
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Generator for various source file types of a running laravel project.

1.1.2 2017-11-27 09:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-06-23 03:47:32 UTC


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This laravel package can scaffold a new resource within seconds. It uses all project-based template stubs to get your project-based setup within the stubs.

You provide your type of scaffolding by providing your stubs. We seed the first stubs with the package publishing. Afterwards you can modify all stubs to suit your needs. After configuring your stubs they will automatically be generated.

This boosts your development time a lot.


composer require --dev ipunkt/laravel-scaffolding

We support package auto-discovery for laravel, so you are ready to use the package.


Add to your composer.json following lines

"require-dev": {
	"ipunkt/laravel-scaffolding": "*"

You can publish all provided files by typing php artisan vendor:publish and select the LaravelScaffoldingServiceProvider. We also provide tags scaffolding-config and scaffolding-stubs for the corresponding resources.


The main configuration is divided into two parts: resources and placeholder.

Resources Configuration

Here is a full example resource configuration:

 * Resource Model
'Model' => [
	'stub' => resource_path('stubs/model.stub'),
	'target' => app_path('Models/{{Model}}.php'),
	'append' => false, // optional, false by default

Foreach resource you have to configure one or more sets of an array with the keys stub (the stub file), target (transformed file will be saved there) and optional append to configure whether the file gets appended or created.

The stub represents a text file with placeholders. The target property can handle placeholders and resolves the directory a resource gets saved to. Namespace separator will be automatically replaced by a directory separator.

Placeholder Configuration

You can add necessary placeholders yourself. Simply add your keys and a callback as value. The callback gets resolved by calling value() function with it internally.

Within the stubs and target values you can use them with the prefix {{ and the suffix }} surrounded.

These placeholders are provided internally:

Placeholder Value for Resource User Value for Resource Administration\User
{{Namespace}} empty string Administration
{{\Namespace}} empty string \Administration
{{Namespace\}} empty string Administration\
{{namespace}} empty string administration
{{\namespace}} empty string \administration
{{namespace\}} empty string administration\
{{.namespace}} empty string .administration
{{namespace.}} empty string administration.
{{Model}} User User
{{model}} user user
{{Models}} Users Users
{{models}} users users
Placeholder Value for Resource UserModel
{{Model}} UserModel
{{model}} user-model
{{Models}} UserModels
{{models}} user-models


First you have to publish the scaffold stubs.

Then you can scaffold your first resource:

php artisan scaffold ModelName

Command parameter

You can force the creation with overwriting already existing files with the option --force.

If you wan only some resources to be generated use --with or --except for each resource type you want to include or exclude. Each parameter can be used multiple with lowercased resource type names like model, controller and so on.

Show resource types configured

You can display all configured resource types with this command:

php artisan scaffold:show