
Simplified integration of OneLogin for Laravel applications.

v1.2.0 2023-09-29 13:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-29 16:01:50 UTC


A Laravel package for allowing onelogin to provide authentication and users to your application. This library wraps onelogin's onelogin/php-saml library.


  • simplified configuration process
  • top level (configurable) login and logout routes
  • support for autologin
  • support for application single logout
  • ability to map any User attributes via a login event
  • loose SAML workflow for localhost/local environments, strict when in production


composer require ziffmedia/laravel-onelogin

Next, publish the configuration file:

artisan vendor:publish --provider='ZiffMedia\LaravelOnelogin\OneloginServiceProvider'

Note for Laravel 5.7+

If your application uses Laravel 5.7 or greater, please make sure this package is updated to v0.0.7 or greater.

Configuration & Setup

Go into your onelogin administration screen, search for any application (for example one with "SAML" in the name). This is not the connector to use, instead in the URL replace the app connector id with 43457 so that it reads something like https://<your company>.onelogin.com/apps/new/43457. Create an app from this connector template.

The onelogin tutorial is a great reference at https://developers.onelogin.com/saml/php

Once you have an app in onelogin minimally setup, utilize the App > SSO tab to get the necessary values to put inside the configuration file. See ./config/onelogin.php for details on which fields are necessary.

Application single logout

If you want the onelogin IDP to log your users out of your application when they logout of onelogin, then you need to configure onelogin to know where the single logout url is.

Configure the onelogin application under App -> Configuration, set your single logout url with the url of your laravel application with the route for onelogin.logout


When this url is called, the user will be logged out of your application auth guard.

The User Setup

(The following setup assumes your users will be populated by onelogin the first time they successfully try to log into your application.)

Out the box, this package is designed to work with the typical user schema provided with laravel with minimal changes. Typical changes to make look like this:

  • remove the 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php migration file
  • remove the $table->timestamp('email_verified_at')->nullable(); and $table->string('password'); columns from the 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php migration

(Optional) Laravel Nova...

Laravel Nova's default installation adds authentication routes to your application, it is wise to remove them inside your application's NovaServiceProvider:

     * Register the Nova routes.
     * @return void
    protected function routes()
                // ->withAuthenticationRoutes()
                // ->withPasswordResetRoutes()

User Attributes and New User Workflow

By default, the following actions happen on successful login (From the OneloginController):

    protected function resolveUser(array $userAttributes)
        $userClass = config('auth.providers.users.model');

        $user = $userClass::firstOrNew(['email' => $credentials['User.email'][0]]);

        if (isset($credentials['User.FirstName'][0]) && isset($credentials['User.LastName'][0])) {
            $user->name = "{$credentials['User.FirstName'][0]} {$credentials['User.LastName'][0]}";


        return $user;

To customize this experience, create an Event inside your applications EventServiceProvider's boot() method:

    public function boot()
          // assuming: use ZiffMedia\LaravelOnelogin\Events\OneloginLoginEvent;

          Event::listen(OneloginLoginEvent::class, function (OneloginLoginEvent $event) {
              $user = User::firstOrNew(['email' => $event->userAttributes['User.email'][0]]);

              if (isset($event->userAttributes['User.FirstName'][0]) && isset($event->userAttributes['User.LastName'][0])) {
                  $user->name = "{$event->userAttributes['User.FirstName'][0]} {$event->userAttributes['User.LastName'][0]}";

              // other custom logic here


              return $user;

Local Users in Development (To Bypass Onelogin)

To shortcut the onelogin SAML flow in development, your app has to be in the local environment, then ensure that app.debug is true, and finally add the following configuration to your config/onelogin.php file:

    'local_user' => [
        'enable' => true,

        'attributes' => [
            'email' => 'developer@example.com',
            'name' => 'Software Developer'