
A PHP wrapper for Tesseract-OCR binary

1.0.11 2024-06-07 10:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 12:42:33 UTC


A PHP wrapper for Tesseract-OCR binary.

Originally inspired from ddeboer/tesseract with added features + some Improvements.


$ composer require ahmedghanem00/tesseract-ocr


if the tesseract is added to your path, You can just do:

$tesseract = new \ahmedghanem00\TesseractOCR\Tesseract();

Otherwise, You can do:

$tesseract = new \ahmedghanem00\TesseractOCR\Tesseract("path/to/binary/location");
# OR, If you already have an initiated instance 

To specify the tesseract process timeout:

$tesseract = new \ahmedghanem00\TesseractOCR\Tesseract(processTimeout: 3);
# OR

To specify a custom tessdata-dir:


To reset tessdata-dir to default:


To get version of the binary:

$version = $tesseract->getVersion();

To get all the supported languages:

$languages = $tesseract->getSupportedLanguages();

To OCR an Image:

$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png");
## OR
$result = $tesseract->recognize("https://example.com/test.png");
## etc.

Thanks to the Intervention/image package. The recognize method can accept different sources for an image:

- Path of the image in filesystem.
- URL of an image (allow_url_fopen must be enabled).
- Binary image data.
- Data-URL encoded image data.
- Base64 encoded image data.
- PHP resource of type gd
- Imagick instance
- Intervention\Image\Image instance
- SplFileInfo instance (To handle Laravel file uploads via Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile)

To Specify the language(s):

$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", langs: ["eng", "ara"]);

To specify the Page-Segmentation-Model (PSM):

use ahmedghanem00\TesseractOCR\Enum\PSM;

# using PSM enum
$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", psm: PSM::SINGLE_BLOCK);
# OR by using id directly
$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", psm: 3);

To specify the OCR-Engine-Mode (OEM):

use ahmedghanem00\TesseractOCR\Enum\OEM;

# using OEM enum
$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", oem: OEM::LEGACY_WITH_LSTM);
# OR by using id directly
$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", oem: 3);

To specify the DPI of the input image:

$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", dpi: 200);

To make the recognize method output the result as a searchable PDF instead of raw text:

$pdfBinaryData = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", outputAsPDF: true);

file_put_contents("result.pdf", $pdfBinaryData)

To specify words-file or patterns-file:

$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", wordsFilePath: "/path/to/file");
# OR
$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", patternsFilePath: "/path/to/file");

To set a config parameters:

use ahmedghanem00\TesseractOCR\ConfigBag;

$config = ConfigBag::new()
    ->setParameter("tessedit_char_whitelist", "abcrety")
    ->setParameter("textord_pitch_range", 3);

$result = $tesseract->recognize("test.png", config: $config);

You can also run tesseract --print-parameters to see the list of available config parameters.


Package is licensed under the MIT License. For more info, You can take a look at the License File.