
Client for Job queue API

10.7.0 2022-06-08 12:41 UTC


PHP client for the Job Queue API (API docs).


composer require keboola/job-queue-api-php-client
use Keboola\JobQueueClient\Client;
use Keboola\JobQueueClient\JobData;use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

$client = new Client(
    new NullLogger(),
$result = $client->createJob(new JobData(


  • Create a service principal to download the required images and login:

        ACR_REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show --name keboolapes --query id --output tsv --subscription c5182964-8dca-42c8-a77a-fa2a3c6946ea)
        SP_PASSWORD=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --scopes $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role acrpull --query password --output tsv)
        SP_APP_ID=$(az ad sp show --id http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query appId --output tsv)    
  • Login and check that you can pull the image:

        docker login --username $SP_APP_ID --password $SP_PASSWORD
        docker pull
        docker pull
  • Add the credentials to the k8s cluster:

        kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server="" --docker-username="$SP_APP_ID" --docker-password="$SP_PASSWORD" --namespace dev-job-queue-api-php-client
        kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p "{\"imagePullSecrets\":[{\"name\":\"regcred\"}]}" --namespace dev-job-queue-api-php-client
  • Set the following environment variables in file (use as sample):

    • test_storage_api_url - Keboola Connection URL.
    • test_storage_api_token - Token to a test project.
  • Set one of Azure or AWS resources (or both, but only one is needed).

AWS Setup

  • Create a user (JobQueueApiPhpClient) for local development using the provisioning/aws.json CF template.
    • Create AWS key for the created user.
    • Set the following environment variables in file (use as sample):
      • test_aws_access_key_id - The created security credentials for the JobQueueApiPhpClient user.
      • test_aws_secret_access_key - The created security credentials for the JobQueueApiPhpClient user.
      • test_kms_region - Region output of the above stack.
      • test_kms_key_id - KmsKey output of the above stack.

Azure Setup

  • Create a resource group:

    az account set --subscription "Keboola DEV PS Team CI"
    az group create --name testing-job-queue-api-php-client --location "East US"
  • Create a service principal:

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name testing-job-queue-api-php-client
  • Use the response to set values test_azure_client_id, test_azure_client_secret and test_azure_tenant_id in the file:

      "appId": "268a6f05-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //-> test_azure_client_id
      "displayName": "testing-job-queue-internal-api-php-client",
      "name": "http://testing-job-queue-internal-api-php-client",
      "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //-> test_azure_client_secret
      "tenant": "9b85ee6f-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" //-> test_azure_tenant_id
  • Get ID of the service principal:

    SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az ad sp list --display-name testing-job-queue-api-php-client --query "[0].objectId" --output tsv)
  • Deploy the key vault, provide tenant ID, service principal ID and group ID from the previous commands:

    ./ # set $test_azure_tenant_id env
    az deployment group create --resource-group testing-job-queue-api-php-client --template-file provisioning/azure.json --parameters vault_name=test-job-queue-client tenant_id=$test_azure_tenant_id service_principal_object_id=$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID
  • Show Key Vault URL

    az keyvault show --name test-job-queue-client --query "properties.vaultUri" --output tsv

returns e.g., use this to set values in file: - test_azure_key_vault_url -

Generate environment configuration

export db_password="cm9vdA==" #root
export db_password_urlencoded="cm9vdA=="
export test_azure_client_secret_base64=$(printf "%s" "$test_azure_client_secret"| base64 --wrap=0)
export test_aws_secret_access_key_base64=$(printf "%s" "$test_aws_secret_access_key"| base64 --wrap=0)

envsubst < provisioning/environments.yaml.template > provisioning/environments.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./provisioning/environments.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./provisioning/public-api.yaml
queue_public_api_ip=`kubectl get svc --output jsonpath --template "{.items[?(\"dev-job-queue-api-service\")].status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}" --namespace=dev-job-queue-api-php-client`

echo "queue_public_api_url: http://$(queue_public_api_ip):94"

Store the result queue_public_api_ip in

Run tests

  • With the above setup, you can run tests:

    docker compose build
    source ./ && docker compose run tests
  • To run tests with local code use:

    docker compose run tests-local composer install
    source ./ && docker compose run tests-local


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.