantyResponse
- WarrantyType
- WholesalePriceListBenefitSpecification
- WholesalePriceListBenefitSpecificationAllOf
- WholesalePriceListBenefitSpecificationAllOfQuantity
- WholesalePriceListBenefitSpecificationAllOfThresholds
- WrapperTypeForPreviewConditions
- WrapsListingAndCommissionsFees
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL: ``
- Scopes: N/A
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A
To run the tests, use:
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Package version:
- Build package: