frodeborli member since: Feb 02, 2015

frodeborli's packages

  • PHP


    A set of traits for classes that expect to have various common services injeted.

  • charm/lexer

    A fast and powerful streaming lexer for tokenizing formulas, programming languages or written languages.

  • charm/logger

    A simple to use logger. Relies on PSR-3 LoggerInterface.

  • charm/loop

    Identical API for ReactPHP, Swoole, AMP and plain PHP.

  • charm/map

    A hashmap implementation similar to Map in javascript - allowing keys and values of any data type. A small, thorough and efficient hashmap implementation.

  • charm/model

    A data model library. Allows you to declare columns and fields and query them easily using charm/recordset.

  • charm/options

    A generic class for storing options while enforcing option types.

  • charm/orm

    Maps database tables to objects. Doesn't hide SQL.

  • charm/parsing

    A PEG grammar parser, for parsing most context free grammar such as programming languages, database queries and mathematical expressions.

  • charm/phinx

    Integration with the `robmorgan/phinx` migrations library.

  • charm/recordset

    A library for filtering and sorting rows of data from different sources like database tables, arrays, APIs or CSV files.

  • charm/router

    A very fast, tiny single file router implementation. Compatible with PSR Middlware. Takes you from /users/{id:\d+} to `User::profile($id)`. Also in reverse: `$router->url([User::class, 'profile'], 123)` gives you the URL.

  • charm/schema

    A simple to use schema validator allowing you to validate strings, numbers, arrays and objects. Modelled after JSON Schema written as PHP arrays.

  • charm/streams

    Various utilities to work with streams and resources in PHP.

  • charm/table

    An interface for queryable collections such as database tables, arrays, APIs.