
Nova field for ziffmedia/laravel-eloquent-imagery

v2.0.0-beta.6 2023-08-21 19:23 UTC


Installation & Usage

For the Nova 4 compatible components:

composer require ziffmedia/nova-eloquent-imagery ^2.0

For the Nova 3 compatible components

composer require ziffmedia/nova-eloquent-imagery ^1.0

Using The Field


Field Options



You will need an auth.json that has the http-basic.nova.laravel.com setup, see Nova documentation here: https://nova.laravel.com/docs/4.0/installation.html#authenticating-nova-in-ci-environments

(Generally, if you have an auth.json setup locally, you can copy that file).

Note The auth.json has to exist at demo/auth.json.

If it exists locally, then cp ~/.composer/auth.json ./demo/auth.json

If it does not exist locally, grab a key from nova.laravel.com, and run the composer config command from the docs

To bring up the demo app, do the following:

docker compose up -d
docker compose exec web bash
artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Now you may browse to http://localhost:8000/nova

A development user with the following credentials was created:

email: developer@example.com
password: password