
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2016-03-21 14:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 01:02:06 UTC


PHP-PM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications.

It's based on ReactPHP and works best with applications that use request-response frameworks like Symfony's HTTPKernel. The approach of this is to kill the expensive bootstrap of PHP (declaring symbols, loading/parsing files) and the bootstrap of feature-rich frameworks. See Performance section for a quick hint. PHP-PM basically spawns several PHP instances as worker bootstraping your application (eg. the whole Symfony Kernel) and hold it in the memory to be prepared for every incoming request: This is why PHP-PM makes your application so fast.

More information can be found in the article: Bring High Performance Into Your PHP App (with ReactPHP)


  • Performance boost up to 15x (compared to PHP-FPM, Symfony applications).
  • Integrated load balancer.
  • Hot-Code reload (when PHP files changes).
  • Static file serving for easy development procedures.
  • Support for HttpKernel (Symfony/Laravel), Drupal (experimental), Zend (experimental).

Why using PPM as development server instead of vagrant, nginx or apache?

  • No hassle with file permissions (www-data vs local user ids).
  • No painful slow virtual-box file sync.
  • Faster response times of your PHP app.
  • No fighting with vagrant / virtual machine settings.
  • Checkout a new project, run ppm start - done. (if configured with ppm config)
  • No hassle with domain names (/etc/hosts), just use different ports for your app without root access.


To get PHP-PM you need beside the php binary also php-cgi, which comes often with php. If not availabe try to install it:

Debian/Ubuntu (

apt-get install php7.0-cgi

Mac OS X - Homebrew (

brew install php70

Mac OS X - Macports

port install php70-cgi

By default, PPM looks for a binary named php-cgi. If your PHP installation uses a different binary name, you can specify the full path to that binary with the php-cgi configuration option (for example: ppm config --php-cgi=/opt/local/bin/php-cgi70).


$ git clone
$ cd php-pm
$ composer install
$ ln -s `pwd`/bin/ppm /usr/local/bin/ppm
$ ppm --help

Per project

# change minimum-stability to dev in your composer.json (until we have a version tagged): "minimum-stability": "dev"
composer require php-pm/php-pm:dev-master
composer require php-pm/httpkernel-adapter:dev-master #if you have httpkernel (laravel, symfony)
./vendor/bin/ppm config --bootstrap=symfony #places a ppm.json in your directory
./vendor/bin/ppm start #reads ppm.json and starts the server like you want

Once configured (composer and ppm.json) you can start your app on your development machine or server instantly:

composer install
./vendor/bin/ppm start

When debug is enabled, PHP-PM detects file changes and restarts its worker automatically.

Performance & Debugging tips

To get the maximum performance you should usually use --app-env=prod with disabled debug --debug=0. Also make sure xdebug is disabled. Try with different amount of workers. Usually a 10% over your cpu core count is good. Example: If you have 8 real cores (excl. hyper-threading) use --workers=9.

If your applications supports it, try enabled concurrent requests per worker: --concurrent-requests=1.

To get even more performance (for static file serving or for rather fast applications) try a different event loop:

If you get strange issues in your application and you have no idea where they are coming from try using only one worker --workers=1.


HttpKernel for Symfony/Laravel -

Drupal -

Zend -




cd ~/my/path/to/symfony/
ppm start

ppm start ~/my/path/to/symfony/ --bootstrap=Symfony --bridge=HttpKernel

cd ~/my/path/to/symfony/
./vendor/bin/ppm start



cd my-project
composer require php-pm/httpkernel-adapter:dev-master
$ ./bin/ppm start --bootstrap=symfony


cd my-project
composer require php-pm/httpkernel-adapter:dev-master
$ ./vendor/bin/ppm start --bootstrap=laravel


cd my-project
composer require php-pm/httpkernel-adapter:dev-master
$ ./bin/ppm start --bootstrap=drupal


cd my-project
composer require php-pm/zend-adapter:dev-master
$ ./bin/ppm start --bridge=Zf2 --bootstrap=Zf2

Each worker starts its own HTTP Server which listens on port 5501, 5502, 5503 etc. Range is 5501 -> 5500+<workersCount>. You can integrate those workers directly in a load balancer like NGINX or use directly.


6x3,2 GHz Intel, 16GB RAM. 20 concurrent, 1000 total request: ab -c 20 -n 1000

PHP 7, StreamSelectLoop

/usr/local/bin/php7 ./bin/ppm start ~/www/symfony--bridge=httpKernel --app-env=prod --logging=0 --debug=0 --workers=8

Static file: 2371.93 requests/s
Dynamic CMS application: 1685.80 request/s (

PHP 5.6.18, StreamSelectLoop

/usr/local/bin/php5 ./bin/ppm start ~/www/symfony --bridge=httpKernel --app-env=prod --logging=0 --debug=0 --workers=8

Static file: 1818.52 requests/s
Dynamic CMS application: 1270.30 request/s (


  • Memory leaks, memory leaks and memory leaks. You will find also leaks in your application. :)
  • Does not work with ExtEventLoop. (So don't install php70-event)
  • Drupal is very experimental and not fully working. Try using
  • Symfony's and Laravel's profiler aren't working yet perfectly since it's still needed to reset some stuff after each request.
  • Streamed responses are not streamed yet
  • File upload is experimental
  • No windows support due to signal handling
  • Doesn't fully implement HTTP/1.1, but reactphp/http is working on it.

Please help us to fix those issues by creating pull requests. :)

Setup 1. Use external Load-Balancer

ReactPHP with external Load-Balancer

Example config for NGiNX:

upstream backend  {

server {
    root /path/to/symfony/web/;
    location / {
        try_files $uri @backend;
    location @backend {
        proxy_pass http://backend;

Setup 2. Use internal Load-Balancer

This setup is slower as we can't load balance incoming connections as fast as NGiNX it does, but it's perfect for testing purposes.

ReactPHP with internal Load-Balancer