
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

🌟 A cleaner Symfony install for light-weight projects. 🏁🚗💨

v0.5.2 2017-09-20 07:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 21:48:56 UTC


🔔 Introduction

🌟 Helping your project make a clean finish. 🏁🚗💨

🎯 Project Goals

Katwizy hat the following goals:

  • Project code should be the only code in a project repository
  • All vendor code should live in the vendor directory1
  • All files that need to be in a project directory should be generated and .gitignore'd
  • A projects composer file should be clean and as free from framework entries as possible
  • Katwizy should only be a thin layer between a project and Symfony.
  • Functionality should be configurable
  • Configuration should not be done in code

1 This includes all Symfony code as well.

🏗 Installation

Install the Katwizy package through composer:

composer require potherca/katwizy

This will also install the Symfony framework2.

2 And all of the bundles that come with the standard Symfony install.

🌟 Usage

Katwizy hides all of the standard Symfony files out of sight, so your project only has to implement the parts that it needs.

Minimal example

The absolute minimum that is required to get started is a web folder that contains an index.php file that does the following:

  1. Get the Composer Autoloader
  2. Declare a Controller (including a Route)
  3. Run the bootstrap

Such a file could look like this:

// web/index.php

$loader = require dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';

class Website extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller
     * @Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route("/")
     * @Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route("/{name}")
    final public function homepage($name = 'world')
        return new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response(
            sprintf('<p>Hello %s!</p>', $name)



There is a separate repository with this example

Next steps

There are several things that could be done next:

  • Declare the Controller in a separate file. All files in the src directory are also scanned for Route annotations
  • Declare routes in a separate config file, rather than using annotations.


There are various things that can be configured by adding certain files to the config directory:


Bundles can be added to the AppKernel from a bundles.yml file. It is not needed (or possible) to edit the AppKernel. Separate sections must be defined for prod, test and dev bundles. All bundles defined in the prod section will also be loaded in test and dev environments.

General Configuration

General configuration can be managed from a separate config.yml file.


Parameters that are to be used in other configuration files can be stored in a parameters.yml file. This file will be loaded before the other configuration files.

Emulating Environmental Variables

Besides the parameters file, it is also possible to use an so called .env file.

This is done by adding a file named .env to a projects root directory. Entries in the .env file will be loaded for use from getenv()/$_ENV/$_SERVER.

For variables in the .env file need to be loaded in the Symfony configuration, they need to be prefixed with SYMFONY__, as described in the Symfony cookbook.

To have a period "." in the config name, use a double underscore "__" in the variable name. (Double underscores will be replaced by a period, as a period is not a valid character in an environment variable name). Variables can also be nested by wrapping an existing environment variable in ${…}

For instance:



Routes can be configured from a routes.yml file.


Security can be configured from a security.yml file. A security configuration from the Symfony Standard Edition is already loaded by default.


Services can be configured from a services.yml file.

Composer Script Commands

It is not uncommon for the scripts section in a composer.json file to grow quite large. A simple solution is to create a script that holds all of the entries that should be called.

Katwizy provides an abstract base class AbstractScriptEventHandler that makes it trivial to add commands to be called from the Composer Scripts.

All that an extending classes has to do is implement the getCommands function and add the command class to the script section in the project's composer.json file.

Extending the AbstractScriptEventHandler

An implementation might look something like this:


use Composer\Script\ScriptEvents;
use Composer\Script\Event;
use Potherca\Katwizy\Command\ImmutableCommand;
use Potherca\Katwizy\Command\ScriptEventHandler;

class ScriptEventHandler extends ScriptEventHandler
     * Return commands to be run after composer install/update.
     * To only call certain scripts on specific events, get the event name (with
     * `$event->getName()`) and check it against the available events in
     * Composer\Script\ScriptEvents. The most commonly used events are:
     * - ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD
     * - ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD
     * Command provided by the Symfony `console` command should be marked as
     * `COMMAND_TYPE_SYMFONY`. These will be handled the same as COMMAND_TYPE_SHELL
     * @param Event $event
     * @return ImmutableCommand[]
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    final public function getCommands(Event $event)
         $commands = [];
        if (in_array($event->getName(), [ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD, ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD])) {
            $commands[] =  new ImmutableCommand(
        if ($event->getName() === ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD) {
            $commands[] = new ImmutableCommand(
        return $commands;


Adding script to composer.json

After the Commad class has been created it can be added to the composer file like this:

    "require": {
        "…": "…"
    "scripts": {
        "symfony-scripts": ["\\ScriptEventHandler::handleEvent"],
        "post-install-cmd": ["@symfony-scripts"],
        "post-update-cmd": ["@symfony-scripts"]

More details on configuration

As routes.yml, security.yml and services.yml are loaded separately, there is no need to include them from the general config file.

For config.yml, parameters.yml, routes.yml, security.yml and services.yml files, Katwizy will first look for a environment specific file before looking for a generic file. For instance, for a config file Katwizy will first look for a config_prod.yml file (or config_test.yml or config_dev.yml, depending on the environment). If that is not found it will look for a config.yml file.

This allows for creating a generic configuration that can be included from environment specific files. Any environment that does not have a specific congif file will default to the generic config file.

Available commands

  • The Symfony console command is available from the vendor bin directory This is vendor/bin/ by default (but this can be configured from composer.json)
  • The flotsam command (also in the vendor bin directory) can be run to symlink other functionality from the Symfony Standard Edition into the project directory (and add them to the .gitignore file).


By default, Symfony contains two separate files for web access: app.php for production and app_dev.php for development. When accessing the first, debugging mode is disabled, when accessing the latter, debugging mode is enabled. Besides being the cause of various inconveniences, this causes a problem if/when a developer would like to debug things in production.

Although there is an environment variable SYMFONY_DEBUG, this is only honored by Symfony's configuration files, not the app(_dev).php files.

With Katwizy, the environment variable SYMFONY_DEBUG is honoured by the index.php.3

Besides this, debugging mode can be trigger by setting an environment variable named DEBUG_TOKEN and referencing this from a requests GET or POST debug-token variable, from a Cookie's debug-token value or from a DEBUG-TOKEN header.

For ease-of-use, when the debugging token is set with a GET, POST or Header, it will automatically be set as a Cookie value.

3 It is also honored by the console command.

🤖 How it works

Katwizy implements a custom Kernel which changes where Symfony looks for things.

More information about how this works can be found in the Symfony manual pages about the micro kernel trait, overriding Symfony directory structure and Symfony Kernel Configuration.

📝 Other information

©️ License

The Source Code for this project is available under a GPL-3.0+ License (GNU General Public License v3.0 or higher) – Created by Potherca

💡 Origin / Motivation

The Symfony manual offers various ways to get started with a new project.

They all (more or less) lead to a script that dumps a bunch4 of files in a directory of your choice.

The manual then tells you to just go ahead and commit all that mess into git. For small projects and proof-of-concepts this is basically a lot of vendor code poluting your clean new code base.

A large part of these files will never be edited, leaving your repository strewn with files that have "Initial commit" as message. Forever.

As a final insult, the created composer.json file is full of verbose entries that could be a lot shorter if other means were used5.

There must be a better way.

Katwizy tries to offer this "better way".

4 To be precise: 38 files in 18 folders. 5 Like a composer meta-package, a single file to add composer-scripts to, a Symfony composer plugin, a config file to link to from the extra section.

🤔 About the name

Katwizy offers lightweight transportation.The name is a portmanteau of two light-weight car models. The Ford Ka and the Renault Twizy.

It is not a Polish translation of "Cat Visa". That was just a happy coincidence.

💮 About the logo


❔What is wrong with Symfony code in your project?

The way that Symfony is structured (like most frameworks these days) is in such a way that the directories don't actually show anything about the domain the application is involved with. There is a keynote by Uncle Bob from the Ruby Midwest 2011 conference that explains the problem this poses in quite some details.

❔Why not simply use Silex?

The most commonly suggested solution to have a "lightweight Symfony" is to use Silex. There is, however, one problems with that... Silex is not Symfony. This means that yet another framework needs to be learned, Bundles will not work6 and the problem shifts from one framework-oriented directory structure to another framework's directory structure. So... no thanks.

6 And no, not all functionality from bundles are available in Silex through other means.

❔ Which packages/bundles are installed?

The following bundles and packages are installed with Katwizy:


  • vlucas/phpdotenv - Loads environment variables from .env to getenv()/$_ENV/$_SERVER automagically.


  • DoctrineBundle - Adds support for the Doctrine ORM
  • FrameworkBundle - The core Symfony framework bundle
  • MonologBundle - Adds support for Monolog, a logging library
  • SecurityBundle - Adds security by integrating Symfony's security component
  • SensioFrameworkExtraBundle - Adds several enhancements, including template and routing annotation capability
  • SwiftmailerBundle - Adds support for Swiftmailer, a library for sending emails
  • TwigBundle - Adds support for the Twig templating engine

Only in in dev/test environment

  • DebugBundle - Adds Debug and VarDumper component integration
  • SensioDistributionBundle - Adds functionality for configuring and working with Symfony distributions
  • SensioGeneratorBundle - Adds code generation capabilities
  • WebProfilerBundle - Adds profiling functionality and the web debug toolbar

❔Whats with all of the emoji's and footnotes?

I don't like my documentation boring and colourless. That's all.