
Export Data as Spreadsheets

v0.2.0 2023-05-07 13:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 02:59:42 UTC


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A Streamed Data Export Tool

Supported formats:

  • CSV / TSV
  • SpreadsheetML "Excel 2004 XML Spreadsheet"
  • More to come.


  • maennchen/zipstream-php: ~2.1
  • ext-SPL: *
  • ext-mbstring: *
  • ext-dom: *
  • ext-json: *
  • php: >=7.4


Install the latest version with:

composer require 'quorum/exporter'


Simple CSV Export


use Quorum\Exporter\DataExport;
use Quorum\Exporter\DataSheet;
use Quorum\Exporter\Engines\CsvEngine;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$csv      = new CsvEngine;
$exporter = new DataExport($csv);

// Output a ZIP of CSV's for Multiple Sheets

$sheetA = new DataSheet('a');
$sheetB = new DataSheet('b');


// Add a single row at a time;
$sheetA->addRow([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
$sheetA->addRow([ "a", "b", "c" ]);

// Add Multiple Rows
	[ 4, 5, 6 ],
	[ 7, 8, 9 ],



Class: \Quorum\Exporter\DataExport

Method: DataExport->__construct

function __construct(\Quorum\Exporter\EngineInterface $engine)

DataExport is the object used to orchestrate the export process regardless of export format.

  • \Quorum\Exporter\EngineInterface $engine - The engine by which to export the data sheets.

Method: DataExport->addSheet

function addSheet(\Quorum\Exporter\DataSheet $sheet [, ?string $sheetTitle = null]) : void

Add a Data Sheet to the export.

  • \Quorum\Exporter\DataSheet $sheet - The DataSheet to add to the export
  • string | null $sheetTitle - Optional Title to give the data export. Most Engines will interpret this as filename (sans file extension). If excluded, the name will be left to the engine.

Method: DataExport->export

function export([ $outputStream = null]) : void

Trigger the final export process.

  • resource | null $outputStream - The stream resource to export to. NULL will open a php://output resource.

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\DataSheet

Method: DataSheet->__construct

function __construct([ ?string $name = null])

DataSheet is the representation of a Worksheet

  • string | null $name - The name to give the sheet. The use is Engine implementation specific but is likely filename or Sheet name

Method: DataSheet->getName

function getName() : ?string

Get the name of the sheet. Use thereof is Engine Specific

Method: DataSheet->addRow

function addRow(array $row) : void

Append a row worth of data to the end of the Worksheet.

  • array $row - An array of scalars.

Throws: \Quorum\Exporter\Exceptions\InvalidDataTypeException

Method: DataSheet->addRows

function addRows($dataSet) : void

Append multiple rows of data to the end of the Worksheet.

  • array | \Iterator $dataSet - An iterable of arrays of scalars.

Method: DataSheet->current

function current() : ?array

Return the current value

Method: DataSheet->next

function next() : void

Move forward to next element

Method: DataSheet->key

function key() : int

Return the key of the current element

Method: DataSheet->valid

function valid() : bool

Checks if current position is valid

Method: DataSheet->rewind

function rewind() : void

Rewind the Iterator to the first element

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\EngineInterface

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\Engines\CsvEngine

namespace Quorum\Exporter\Engines;

class CsvEngine {
	public const STRATEGY_CONCAT = 'stat-concat';
	public const STRATEGY_ZIP = 'stat-zip';
	public const UTF8 = 'UTF-8';
	public const UTF16 = 'UTF-16';
	public const UTF16BE = 'UTF-16BE';
	public const UTF16LE = 'UTF-16LE';
	public const UTF32 = 'UTF-32';
	public const UTF32BE = 'UTF-32BE';
	public const UTF32LE = 'UTF-32LE';

Method: CsvEngine->__construct

function __construct([ string $outputEncoding = self::UTF16LE [, ?string $delimiter = null [, string $enclosure = '"' [, string $inputEncoding = self::UTF8]]]])

The default and highly recommended export format for CSV tab delimited UTF-16LE with leading Byte Order Mark.

While this may seem like an odd choice, the reason for this is cross platform Microsoft Excel compatibility.

You can read more on the topic here
  • string $outputEncoding - The encoding to output. Defaults to UTF-16LE as it is by far the best supported by Excel
  • string | null $delimiter - Character to use as Delimiter. Default varies based on encoding.
  • string $enclosure - Character to use as Enclosure.
  • string $inputEncoding - The encoding of the input going into the CSVs.

Method: CsvEngine->setEnclosure

function setEnclosure(string $enclosure) : void

Character to use as CSV value enclosure. Commonly this will be "

Method: CsvEngine->setTmpDir

function setTmpDir(string $tmpDir) : void

Set the tmpDir to write interim files to.

Defaults to sys_get_temp_dir

Method: CsvEngine->getMultiSheetStrategy

function getMultiSheetStrategy() : string

Get the current strategy for Multi-Sheet export

Method: CsvEngine->setMultiSheetStrategy

function setMultiSheetStrategy(string $multiSheetStrategy) : void

Set the strategy for allowing multiple sheets.

Supported strategies are CsvEngine::STRATEGY_ZIP and CsvEngine::STRATEGY_CONCAT

  • CsvEngine::STRATEGY_ZIP will output a single zipfile containing every sheet as a separate CSV file.
  • CsvEngine::STRATEGY_CONCAT will output a single CSV file with every sheet one after the next.
  • string $multiSheetStrategy - Use the constant CsvEngine::STRATEGY_ZIP or CsvEngine::STRATEGY_CONCAT

Method: CsvEngine->getDelimiter

function getDelimiter() : string

Gets delimiter. If unset, UTF-16 and UTF-32 default to TAB "\t", everything else to COMMA ","

Method: CsvEngine->setDelimiter

function setDelimiter(?string $delimiter) : void

Sets delimiter. Setting to NULL triggers automatic delimiter decision based on recommended encoding rules.

  • string | null $delimiter - Delimiter Character. Must be a single byte.

Method: CsvEngine->getEnclosure

function getEnclosure() : string

Get the current character used for enclosure.

Method: CsvEngine->disableBom

function disableBom([ bool $disable = true]) : void

Whether to disable the leading Byte Order Mark for the given encoding from being output.

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\Engines\SpreadsheetMLEngine

Method: SpreadsheetMLEngine->setCreatedTime

function setCreatedTime(?int $createdTime) : void
  • int | null $createdTime - The timestamp to use for the created time. If null, the current time will be used.

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\Exceptions\ExportException

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\Exceptions\InvalidDataTypeException

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\Exceptions\OutputException

Class: \Quorum\Exporter\Exceptions\WritableException