
An app to allow designing a C2C Temperature Blanket

0.4.0 2024-02-06 01:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 04:18:16 UTC


Up and Running

The Less-technical Method

  1. Get the code onto your computer
    1. Click the green Code button at the top of the page
    2. Click the Download ZIP link
    3. Unzip the file on your computer
  2. Running the code
    1. Open the terminal application on your computer
    2. Run php artisan serve
    3. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080

The More-technical Method

  1. Get the code onto your computer
    1. Open the terminal application on your computer
    2. composer create-project skybluesofa/c2c-temperature-blanket example-app where "example-app" is the name of the folder you'll be creating. A suggestion would be 'c2c-temperature-blanket'.
  2. Using Docker (Optional)
    1. docker-compose build
    2. docker-compose up -d
  3. Using Built-in PHP Server (alternate)
    1. Run php artisan serve
    2. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080


The .env File

In the installation folder, there is a file named .env.example. It should be copied and renamed .env.

In the .env file, you'll find the configuration options for the application. The options specific to Temperature Blanket are:

  • C2C_BLANKET_LATITUDE=38.6270 This is the latitude of your location, used to pinpoint your weather.
  • C2C_BLANKET_LONGITUDE=-90.1994 This is the longitude of your location, used to pinpoint your weather.
  • C2C_BLANKET_COLUMNS=16 This is the number of squares your blanket will have per row.
  • C2C_BLANKET_DESIGN=default This is the design scheme designation for your blanket squares.
  • C2C_BLANKET_COLORS=default This is the color scheme designation for the tiles of the design squares.

The Configuration File

In the config folder, there is a file named c2c.php. This file contains configuration options such as:

Square Design. There are some built-in designs available:

  • Default. A 3x3 square with all tiles being the day's average temperature
  • Temps. A 3x3 square showing high temperatures in the top-left corner, low temps in the bottom-right corner, and average temps as a diagonal running bottom-left to top-right.
  • All Day. Similar to the Temps design, but using a 4x4 square. The top-left corner also contains a tile for the daily precipitation; the bottom-right corner also contains a tile for the daylight hours.
  • Smiley. This 9x9 square is more an example of what can be done, rather than something that would probably get used (but you could use it if you wanted). It shows a smiley face with high temps in the upper corners, low temps in the bottom corners, and average temps within the smiley face.

Ranges and Colors for Temperature, Daylight, and Precipitation

Let's take temperature for example:

'temperature' => [
    '-100' => ['blue', 'Blue'],
    '32' => ['green', 'Green'],
    '50' => ['yellow', 'Yellow'],
    '80' => ['red', 'Red'],

Each range has a 'lowest temperature' key. So anything less than 32º is blue, 32-49º is green, 50-79º is yellow and anything 80º and up is red.

  • Temperature ranges are listed as degrees
  • Daylight ranges are listed as hours
  • Precipitation ranges are listed as inches

Each range also designates the color shown on the screen as well as a color 'name'.

  • The first element (shown lowercase), is the color shown on the screen. This could be a written-out color, such as 'blue'. But it could also be a hex representation, #0000ff.
  • The second element (shown uppercase), is the name of the color shown. For instance, the yarn using this blue might be called 'Royal Blue'.
    • If the second element is not provided, we'll try to get a color name from an online database of colors.

Using URLs

In the config/temperature-blanket-dot-com folder, there is a file named default.txt. This file begins without any contents.

However, if you paste a saved URL from, the saved colors and design will override those noted in the base configuration file.