schnoog / symf4spielerei
Symfony4, KnpMenuBunde (fixed), EasyAdmin, Bootstrap4 & Fontawesome bundled,
- php: ^7.1.3
- ext-ctype: *
- ext-iconv: *
- easycorp/easyadmin-bundle: ^2.1
- friendsofsymfony/user-bundle: ~2.1
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle: ^2.0
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle: ^5.1
- symfony/asset: 4.2.*
- symfony/console: 4.2.*
- symfony/dotenv: 4.2.*
- symfony/expression-language: 4.2.*
- symfony/flex: ^1.1
- symfony/form: 4.2.*
- symfony/framework-bundle: 4.2.*
- symfony/monolog-bundle: ^3.1
- symfony/orm-pack: *
- symfony/process: 4.2.*
- symfony/security-bundle: 4.2.*
- symfony/serializer-pack: *
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle: ^3.1
- symfony/translation: 4.2.*
- symfony/twig-bundle: 4.2.*
- symfony/validator: 4.2.*
- symfony/web-link: 4.2.*
- symfony/yaml: 4.2.*
Requires (Dev)
My first experiments with Symfony 4. ...became a kind of boilerplate
This contains:
KNP-Menu-Bundle (bootstrap 4 menu)
BootStrap 4 Templates for FOSUserBundle
Bootstrap4, JQuery, Propper, Fontsawesome local (now npm or bower required)
Tbh. most is copy/paste But at least this project shows how to implement the bundles without the need to search for hours for solutions (like said before, I'm new to Symfony)
Composer is required
Get the files
Old fashioned way - Clone the Git repo or downlod it
git clone **TargetDir**
Change into the TargetDir and install the components
composer install
The composer way
composer create-project schnoog/symf4spielerei <TargetDirectory>
The composer install script will replace a file in the Knp-Menu-Bundle every time
composer install
oder composer update
are called.
Find more about the problem here
Finalze the installation
Create a database
copy the .env file
cp .env .env.local
and fill in your data (database, mailserver....)
Create the tables
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
Create a user
php bin/console fos:user:create
Make the user admin
php bin/console fos:user:promote
by setting the role ROLE_ADMIN