vipkwd / utils
2024-10-17 05:40 UTC
- php: >=7.0
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: *
- geoip2/geoip2: *
- jenssegers/imagehash: ^0.8
- lys/php-shard-upload: ^4.4
- symfony/console: ^5.3
- tracy/tracy: *
- vipkwd/tracy-gitversion-panel: *
- vipkwd/var-dumper: ^2.0
- zoujingli/ip2region: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- bluerhinos/phpmqtt: @dev
- jaeger/querylist: dev-master
- thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr: dev-main
A PHP common toolkit.
- 常用PHP工具函数库
历经无数个项目沉淀的工具函数,有兴趣的可以一起来维护, 邮箱
- PHP 7.0+
- composer
安装使用[Check it out on]
composer require vipkwd/utils
Artisan Command: vipkwd
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd
vipkwd/utils 3.2.0
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi|--no-ansi Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
completion Dump the shell completion script
dump Show the class list of Vipkwd/utils package
help Display help for a command
list List commands
load:assets Install/update assetes for utils
[dump] 查看根空间类列表(默认)
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump
Idx | Namespace | Class | Method | Type | Arguments | Eg | Comment |
1 | Vipkwd\Utils | Algorithm | 10 | :) | :) | :) | 经典排序/查找算法 |
2 | Vipkwd\Utils | Async | 4 | :) | :) | :) | PHP异步回调 |
3 | Vipkwd\Utils | Calendar | 9 | :) | :) | :) | 阴、阳历法 |
4 | Vipkwd\Utils | Callback | 11 | :) | :) | :) | PHP callable tools |
5 | Vipkwd\Utils | Color | 3 | :) | :) | :) | Rgb/Hex颜色值处理 |
6 | Vipkwd\Utils | Crypt | 15 | :) | :) | :) | # |
7 | Vipkwd\Utils | Dev | 8 | :) | :) | :) | 开发调试函数 |
8 | Vipkwd\Utils | Excel | 5 | :) | :) | :) | Excel表格工具 |
9 | Vipkwd\Utils | Fenci | 6 | :) | :) | :) | 中文分词组件 |
10 | Vipkwd\Utils | Http | 6 | :) | :) | :) | http请求 |
11 | Vipkwd\Utils | Idcard | 15 | :) | :) | :) | 证件号码(大陆/港/澳/台) |
12 | Vipkwd\Utils | Ip | 8 | :) | :) | :) | # |
13 | Vipkwd\Utils | Page | 3 | :) | :) | :) | 通用分页类 |
14 | Vipkwd\Utils | Position | 12 | :) | :) | :) | 经纬度操作类 |
15 | Vipkwd\Utils | Tools | 18 | :) | :) | :) | 常用工具集合 |
16 | Vipkwd\Utils | Validate | 32 | :) | :) | :) | (regexp)验证类 |
[Class] 查看根空间类方法列表
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump color
Idx | Namespace | Class | Method | Type | Arguments | Eg | Comment |
1 | Vipkwd\Utils | Color | colorHexFix | static | $color | [√] | 16进制色值检测/修补 |
2 | Vipkwd\Utils | Color | hex2rgb | static | $color | [√] | 16进制色值转RGB数值 |
3 | Vipkwd\Utils | Color | rgb2hex | static | $r=255, $g=255, $b=255 | [√] | RGB数值转16进制色值 |
[ --Dir|-d ] 查看子空间列表
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump -d
Idx | Dir | Namespace | Cli |
1 | Db | \Vipkwd\Utils\Db | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Db |
2 | Image | \Vipkwd\Utils\Image | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Image |
3 | Libs | \Vipkwd\Utils\Libs | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Libs |
4 | MediumAI | \Vipkwd\Utils\MediumAI | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump MediumAI |
5 | Mq | \Vipkwd\Utils\Mq | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Mq |
6 | System | \Vipkwd\Utils\System | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump System |
7 | Type | \Vipkwd\Utils\Type | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Type |
8 | Wx | \Vipkwd\Utils\Wx | php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Wx |
[ dump. ] 查看子空间类列表
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Db
Idx | Namespace | Class | Method | Type | Arguments | Eg | Comment |
1 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mongo | 31 | :) | :) | :) | Mongo |
2 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | 36 | :) | :) | :) | Mysql |
3 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Redis | 85 | :) | :) | :) | Redis |
[ dump. ] 查看子空间类方法列表
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump Db.mysql
Idx | Namespace | Class | Method | Type | Arguments | Eg | Comment |
1 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | instance | static | $options | [x] | 单例入口 |
2 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | action | public | $callback | [x] | 启动一个事务 |
3 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | avg | public | [x] | 获得某个列字段的平均值 | |
4 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | beginDebug | public | [x] | 开启调试模式 | |
5 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | chunk | public | $limit=10, $callback, $stime=null | [x] | chunk分块操作数据 |
6 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | count | public | [x] | 获取数据表中的行数 | |
7 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | data | public | $data | [x] | 设置操作目标数据 |
8 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | debugLog | public | [x] | 获取调试模式下SQL语句 | |
9 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | delete | public | [x] | 删除表中条件内的数据 | |
10 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | field | public | $fields="*" | [x] | 配置查询字段 |
11 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | get | public | [x] | 返回条件内的一行数据 | |
12 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | group | public | $group | [x] | GROUP |
13 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | has | public | [x] | 检测条件内数据是否存在 | |
14 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | having | public | $havingArr | [x] | having |
15 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | info | public | [x] | 获取数据库连接信息 | |
16 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | insert | public | $primaryKey=null | [x] | 插入数据到表中 |
17 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | insertAll | public | [x] | 批量插入数据到表中 | |
18 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | join | public | $join=[] | [x] | 配置链表关系 |
19 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | last | public | [x] | 获取最后一条查询语句 | |
20 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | lastInsertId | public | [x] | 返回最后插入的行ID | |
21 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | limit | public | $limit=10, $offset=0 | [x] | 按偏移量获取limit条数记录 |
22 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | log | public | [x] | 获取前序所有SQL | |
23 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | max | public | [x] | 获得某个列中的最大的值 | |
24 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | min | public | [x] | 获得某个列中的最小的值 | |
25 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | order | public | $order | [x] | order by |
26 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | page | public | $page=1, $limit=10 | [x] | 按页码获取limit条数记录 |
27 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | pdo | public | [x] | 获取标准PDO接口 | |
28 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | query | public | $sql | [x] | |
29 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | random | public | [x] | 随机获取条件内数据 | |
30 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | raw | public | $expression, $map=[] | [x] | 生成原始SQL表达式优化语句 |
31 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | replace | public | $columns | [x] | 批量替换字段的数据 |
32 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | select | public | $callback=null | [x] | 多条查询,支持回调遍历获取 |
33 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | sum | public | [x] | 某个列字段相加 | |
34 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | table | public | $tbName | [x] | 切换/选择数据表 |
35 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | update | public | $data=[] | [x] | 修改表数据 |
36 | Vipkwd\Utils\Db | Mysql | where | public | $where=[] | [x] | 设置操作过滤条件 |
[ -m method ] 查看方法详细
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump color -m rgb2hex
Idx | Namespace | Class | Method | Type | Arguments | Eg | Comment |
1 | Vipkwd\Utils | Color | rgb2hex | static | $r=255, $g=255, $b=255 | [√] | RGB数值转16进制色值 |
* RGB数值转16进制色值
* -e.g: phpunit("Color::rgb2hex",[255,255,255]);
* -e.g: phpunit("Color::rgb2hex",[1,10,100]);
* -e.g: phpunit("Color::rgb2hex",[9,0,1]);
* @param integer $r
* @param integer $g
* @param integer $b
* @return string
Struct: \Vipkwd\Utils\Color::rgb2hex(
[--eg|-e ] 执行测试用例
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump color -m rgb2hex --eg
[01] \Vipkwd\Utils\Color::rgb2hex(255, 255, 255); //<string:>“#ffffff”
[02] \Vipkwd\Utils\Color::rgb2hex(1, 10, 100); //<string:>“#010a64”
[03] \Vipkwd\Utils\Color::rgb2hex(9, 0, 1); //<string:>“#090001”
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump ip -m getInfo --eg
[01] \Vipkwd\Utils\Ip::getInfo(""); //array(8) {
[state] => “中国”
[region] => “-”
[province] => “北京”
[city] => “北京市”
[isp] => “CNNIC权威云解析(CDNS.CN)全球Anycast节点”
[ip] => “”
[beginip] => “”
[endip] => “”
[02] \Vipkwd\Utils\Ip::getInfo(""); //array(8) {
[state] => “-”
[region] => “-”
[province] => “-”
[city] => “内网IP”
[isp] => “内网IP”
[ip] => “”
[beginip] => “”
[endip] => “”
[03] \Vipkwd\Utils\Ip::getInfo(""); //array(8) {
[state] => “中国”
[region] => “-”
[province] => “广东省”
[city] => “惠州市”
[isp] => “移动”
[ip] => “”
[beginip] => “”
[endip] => “”
[04] \Vipkwd\Utils\Ip::getInfo(""); //array(8) {
[state] => “-”
[region] => “-”
[province] => “-”
[city] => “内网IP”
[isp] => “内网IP”
[ip] => “”
[beginip] => “”
[endip] => “”
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump
[Notice] Undefined constant "\Vipkwd\Utils\10\Musume\Com::class" with /data/wwwroot/\vipkwd\utils/src/10/Musume/Com.php
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd dump porn
[Notice] Undefined constant "\Vipkwd\Utils\Porn::class" with /data/wwwroot/\vipkwd\utils/src/Porn.php
[load::assets ] 下载/更新静态资源
yipeng@mbp vipkwd-framework % php vendor/bin/vipkwd load:assets
You must use option `-c` manually enter your own cdn address or specify one from the list of below
But have found the following cdn maps, please choose[index/url] one of them? []:
[4] quit
--- CDN Ping( ):Ok
--- CDN Maps( ): Ok
--> [1] 55fc1266e3821b3dd3d1a533dcd9c113 ttfs/1.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [2] 45d3bab54f8d612976187570fbde8e3a ttfs/2.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [3] 08774b94f4feaedebb6072251124f8aa ttfs/3.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [4] 629a55a7e793da068dc580d184cc0e31 ttfs/4.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [5] ac3f799d5bbaf5196fab15ab8de8431c ttfs/5.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [6] 1c5965c2b1dcdea439b54c3ac60cee38 ttfs/6.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [7] f80465e9d8cea2b48da01f5aba236b59 ttfs/msyh.ttf
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
--> [8] 084fe7a7c7c24816842b618a3e839290 qqwry.dat
└-····················································································· (Download completed)
- 更多使用请参照example用例