
Select different templates for each page or tree branch. Easily works with either external html templates or pure TypoScript templates! Modified version based on the Modern Template Building tutorial.

Installs: 1 568

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 4

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 1


3.0.3 2021-09-03 13:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 09:03:07 UTC


Änderungen im Typoscript

In dieser Version gibt es ein paar Änderungen im Typoscript:

Bisher: (object) < plugin.tx_rlmptmplselector_pi1
Jetzt: (object) < tt_content.list.20.rlmptmplselector_templateselector

Bisher: plugin.tx_rlmptmplselector_pi1.templatePathMain =
Jetzt: tt_content.list.20.rlmptmplselector_templateselector.settings.templatePathMain =

Bisher: plugin.tx_rlmptmplselector_pi1.templatePathSub =
Jetzt: tt_content.list.20.rlmptmplselector_templateselector.settings.templatePathSub =

Bisher: template.templateType = sub Jetzt: template.settings.templateType = sub

Bisher: template.templateType = main Jetzt: template.settings.templateType = main

Änderungen im TSconfig

ggf. folgende Zeilen im PageTSconfig auskommentieren

// TCEFORM.pages.tx_rlmptmplselector_main_tmpl.disabled = 1

// TCEFORM.pages.tx_rlmptmplselector_ca_tmpl.removeItems = 0