File manager with path abstraction and file registry, storage solution.

1.0.2 2023-05-25 12:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 16:52:45 UTC


This bundle provides various helpers for managing files in Symfony:

  • Provides a FileManager object which provides primitives for managing files identified with custom logical schemes (such as public://image/foo.png) transparently handling physical real paths.

  • Provides a PHP StreamWrapper implementation for transparent usage of the custom URI schemes.

  • File index storage interface with advanced features.

  • SQL index implementation with transaction support without destructive rollbacks operations and delayed real file deletion operation.



First start with:

composer require makinacorpus/files

Then register the bundle to Symfony in config/bundles.php:


return [
    /// ... Your other bundles...
    MakinaCorpus\Files\Bridge\Symfony\FilesBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Then proceed with configuration.

Basic configuration

Everything should be auto-configured if you follow the rest of this section.

Custom schemes configuration

Each custom scheme is tied to a custom folder, allowing you to store protocol relative URI in your database instead of absolute path, making the application portable and migrable easily.

Per default, the bundle offers three schemes:

  • private:// for files that should not be accessible via the HTTPd which will default to %kernel.project_dir/var/private/%,
  • public:// for files that will be freely visible via the HTTPd, which will default to %kernel.project_dir/public/files/,
  • temporary:// for temporary files, which will default to PHP configured temporary folder,
  • upload:// for chunked file upload, which defaults to temporary://filechunk/
  • webroot:// for files that are in the public directory, will default to %kernel.project_dir/public,

Only the temporary one cannot be configured, all others can be set via the following .env file variables:



File manager API

Documentation will come soon.

File storage API

Documentation will come soon.

Notes about migration from makinacorpus/filechunk-bundle

  • Environment variables remain the same.

  • MakinaCorpus\FilechunkBundle\FileManager becomes MakinaCorpus\Files\FileManager, a class alias will be registered to allow a smooth migration.

  • You MUST upgrade makinacorpus/filechunk-bundle to version >= 3 if you want to keep the chunked file upload widget in order to avoid conflicts.


This code includes sligthly modified code from Drupal 8.x project, located in the ./StreamWrapper directory, all credits to their original authors.

All remaining code is an original creation of Makina Corpus