
Signalise PHP client

1.0.1 2024-07-01 10:32 UTC


This is a PHP client for interacting with the Signalise API. it can do the follow things


  • /api/v1/connects - Get connect ids from Signalise (stores).
  • /api/v1/connects/{{connectId}}/history - Process order(s) to Signalise.
  • /api/v1/connects/{{connectId}}/history/status - Get information about the last order that has been processed.


  • PHP >= 7.4
  • Composer


Install via composer.

composer require signalise/php-client

Getting started

Get Connects

The get connects endpoint is used to retrieve all the connectIds (stores).

In order to process order(s) to Signalise you need to use a connectId to let Signalise know which store you want to process order(s) to.

     * @throws ResponseException|GuzzleException
    public function getConnects(
        string $apiUrl,
        string $apiKey
    ): array

Post Order History

The post Order history endpoint is used to process order(s) to Signalise.

It wil either throw an exception or an array with the message that you successfully processed x records

    * @throws ResponseException|GuzzleException
    public function postOrderHistory(
        string $apiUrl,
        string $apiKey,
        string $serializedData,
        string $connectId
    ): array

in order to successful post an order to Signalise you need to use this format.

    "records": [
            "id": 16,
            "total_products": 25,
            "total_costs": 124.6500,
            "valuta": "EUR",
            "tax": 1.15,
            "payment_method": "mollie_methods_ideal",
            "payment_costs": 0.05,
            "shipping_method": "Flat Rate - Fixed",
            "shipping_costs": 5.0000,
            "zip": "1000AA",
            "street": "Dam",
            "house_number": "1",
            "city": "Amsterdam",
            "country": "NL",
            "status": "complete",
            "date": "2021-02-11 18:24:45",
            "tag": ""
            "id": 17,
            "total_products": 1,
            "total_costs": 46.5000,
            "payment_method": "mollie_methods_creditcard",
            "payment_costs": 0.25,
            "shipping_method": "dhl",
            "shipping_costs": 2.5000,
            "valuta": "EUR",
            "tax": 1.15,
            "zip": "BE1000",
            "street": "Brussels Park",
            "house_number": "1",
            "city": "Brussel",
            "country": "BE",
            "status": "processing",
            "date": "2021-02-18 10:31:50",
            "tag": ""

Get History Status

The get history status endpoint will retrieve information about the last processed item.

     * @throws ResponseException|GuzzleException
    public function getHistoryStatus(
        string $apiUrl,
        string $apiKey,
        string $connectId
    ): array


Signalise PHP Client is made by Ndottens.

If you find a bug or want to submit an improvement, don't hesitate to create a merge request on Gitlab.