
PHP Odoo RPC connector with JSON-RPC and XML-RPC support, prepared for Laravel integration

v9.1.3 2025-02-13 03:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 21:29:53 UTC


Note: This package is a fork of obuchmann/odoo-jsonrpc with several improvements:

  • Added XML-RPC support alongside JSON-RPC
  • Enhanced Laravel integration with proper service provider
  • Added Laravel Collection support for search results
  • Improved type safety and error handling
  • Added convenient methods like first() for better developer experience
  • Better PHP 8.0+ support

Connect to odoo via the json-rpc or xml-rpc api. If you are in a laravel project, this package registers a provider. But laravel is not required for this package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require josespinal/odoo-rpc

The service provider will automatically register itself if you are in a laravel project.

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\OdooServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Protocol Selection

This package supports both JSON-RPC and XML-RPC protocols. You can specify which protocol to use in your configuration:

// In your .env file
ODOO_PROTOCOL=json-rpc  # or xml-rpc

// Or in your code
$config = new Config(
    database: 'odoo',
    host: 'http://localhost:8069',
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'password',
    protocol: 'xml-rpc'  // or 'json-rpc'

Basic Usage

use JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\Odoo;
use JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\Odoo\Request\Arguments\Domain;

$this->host = 'http://localhost:8069';
$this->username = 'admin';
$this->password = 'password';
$this->database = 'odoo';

// Connect to Odoo
$odoo = new Odoo(new Odoo\Config($database, $host, $username, $password));

// Check Access rights (bool)
$check = $odoo->checkAccessRights('res.partner', 'read');

// Check Access rights in model syntax

$check = $odoo->model('res.partner')
// Use Domain for Search
$isCompanyDomain = (new Domain())->where('is_company', '=', true);
$companyIds = $odoo->search('res.partner', $isCompanyDomain);

// read ids
$companies = $odoo->read('res.partner', $companyIds);

// search_read with model Syntax
$companies = $odoo->model('res.partner')
            ->where('is_company', '=', true)
// search_read with single item
$company = $odoo->model('res.partner')
            ->where('is_company', '=', true)
            ->where('name', '=', 'My Company')
// create with model syntax
$partner = $odoo->model('res.partner')
                'name' => 'My Company',
                'is_company' => true
// update with model syntax
$partner = $odoo->model('res.partner')
            ->where('name', '=', 'My Company')
                'name' => 'My New Company'
// direct update by id            
$myCompanyId = 1;
$partner = $odoo->updateById('res.partner', $myCompanyId, [
    'name' => 'My New Company'

// delete by id
$odoo->deleteById('res.partner', $myCompanyId);

Laravel Usage

class Controller{

    public function index(\JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\Odoo $odoo){
        // Find Model by Id
        $product = $odoo->find('product.template', 1);
        // Update Model by ID
        $this->odoo->updateById('product.product', $product->id, [
            'name' => $name,
        // Create returning ID
        $id = $this->odoo
            ->create('res.partner', [
                'name' => 'Bobby Brown'
        // Search for Models with or
        $partners = $this->odoo->model('res.partner')
            ->where('name', '=', 'Bobby Brown')
            ->orWhere('name', '=', 'Gregor Green')
            ->orderBy('id', 'desc')
        // Update by Query
        $updateResponse = $this->odoo
            ->where('name', '=', 'Bobby Brown')
                'name' => 'Dagobert Duck'

Laravel Models

Laravel Models are implemented with Attributes

use JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\Odoo\OdooModel;

class Partner extends OdooModel
    public string $name;

    public ?string $email;

class Controller{

    public function index(){
        // Find Model by Id
        $partner = Partner::find(1);
        // Search Model
        $partner = Partner::query()
            ->where('name', '=', 'Azure Interior')
        // Update Model
        $partner->name = "Dagobert Duck";
        // Create returning ID
        $partner = new Partner();
        $partner->name = 'Tester';


You can define a cast for your models. This is useful if you want to convert odoo fields to a specific type. There are some predefined casts for date and datetime fields.

Casts are global and can be registered in the Odoo class.

// The basic datetime cast
\JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\Odoo::registerCast(new Odoo\Casts\DateTimeCast());

// a datetime cast that respects the timezone
\JoseSpinal\OdooRpc\Odoo::registerCast(new Odoo\Casts\DateTimeCast('Europe/Berlin'));

// you can write custom casts by extending the Obuchmann\OdooJsonRpc\Odoo\Casts\Cast class
// example DateTimeCast

class DateTimeCast extends Cast

    public function getType(): string
        return \DateTime::class;

    public function cast($raw)
            try {
                return new \DateTime($raw);
            } catch (\Exception) {} // If no valid Date return null
        return null;

    public function uncast($value)
        if($value instanceof \DateTime){
            return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

For more examples take a look at the tests directory.


composer test