
Laravel Passwordless login - Magic link

v1.2.0 2024-04-04 10:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 21:49:33 UTC


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Laravel Passwordless Authentication using Magic Link.

This package enables authentication through email links, eliminating the requirement for users to input passwords for authentication. Instead, it leverages the user's email address to send a login link to their inbox. Users can securely authenticate by clicking on this link. It's important to note that the package does not include a user interface for the authentication page; it assumes that the application's login page will be custom-built. Make sure to scaffold your login UI page accordingly to integrate seamlessly with this package.

PS. Email provider must be setup correctly and working to email magic link to authenticate user


composer require norbybaru/passwordless-auth

Publishing the config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NorbyBaru\Passwordless\PasswordlessServiceProvider" --tag="passwordless-config"

Preparing the database

Publish the migration to create required table:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NorbyBaru\Passwordless\PasswordlessServiceProvider" --tag="passwordless-migrations"

Run migrations.

php artisan migrate

Basic Usage

Preparing Model

Open the User::class Model and ensure to implements NorbyBaru\Passwordless\CanUsePasswordlessAuthenticatable::class and to add trait NorbyBaru\Passwordless\Traits\PasswordlessAuthenticatable::class to the class


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use NorbyBaru\Passwordless\CanUsePasswordlessAuthenticatable;
use NorbyBaru\Passwordless\Traits\PasswordlessAuthenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements CanUsePasswordlessAuthenticatable
    use Notifiable;
    use PasswordlessAuthenticatable;

Preparing config/passwordless.php

Open config file config/passwordless.php

  • Update default_redirect_route to the correct route name the user should land by default once authenticated in case you have different route name than home. eg.
'default_redirect_route' => 'dashboard',
  • Update login_route to the correct route name of your login page to allow redirecting user back to that page on invalid magic link. eg.
'login_route' => 'auth.login',

Setup Login Routes

Update application Login routes to sen Magic Link to user


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::post('login', function (Request $request) {
    $validated = $request->validate([
        'email' => 'required|email|exists:users',

    $status = Passwordless::magicLink()->sendLink($validated);

    return redirect()->back()->with([
        'status' => trans($message)

Setup Mail Provider

Make sure to have your application mail provider setup and working 100% for your Laravel application


Setup Translations

Add file passwordless.php in your translations directory and copy the entry below. Feel free to update text to suit your application needs.

return [
    'sent' => 'Login link sent to inbox.',
    'throttled' => 'Login link was already sent. Please check your inbox or try again later.',
    'invalid_token' => 'Invalid link supplied. Please request new one.',
    'invalid_user' => 'Invalid user info supplied.',
    'verified' => 'Login successful.',

Advance Usage

Override MagicLinkNotification

To override default notification template, override method sendAuthenticationMagicLink in your User model which implements interface CanUsePasswordlessAuthenticatable

public function sendAuthenticationMagicLink(string $token): void
    // Replace with your notification class.

    // eg. $this->notify(new SendMagicLinkNotification($token));

Run Unit Test

composer test

Run Code Formatter

composer fmt