
A mini library to fetch place information out of Google Places API via a text search

2.1.1 2020-09-23 20:16 UTC


A mini library to fetch place information out of Google Places API via a text search or a find place request

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$service = new PlaceService(new GuzzleAdapter());

$results = $service->textSearch('Van Andel Arena');


The concept of formatters are baked in to allow you to easily manipulate the data returned by Google. Simply pass a callable as the second argument to textSearch() or findPlace().

For instance, if you only wanted the address of the first result:

$service = new PlaceService(new GuzzleAdapter());

$results = $service->textSearch('Van Andel Arena', function (results) {
    if (count($results)) {
        return $results[0]['formatted_address'];

    return null;

The library also ships with some standard formatters:

  1. CountryStripperFormatter: Removes the country from the formatted_address
  2. LatLngFormatter: Formats the results as an array of lat, lng, and address.
  3. SingleResultFormatter: Grabs the first result and returns it
  4. CompositeFormatter: Allows for running multiple formatters


$service = new PlaceService(new GuzzleAdapter());

$result = $service->textSearch('Van Andel Arena', new CompositeFormatter([
    new SingleResultFormatter(),
    new CountryStripperFormatter(true),
    new LatLngFormatter(true)

Which will yield something like:

    [address] => 130 Fulton West, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
    [lat] => 42.962433
    [lng] => -85.671566