
Middleware for Eloquent Models

v2.0.4 2023-06-17 07:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 09:12:44 UTC


Middleware for Eloquent Models

Latest Version MIT Licensed Total Downloads

Table of Contents


This package provides a convenient mechanism for grouping data manipulation logic, which is equivalent to Laravel's native HTTP middleware. However, to prevent any confusion with HTTP middleware hereafter this mechanism will be referred to in its more general form called a pipeline. In fact, Laravel provides its own Pipeline implementation which is used by middleware under the hood.

A pipeline is a design pattern that composes several different classes (pipes) and applies them consecutively. All pipes receive a so-called passable and result in a so-called returnable. In the context of HTTP middleware, the passable is the HTTP request object and the returnable is the HTTP response object. Conversely, in the context of a repository, the model-data array is classified as the passable and the resulting Eloquent model object is the returnable. Typically, each pipe will filter or alter the passable that is sent through the pipeline. As a result, creating an easily extensible architecture where each pipe concerns itself with one task. For example, this package provides a pipe that automatically hashes passwords before saving them to the database. Thus, centralizing your password hashing logic and thereby removing responsibility from your other classes.

Additional pipes can be written to perform a variety of tasks besides modifying column values. A translation pipe might save all translations for certain columns to a separate translations table. A transaction pipe might run specific groups of queries in a database transaction. There are a few pipes already included in this package, including pipes for password hashing and database transactions. All of these default pipes will be elaborated upon, along with information on how to define your own pipes.


composer require royvoetman/laravel-repository-pattern


Defining repositories

First, create a class that extends the RoyVoetman\Repositories\Repository class. Second, the repository should be made aware of what model it is associated with by equating the $model field to the fully qualified class name of the model. Finally, pipes can be defined by stating them in the $pipes field.

class BooksRepository extends Repository
    protected string $model = Book::class;

    protected array $pipes = [
        'save' => [Translate::class],
        'delete' => [DeleteTranslations::class]

Generator command

php artisan make:repository BooksRepository

Inserting & Updating Models

save(array $data, Model $model = null): ?Model


To create a new database record, instantiate the associated repository, pass the model attributes as an associative array, then call the save method.

$book = (new BooksRepository())->save([
  'name' => 'Laravel',
  'author' => 'Taylor Otwell'


The save method may also be used to update models that already exist in the database. To update a model, you should retrieve it, pass any model attributes you which to update in combination with the retrieved model, and then call the save method.

$book = Book::find(1);

$updatedBook = (new BooksRepository())->save([
  'name' => 'Laravel!',
  'author' => 'Taylor Otwell'
], $book);

Deleting Models

delete(Model $model): bool

To delete a model, retrieve the model, pass the model to the repository, and then call the delete method.

$book = Book::find(1);

(new BooksRepository())->delete($book);


Defining Pipes

To create a new pipe, use the make:pipe generator command:

php artisan make:pipe HashPassword

This command will place a new HashPassword class within your app/Repositories/Pipes directory. In this pipe, we will check if a password key has been defined. If so, the password will be hashed and replaced with the plain text password.

class HashPassword
    public function handle($data, Closure $next): Model
        if(Arr::has($data, 'password')) {
            $data['password'] = bcrypt($data['password']);

        return $next($data);

However pipes that are applied to a delete action receive an Eloquent Model as the first parameter instead of a $data array with model-data. To create a delete pipe, add the --delete option to the generator command.

php artisan make:pipe RemoveBookRelations --delete
class RemoveBookRelations
    public function handle(Model $book, Closure $next)

        return $next($book);

Before & After Pipes

Whether a pipe runs before or after the insertion/update/deletion of the model depends on the pipe itself. For example, the following pipe would perform some task before any data manipulations are made persistent:

class BeforePipe
    public function handle($data, Closure $next)
        // Perform actions on the model-data
        // e.g. hashing passwords

        return $next($data);

However, this pipe would perform its task after the data manipulations are made persisted:

class AfterPipe
    public function handle($data, Closure $next): Model
        $model = $next($data);

        // Perform actions on Eloquent model
        // e.g. saving relationships

        return $model;

Using Pipes

This package defines the following actions that can be used in the $pipes array of your repository. These arrays will automatically be applied when the corresponding actions occur:

class BooksRepository extends Repository
    protected array $pipes = [
        'create' => [...],
        'update' => [...],
        'save' => [...],
        'delete' => [...]

Alternatively pipes can be defined at runtime by using the with method.

(new BooksRepository())->with(Translate::class)->create([

Pipe Groups

Sometimes you may want to group several pipes under a single key to make them easier to apply. You may do this using the $pipeGroups field in your repository. For example, you may want to apply special logic when saving a VIP user as opposed to a regular user:

class UsersRepository extends Repository
    protected string $model = Book::class;

    protected array $pipeGroups = [
        'vip' => [

You may then apply the group by calling the withGroup method.

$user = (new UsersRepository())->withGroup('vip')->save([
  'name' => 'Roy Voetman',
  'email' => '',


This package provides a transaction pipe which can be used to run a certain pipeline in a database transaction. For example, the UsesTransaction interface could be implemented by the repository to indicate that every pipeline should run in a transaction.

class BooksRepository extends Repository implements UsesTransaction
    protected string $model = Book::class;

By implementing UsesTransaction the case in which inserting a record or saving the translations raises an exception will not cause data inconsistencies. In fact, when an exception is raised the transaction will be rolled back.

Furthermore, the transaction() method could be used to specify that only the current pipeline should be run inside a transaction.

$book = $books->transaction()->save([
  'name' => 'Laravel',
  'author' => 'Taylor Otwell'

Caution: the Transaction pipe can also be used by adding it to the $pipes field. However, since the pipes are run consecutively it should be the first pipe in the array. The techniques discussed above automatically prepend the pipe to the beginning of the pipe stack.

Pipe Parameters

Pipes can also receive additional parameters. For example, if want to apply the transaction pipe with a specific number of retries, you could pass an integer indicating the retries as an additional argument.

To clarify, the transaction pipe is defined as follows:

class Transaction
    public function handle($passable, \Closure $next, int $attempts)
        return DB::transaction(fn () => $next($passable), $attempts);

Pipe parameters may be specified when defining the $pipes array by separating the class name and parameters with a :. Multiple parameters should be delimited by commas:

class BooksRepository extends Repository
    protected array $pipes = [
        'save' => [

However, pipe parameters can also be defined at runtime by using the with method on the repository.

(new BooksRepository())


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. We accept contributions via Pull Requests on Github.

Pull Requests

  • PSR-2 Coding Standard - The easiest way to apply the conventions is to install PHP Code Sniffer.
  • Document any change in behaviour - Make sure the and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.
  • Create feature branches - Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.
  • One pull request per feature - If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.