Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Twig template set for elao-admin
7 394 0
Various Form improvements
38 275 6
Generate translation key for forms
198 465 45
A set of HTML actions for elao/admin-bundle.
192 0
Adds support of JSON requests for Forms
4 926 36
Twitter Bootstrap 3 theme bundle for ElaoThemeBundle
13 003 2
Provide authentication through vouchers (for email link).
107 1
Static site builder for Symfony
15 163 123
CSV Manager bundle for Symfony2
93 0
Symfony 2.1 File Bundle handling file upload and image cropping/scaling.
38 1
Showcase Bundle
119 0
A simple security bundle for user authentication
235 0
Url Scanner bundle for Symfony2
17 1
User bundle for Symfony2
63 0
Simple, powerful and extendable admin bundle.
546 9