
SAML toolkit for Laravel based on OneLogin's SAML PHP Toolkit.

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SAML toolkit for Laravel based on OneLogin's SAML PHP Toolkit.

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composer require overtrue/laravel-saml


php artisan vendor:publish --tag=saml-config

This command will add the file config/saml.php. This config is handled almost directly by OneLogin so you may get further references there, but will cover here what's really necessary. There are some other config about routes you may want to check, they are pretty straightforward.


If your application is only used to log in to one specified IdP, you just need to configure idp section in config/saml.php.

idp configuration resolver

In order to support multiple IdP, you need to configure the following method to get the configuration of the IdP.

Saml::configureIdpUsing(function($idpName): array {
    return [...]; 

You need to return the configuration array for IdP, see the idp section in config/saml.php for the structure.

Entrypoints controller

You can create a controller to perform SAML integration:

$ php artisan make:controller SamlController

Then we prepare the following 5 necessary methods.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Overtrue\LaravelSaml\Saml;

class SamlController extends Controller
    public function login() {}
    public function acs() {}
    public function logout() {}
    public function sls() {}
    public function metadata() {}

Entrypoints Routes

Then configure the routes at routes/web.php:

You are free to use your preferred routing prefix, for example, we use saml as the routing prefix:

use App\Http\Controllers\SamlController;

Route::get('saml/login', [SamlController::class, 'login'])->name('saml.login');
Route::get('saml/logout', [SamlController::class, 'logout'])->name('saml.logout');
Route::post('saml/acs', [SamlController::class, 'acs'])->name('saml.acs');
Route::get('saml/sls', [SamlController::class, 'sls'])->name('saml.sls');
Route::get('saml/metadata', [SamlController::class, 'metadata'])->name('saml.metadata');

Redirect to IdP login service

Initiates the SSO process, creates an AuthnRequest, returns a laravel redirect response.

    public function login(Request $request)
        // Use the default idp in the configuration
        return Saml::redirect(); 
        // Or specify the idp name
        return Saml::idp($request->get('idp'))->redirect();

Assertion Consumer Service (ACS)

This method is used to handle the IdP authorization callback, SamlAuth::getAuthenticatedUser will validation the request and return a Overtrue\LaravelSaml\SamlUser object.

    public function acs(Request $request)
        // Overtrue\LaravelSaml\SamlUser
        $samlUser = Saml::getAuthenticatedUser();
        // Or specify the idp name
        //$samlUser = Saml::idp($request->get('idp'))->getAuthenticatedUser(); 
        $samlUserId = $samlUser->getNameId();
        // SamlUser to app User
        // $user = User::FirstOrCreate(['email' => $samlUser->getNameId()]);
        return redirect('/home')

Redirect to IdP logout service

Create a redirect response to IdP logout service.

    public function logout(Request $request)
        // Use the default IdP in the configuration
        return Saml::redirectToLogout(); 
        // Or specify the IdP name
        return Saml::idp($request->get('idp'))->redirectToLogout();

The IdP will return the Logout Response through the user's client to the Single Logout Service of the SP (route saml/sls).

Single Logout Service (SLS)

This code handles the Logout Request and the Logout Responses.

    public function sls(Request $request)
        $auth = Saml::handleLogoutRequest();
        // Or specify the IdP name
        //$auth = Saml::idp($request->get('idp'))->handleLogoutRequest();
        return redirect('/home')


This code will provide the XML metadata file of our SP, based on the info that we provided in the settings files.

    public function metadata(Request $request)
        if ($request->has('download')) {
            return Saml::getMetadataXMLAsStreamResponse();
            // or specify a filename to the xml file:
            // return Saml::getMetadataXMLAsStreamResponse('sp-metadata.xml');
        return Saml::getMetadataXML();


For more information on configuration and usage please see the source code or read onelogin/php-saml.

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Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for me to work on this and other open-source projects.


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  1. File bug reports using the issue tracker.
  2. Answer questions or fix bugs on the issue tracker.
  3. Contribute new features or update the wiki.

The code contribution process is not very formal. You just need to make sure that you follow the PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2 coding guidelines. Any new code contributions must be accompanied by unit tests where applicable.

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