
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Cashflows PHP API Library.

1.0.0-rc1 2014-08-15 12:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:38:24 UTC


PHP library for communicating with Cashflows' API, for Nosco Systems by Zander Baldwin, version 1.0.0-RC1.

Available API Requests

Although each request object can be instantiated stand-alone from its respective class, it's easier to create it through a dedicated method in the Client (Nosco\Cashflows\Client) object - which automatically sets the Auth ID and password for each request.

The available dedicated methods, and their corresponding request classes, are:

Dedicated Method Request Object Class
paymentRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Payment.
mobilePaymentRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Payment\Mobile.
continuousPaymentRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Payment\Continuous.
alternativeRecurringPaymentRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Payment\AlternativeRecurring.
voidRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Void.
refundRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Refund.
verificationRequest() Nosco\Cashflows\Request\Verification.

Sending Requests

Each request object has a set of attributes that must be filled-in before the request can be sent, and these are documented in Cashflows' Remote API Integration Guide (version 1.7 April 2014).

The attributes can be entered using the attribute() method of the request object, and the API call can be sent with the send() method. Once an API call is successful, an Nosco\Cashflows\Response\Authorised response object is returned from the send() method.

Catching Errors

The following is the Exception tree; only exception classes in leaf nodes are thrown, all others are for group-catching. All exceptions are prefixed with the namespace Nosco\Cashflows\Exceptions.

  • BaseException never thrown (group-catch only).
    • Validation.
    • Transport.
    • CashflowsSystem.
    • Response never thrown (group-catch only).
      • Response\InvalidResponse.
      • Response\NotAuthorised never thrown (group-catch only).
        • Response\NotAuthorised\Blocked.
        • Response\NotAuthorised\Cancelled.
        • Response\NotAuthorised\Declined.
        • Response\NotAuthorised\InvalidRequest.

Example Usage


    use Nosco\Cashflows\Client as CashflowsClient;
    use Nosco\Cashflows\Exceptions as Error;

    $cashflows = new CashflowsClient('authorisation_id', 'p@55w0rd');
    $request = $cashflows->paymentRequest();
        'card_num' => '1234567890123452',
        'card_cvv' => '123',
        'card_expiry' => '0317',

    try {
        $response = $request->send();

        # object(Nosco\Cashflows\Response\Authorised)[1]
        #   protected 'transactionId' => string '01S00001722' (length=11)
        #   protected 'cvvCheck' => int 2
        #   protected 'addressCheck' => int 3
        #   protected 'postcodeCheck' => int 2
        #   protected 'authCode' => string '031971' (length=6)


    // Catch any errors that occur before or during the API call to Cashflows (request exceptions):
    catch(Error\Validation $e) {}
    catch(Error\Transport $e) {}

    // Catch any errors that occur after the API call to Cashflows (response exceptions):
    # You can use the Error\Response\NotAuthorisedException to cover the first four, or Error\ResponseException to
    # cover all five.
    catch(Error\Response\NotAuthorised\Blocked $e) {}
    catch(Error\Response\NotAuthorised\Cancelled $e) {}
    catch(Error\Response\NotAuthorised\Declined $e) {}
    catch(Error\Response\NotAuthorised\InvalidRequest $e) {}
    catch(Error\Response\InvalidResponse $e) {}

    // Catch any errors that Cashflows had:
    catch(Error\System $e) {}

    // Catch any other errors that happened within the library during the API call:
    # You can just use this catch block to catch everything, without any of the above catch blocks.
    catch(Error\BaseException $e) {}