
Conversion Tools is a Terminus plugin that contain commands to convert a standard Drupal site into a composer managed one.


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Terminus 3.x Compatible

The main purpose of the Conversion Tools project is to ease the conversion of a Drupal based site into a Pantheon composer managed Drupal site. With this plugin you could do things such as:

  • Convert an existing Drupal site to a composer managed Drupal site
  • Enable Integrated Composer for a site in a non-official upstream
  • Import a site from a external hosting platform to Pantheon
  • Update from a Pantheon deprecated upstream to the current supported upstream


To install this plugin using Terminus 3:

terminus self:plugin:install terminus-conversion-tools-plugin


This plugin adds the following Terminus commands:

  • conversion:advise
  • conversion:composer
  • conversion:create-project
  • conversion:convert-upstream-from-site
  • conversion:enable-ic
  • conversion:import-site
  • conversion:push-to-multidev
  • conversion:release-to-dev
  • conversion:restore-dev
  • conversion:update-from-deprecated-upstream
  • conversion:upgrade-d9
  • conversion:validate-gitignore


Run terminus conversion:advise to analyze the current state of the site and give advice on the next steps


  • skip-upgrade-checks: Skip checks for PHP version and composer/upstream updates.


Run terminus conversion:composer to convert a site into a Drupal site managed by Composer. This command could be used to convert a site from the following states:

  • drupal8 upstream
  • empty upstream
  • Build Tools based site
  • Custom upstream based site


  • branch: The target branch name for the multidev environment.
  • dry-run: Skip creating the multidev environment and pushing the composerified branch
  • ignore-build-tools: If used on a Build Tools based site, this command will ignore the Build Tools setup, act like it does not exist and will remove it.
  • run-updb: Run drush updb after conversion
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion


Run terminus conversion:create-project to create a Pantheon site from a Drupal distribution.


  • composer-options: Extra composer options.
  • label: Site label.
  • org: Organization name to create this site in.
  • region: Region to create this site in.


Run terminus conversion:convert-upstream-from-site to convert an exemplar site to an upstream.


  • commit-message: The commit message to use when pushing to the target branch.
  • repo: Upstream repo to push to. If omitted, it will look in composer extra section.


Run terminus conversion:enable-ic to enable Pantheon Integrated Composer for the site.


  • branch: The target branch name for the multidev environment.
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion


Run terminus conversion:import-site to create a site based on "drupal-composer-managed" upstream from imported code, database, and files.


  • overwrite: Overwrite files on archive extraction if exists.
  • org: Organization name for a new site.
  • site-label: Site label for a new site.
  • region: Specify the service region where the site should be created. See documentation for valid regions.
  • code: Import code.
  • code_path: Import code from specified directory. Has higher priority over "path" argument.
  • db: Import database.
  • db_path: Import database from specified dump file. Has higher priority over "path" argument.
  • files: Import Drupal files.
  • files_path: Import Drupal files from specified directory. Has higher priority over "path" argument.
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion.


Run terminus conversion:push-to-multidev to push the converted site to a multidev environment.


  • branch: The target branch name for the multidev environment.
  • run-updb: Run drush updb after conversion
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion


Run terminus conversion:release-to-dev to release a converted Drupal site managed by Composer to the dev environment.


  • branch: The target branch name for the multidev environment.
  • run-updb: Run drush updb after conversion
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion


Run terminus conversion:restore-dev to restore the dev environment branch to its original state.


  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion


Run terminus conversion:update-from-deprecated-upstream to convert a "drupal9" or "drupal-recommended" upstream-based site into a "drupal-composer-managed" upstream-based one.


  • branch: The target branch name for the multidev environment.
  • dry-run: Skip creating the multidev environment and pushing the composerified branch
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion
  • target-upstream-git-url: The target upstream git repository URL. Defaults to
  • target-upstream-git-branch: The target upstream git repository branch. Defaults to main


Run terminus conversion:upgrade-d9 to upgrade a Drupal 8 with Integrated Composer to Drupal 9.


  • branch: The target branch name for multidev env.
  • skip-upgrade-status: Skip upgrade status checks.
  • dry-run: Skip creating multidev and pushing the branch.
  • run-updb: Run drush updb after conversion.
  • run-cr: Run drush cr after conversion.


Run conversion:validate-gitignore to validate Git/Composer project and update .gitignore file accordingly

Learn more about Terminus Plugins in the Terminus Plugins documentation