
API client to control SoundTouch Bose speakers.

1.5.2 2022-06-11 11:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 18:32:24 UTC


SoundTouchApi is a PHP Library that allows you to interact with Bose SoundTouch speakers. It allows you to integrate control into your own PHP applications or domotic box.


For install the package with composer :

composer require sabinus52/soundtouchapi
composer install


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Sabinus\SoundTouch\SoundTouchApi;
use Sabinus\SoundTouch\Component\ContentItem;
use Sabinus\SoundTouch\Constants\Source;
use Sabinus\SoundTouch\Constants\Key;

// Initialize object API
$api = new SoundTouchApi('');

// Get informations
$info = $api->getInfo();
print 'DeviceID : '.$info->getDeviceID()."\n";
print 'Nom : '.$info->getName()."\n";

// Get now playing
$result = $api->getNowPlaying();
print 'Source : '.$result->getSource()."\n";

// Volume
$volume = $api->getVolume();
print 'Volume : '.$volume->getActual()."\n";
print 'Mute : '.$volume->isMuted()."\n";
$api->setVolume(27); // Set new volume 0..100
$api->mute(); // Cut volume

// Select source BLUETOOTH
$source = new ContentItem();

// Select station radio TUNEIN
$source = new ContentItem();
    ->setName('FG Radio FG')

// Send Command pause music
$result = $api->getNowPlaying();
print 'Track : '.$result->getTrack()."\n";
print 'Artist : '.$result->getArtist()."\n";

// List of the sources
$result = $api->getSources();
foreach ($result as $key => $source) {
    print $key.' : '.$source->getName().' / '.$source->getSource()."\n";

// Liste of presets
$result = $api->getPresets();
foreach ($result as $preset) {
    print 'Preset '.$preset->getId().' : '.$preset->getContentItem()->getSource().' / '.$preset->getContentItem()->getName()."\n";

// Play preset No. 1

// Set current source as preset No. 5


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Sabinus\SoundTouch\SoundTouchApi;
use Sabinus\SoundTouch\Component\ContentItem;
use Sabinus\SoundTouch\Constants\Source;
use Sabinus\SoundTouch\Constants\Key;

// Initialize object API
$api = new SoundTouchApi('');

// Create zone
$zone = new Zone();
$slave1 = new ZoneSlave();
$slave2 = new ZoneSlave();
$zone->setSlaves( [ $slave1, $slave2 ] );

// Remove slave
// Add slave


A specific class to integrate control into Jeedom. (More features)

See my Jeedom plugin :

Example :

use Sabinus\SoundTouch\JeedomSoundTouchApi;

$speaker = new JeedomSoundTouchApi('soundtouch');

// Power ON

// Select BlueTooth
$status = $speaker->getNowPlaying();
print 'Source : '.$status->getSource()."\n";
print 'Track : '.$status->getTrack()."\n";
print 'Artist : '.$status->getArtist()."\n";
$status = $speaker->getNowPlaying(true); // Refresh status
print 'Track : '.$status->getTrack()."\n";
print 'Artist : '.$status->getArtist()."\n";

// Select source HDMI

// Display volume and change it
print 'Volume Actual : '.$speaker->getLevelVolume()."\n";
print 'Mute : '.$speaker->isMuted()."\n";
print 'New volume : '.$speaker->getLevelVolume(true)."\n";