frodeborli member since: Feb 02, 2015

frodeborli's packages

  • the/loop

    Provides an event loop backed by the Amphp event loop.

  • the/promises

    Provides The\Promise and The\PromiseInterface using GuzzleHttp. Other frameworks can provide compatible implementations.

  • charm/database

    Yet another PDO wrapper. Because I don't like to explicitly prepare and execute and fetch every single query. Can use a PDO instance from you, or it makes a new connection standalone.

    Abandoned! See charm/db

  • charm/testing

    A tool for running regression and unit testing with very little scaffolding.

    Abandoned! See frodeborli/themis

  • ennerd/fubber-jsapi

    JS API for Fubber Framework

    Abandoned! See ennerd/fubber-jsapi

  • ennerd/fubber-migrations

    Database migrations for PDO. Everything required in a neat, self contained package that only requires a PDO instance.


  • f2/config

    An interface for configuring and adapting all F2 components.

    Abandoned! See f2/common

  • f2/container

    Make dependency injection available for F2 components. Can auto discover and use containers from other frameworks.

    Abandoned! See f2/common

  • PHP


    Enables asynchronous React libraries to be used with moebius/coroutine.

    Abandoned! See moebius/react