
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Specify your Eloquent models

1.0.4 2016-10-11 13:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-12 11:59:17 UTC


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This Laravel package provides the ability to 'specify' your Eloquent models. It comes with a 'matcher' service that can sort collections of models based on 'criteria' you provide. Confused? Take a look at the example which almost speaks for itself. Under the hood it uses the framework-agnostic version of this package.


  • Compatible with Laravel 5.3 and up.
  • PHP 7.0 and 7.1.


Via Composer

$ composer require pbmedia/laravel-specifications

Add the service provider and facade to your app.php config file:

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'SpecificationsMatcher' => Pbmedia\Specifications\Laravel\SpecificationsFacade::class

Publish the migration files using the artisan CLI tool:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pbmedia\Specifications\Laravel\SpecificationsServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate


Imagine you have an Eloquent model which represents products you sell. Using the HasSpecificationsTrait and CanBeSpecified interface, you can add specifications to your products. Add the interface and trait to the Eloquent model:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Pbmedia\Specifications\Interfaces\CanBeSpecified;
use Pbmedia\Specifications\Laravel\Models\HasSpecificationsTrait;

class Product extends Model implements CanBeSpecified {

    use HasSpecificationsTrait;


Let's think about how you want to specify your product, for example 'disk capacity' and 'internal memory'. Let's store these into the database using the AttributeModel.

use Pbmedia\Specifications\Laravel\Models\AttributeModel;

$diskCapacity = AttributeModel::create(['name' => 'Disk Capacity in GB']);

// or use the 'createWithName' helper method:
$internalMemory = AttributeModel::createWithName('Internal Memory in MB');

With the ScoreModel, you can bind a value to an AttributeModel and add it to the specifications of your product:

use Pbmedia\Specifications\Laravel\Models\ScoreModel;

$macbookAir = Product::whereName('MacBook Air')->first();
$macbookPro = Product::whereName('MacBook Pro')->first();

    $internalMemory, new ScoreModel(['value' => 4096])

// or use the 'withValue' helper method:
    $internalMemory, ScoreModel::withValue(8192)

// don't forget to save the products!

The specifications() method returns a Specifications class which has the following methods available:

// add a AttributeScore object to the specifications
public function add(AttributeScore $attributeScore): Specifications;

// helper method to add multiple AttributeScore objects at once
public function addMany(array $attributeScores = []): Specifications;

// does the same as the 'add' method, but generates the AttributeScore object
// automatically based on the given Attribute and Score objects
public function set(Attribute $attribute, Score $score): Specifications;

// returns a boolean wether the given Attribute is present
public function has(Attribute $attribute): bool;

// returns the AttributeScore object based on the given Attribute object
public function get(Attribute $attribute): AttributeScore;

// forgets the AttributeScore object based on the given Attribute object
public function forget(Attribute $attribute): Specifications;

// returns a Collection object containing all AttributeScore objects
public function all(): Collection;

// count the number of AttributeScore objects
public function count(): int;

An AttributeScore object combines an Attribute object with a Score object and has only three methods available:

$diskCapacity = new AttributeModel(['name' => 'Disk Capacity in GB']);
$size = new ScoreModel(['value' => 256]);

$attributeScore = new AttributeScore($diskCapacity, $size);

// returns the AttributeModel

// returns the ScoreModel

// returns 256

Now let's focus on the Matcher service. You have to provide the service with two kinds of data. Firstly, you have to add products to the service (or other models which implement the CanBeSpecified interface). Secondly, you have to add 'criteria', just like you've added to the products. Since the service itself also implement the CanBeSpecified interface, this works exactly the same by using the specifications() method.

In this example we will be using the MacBook products again. Remember we've specified the Internal Memory of these products. Say you are looking for a notebook with 16 GB of Internal Memory, but unfortunately, these notebook do not exist in our database. The matcher service will sort the products based on which ones are most closely to the criteria.

// the MacBook Air has 4096 MB of Internal Memory
$macbookAir = Product::whereName('MacBook Air')->first();

// the MacBook Pro has 8196 MB of Internal Memory
$macbookPro = Product::whereName('MacBook Pro')->first();

$matcher = new Matcher();


// you can also use the 'addCandidates' helper method:
$matcher->addCandidates($macbookAir, $macbookPro);
$matcher->addCandidates([$macbookAir, $macbookPro]);

// now provide some criteria.
$memoryAttribute = AttributeModel::whereName('Internal Memory in MB')->first();
$sixteenGigabytesScore = ScoreModel::withValue(16384);


// now let the service do its magic!
$products = $matcher->get(); // returns a Collection instance

// prints the MacBook Pro

// print the MacBook Air

The MacBook Pro is the first element in the array since it comes closer to the given specifications than the MacBook Air. You can add as many specifications as you wish, each are treated equally important in the comparison. The Matcher service is also available throught the Laravel facade:

$matcher = SpecificationsMatcher::addCandidates([$macbookAir, $macbookPro]);

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email pascal@pascalbaljetmedia.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.