
Making it easy to mock your POPO's

v0.4.0 2022-07-12 14:54 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:27:00 UTC


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This package supports mocking POPOs or Value Objects, it inspects your class properties and populates them with random data generated by Faker. You can create class-based mock factories to have a fluent interface to mock POPOs for different states.

This is a fork of Data Transfer Object Factory.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require morrislaptop/popo-factory --dev


use Morrislaptop\PopoFactory\PopoFactory;

class PersonData
    public function __construct(
        public $firstName,
        public string $lastName,
        public string $email,
        public string $homeAddress,
        public ?string $companyName,
        public string $workAddress,
        public Carbon $dob,
        public PersonData $spouse,
    ) {


Which creates an object that looks like this:

  "firstName": "Jada",
  "lastName": "Bechtelar",
  "email": "",
  "homeAddress": "640 Feest Landing\nBernierburgh, PA 99277",
  "companyName": "Ratke Inc",
  "workAddress": "75107 Konopelski Radial\nRutherfordport, AK 22994",
  "dob": "2021-01-26T11:04:31.393991Z",
  "spouse": {
    "firstName": "Leola",
    "lastName": "Koss",
    "email": "",
    "homeAddress": "852 Fabian Mills\nNorth Ward, NM 54459",
    "companyName": "Fahey and Sons",
    "workAddress": "671 Creola Prairie Apt. 663\nNorth Gretchenview, OR 75622-4176"

The new method returns an instance of Morrislaptop\PopoFactory\PopoFactory which provides the following methods.

  • count() - Allows you to specify how many POPOs to be generated. They will be returned in an array.
  • make() - Called when you are ready to generate the POPO(s). Returns the generated object(s).
  • random() - Generates a random number of POPOs
  • sequence() - Alternates a specific state. (See below)
  • state() - Manually sets properties based on the array of values passed.

Examples of these methods can be found below.

// Creates two DTOs in an array

// Sets the first name of every person to "Jim"
        'firstName' => 'Jim',

// Alternates the names of each person between "Jim" and "Susie"
        [ 'firstName' => 'Jim' ],
        [ 'firstName' => 'Susie' ]

Creating Class Based Factories

It's useful to define specific factories for particular objects, which can easily be done by extending the PopoFactory class.

My specifying a typehint for the make() method you will also get typehints in your IDE for your mocked object.

 * @method PersonData make
class PersonDataFactory extends PopoFactory
    public static function factory(): static
        return static::new(PersonData::class)->state([
            'firstName' => 'Craig'

    public function gotNoJob() {
        return $this->state([
            'companyName' => null,

    public function worksAtHome() {
        return $this->state(function ($attributes) {
            return [
                'workAddress' => $attributes['homeAddress']

Then using it in tests like so:

$person = PersonDataFactory::factory()


You can easily extend the factory to support other data types. You can do this through the static registerProvider() method on the PropertyFactory class. This method takes two arguments. The first should be the FQDN of the class you are providing (e.g. Carbon\Carbon) OR the built-in type (e.g. string). The second should be a callback that returns the generated value. This callback is passed two properties when called to assist in generating the value. The first is an instance of Anteris\FakerMap\FakerMap which can be used to help generate fake data. The second is an instance of ReflectionProperty which contains information about the property being generated.

For example, to support Carbon:

use Morrislaptop\PopoFactory\PropertyFactory;

use Anteris\FakerMap\FakerMap;

PropertyFactory::registerProvider('Carbon\Carbon', fn(FakerMap $fakerMap) => Carbon::parse(


Want an easy way to persist your POPOs in Laravel? Check out laravel-popo-caster


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.