
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Symbok Annotation Bundle

Installs: 1 533

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 50

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


2.2.1 2020-09-25 17:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-12-07 08:34:55 UTC


With PHP 8.1 and the emergence of public readonly properties, this bundle repository has been archived and is no longer maintained.

If you really need to generate getters and setters generation, you can have a look at lombok-php.

Symbok Annotation Bundle

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Runtime code generator bundle for Symfony.

  • Detects classes that are using Symbok annotations, generates related methods and loads generated class instead of the original one.
  • Stores generated classes in Symfony cache so that Symbok compiles them just once.
  • Reads basic Doctrine annotations to handle property's type, nullable status and entity relation.

Initially inspired by Plumbok.

Compatible with Symfony 4 and 5

Symbok ?

👋 Bye bye endless PHP classes !

Symbok provides annotations in order to generate on the fly predictable and repetitive methods.

Available annotations are:

  • AllArgsConstructor
  • Data
  • ToString
  • Getter
  • Setter
  • Nullable

Symbok also parses doctrine properties annotations such as Column, JoinColumn, OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany in order to automatically discover property type, nullable status and adapt generated methods.

You'll be able to find more precise information on Symbok Bundle in the documentation

Getting started


You can easily install Symbok by composer

$ composer require mtarld/symbok-bundle

Then, bundle should be registered. Just verify that config\bundles.php is containing :

Mtarld\SymbokBundle\SymbokBundle::class => ['all' => true]


Once Symbok is installed, you should configure it to fit your needs.

To do so, edit config/packages/symbok.yaml

# config/packages/symbok.yaml

    # Namespaces that you wanna be processed
        - 'App\Entity'
        - 'App\Model'
        getter: ~
            # If getters are nullable by default (default true)
            nullable: ~

        setter: ~
            # If setters are fluent by default (default true)
            fluent: ~

            # If setters are nullable by default (default true)
            nullable: ~

            # If setters should update other side when relation is detected (default true)
            updateOtherSide: ~

            # If constructor uses nullable parameters (default true)
            nullable: ~

And you're ready to go ! 🚀

Basic example

Register your namespace in config file

# config/packages/symbok.yaml

      - 'App\Entity'

Then edit your class by adding annotations


// src/Entity/Product.php

namespace App\Entity;

use Mtarld\SymbokBundle\Annotation\Getter;

class Product
     * @Getter
    private int $id;

Then, the class will be executed as the following:


namespace App\Entity;

use Mtarld\SymbokBundle\Annotation\Getter;

class Product
     * @Getter
    private int $id;
    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

Provided commands

Updating original files with symbok:update:classes

$ php bin/console symbok:update:classes

When running this command, original classes' docblock will be updated with good @method tags so that IDEs will be able to know that new methods exist.

For instance, the class:


// src/Entity/Product.php

namespace App\Entity;

use Mtarld\SymbokBundle\Annotation\Getter;

class Product
     * @var int
     * @Getter
    private $id;

Will be rewritten as:


// src/Entity/Product.php

namespace App\Entity;

use Mtarld\SymbokBundle\Annotation\Getter;

 * @method int getId()
class Product
     * @var int
     * @Getter
    private $id;

Previewing results with symbok:preview

$ php bin/console symbok:preview [-s|--compilationStrategy COMPILATIONSTRATEGY] <class path>

By using that command, you will be able preview Symbok compilation results directly in your CLI.

Compilation strategy represents which compilation will be applied on target class. It could be either:

  • runtime to preview PHP code that will be executed at runtime
  • saved to preview PHP code that will be written when using symbok:update:classes command


A detailed documentation is available here


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

After writing your fix/feature, you can run following commands to make sure that everyting is still ok.

# Install dev dependencies
$ composer install

# Running tests locally
$ make test


  • Mathias Arlaud - mtarld - <mathias(dot)arlaud@gmail(dot)com>