
A set of HTML actions for elao/admin-bundle.

v1.1.0 2017-02-05 13:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 20:01:51 UTC


This bundle provides CRUD + List Actions to be used with ElaoAdminBundle


Require the bundle in Composer:

$ composer require elao/html-action-bundle

Install the bundle in your AppKernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ElaoHtmlActionBundle requires ElaoAdminBundle, you'll need to register it too.
        // new Elao\Bundle\ElaoAdminBundle\ElaoAdminBundle(),
        new Elao\Bundle\HtmlActionBundle\ElaoHtmlActionBundle(),


The HtmlActionBundle provides 5 actions for the AdminBundle:

  • html_list: a list of models. e.g. "GET /posts"
  • html_create: a creation form and its POST handler. e.g. "GET|POST /posts/new"
  • html_read: details for a single model. e.g. "GET /posts/{id}"
  • html_update: a modification form for a single model and its POST handler. e.g. "GET|POST /posts/{id}/edit"
  • html_delete: a deletion form for a single model (ask for user confirmation) and its POST handler. e.g. "GET|DELETE /posts/{id}/delete"

Here's how you define a simple CRUD administration for a "Post" entity.

        # Administration, named after the model, will impact urls and route names
            # The repository service for the Post model (usually DoctrineRepository for model "Post")
            repository: blog.repository.post
            # The list of actions
                    # We're using default values for the list
                    html_list: ~
                        # Specify the form type to use to create a Post
                        form: BlogBundle\Form\PostType
                        # Specify the form type to use to edit a Post
                        form: BlogBundle\Form\PostType
                    # We're using default values for the read
                    html_read: ~
                        # We're adding a security restriction on the delete action
                        security: has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')

Don't forget to declare the corresponding repository service: (extends elao_admin.repository.doctrine/Elao\Bundle\AdminBundle\Service\DoctrineRepository or use your own implementation of Elao\Bundle\AdminBundle\Behaviour\RepositoryInterface)

# services.yml
    parent: elao_admin.repository.doctrine
    arguments: ['BlogBundle\Entity\Post']

Full configuration


Parameter Description Required Default value
view The template to render the page with. false :post:list.html.twig
view_parameter The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. false posts


Parameter Description Required Default value
form The form type to use to create the model. true
view The template to render the page with. false :post:create.html.twig
view_parameter The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. false post
redirection The action to redirect the user to when the action has been performed. false list


Parameter Description Required Default value
view The template to render the page with. false :post:update.html.twig
view_parameter The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. false post


Parameter Description Required Default value
form The form type to use to create the model. true
view The template to render the page with. false :post:update.html.twig
view_parameter The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. false post
redirection The action to redirect the user to when the action has been performed. false list


Parameter Description Required Default value
form The form type to use to create the model. false Elao\Bundle\HtmlActionBundle\Form\Type\DeleteType
view The template to render the page with. false :post:delete.html.twig
view_parameter The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. false post
redirection The action to redirect the user to when the action has been performed. false list


Please note that the views are not provided with the bundle. You have to create them to display the different forms.

Default path for the views is app/Resources/[name]/[alias].html.twig. You can override this by setting an explicit view in action's options.

Doctrine service repositories (optional):

For convenience, you can use AdminBundle's DoctrineRepository as the default doctrine repository. This way the Doctrine entity manager's getRepository method will return the repository service declared for each model.

To activate this feature:

# config.yml
    doctrine_service_repositories: true

    default_repository_class:  Elao\Bundle\AdminBundle\Service\DoctrineRepository
    repository_factory: elao_admin.repository_factory.doctrine