
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the innmind/rest-server-bundle package instead.

This Bundle wraps the innmind rest server library

Installs: 22 308

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


2.0.2 2016-01-08 20:03 UTC


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Wrapper for the innmind/rest-server library allowing you to easily expose a REST L3 API.

This bundle offer a complete integration of the library in a symfony project. It also add a new feature called server capabilities; put simply, it expose a route OPTIONS * that will output the list of routes exposed via this bundle. The goal being to allow client discovery, you could imagine a REST client that could prefetch all the resources definitions so it could know in advance if the resources it will try to send match the definitions.


composer require innmind/rest-bundle

Enable the bundle by adding the following line in your app/AppKernel.php of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Innmind\RestBundle\InnmindRestBundle,
        // ...
    // ...

Then specify your resources in the configuration under:

        collections: [] #same configuration as the rest server library
        prefix: /api/prefix #optional



To define a storage you can create a service having either or as parent. Then you need to specify the first argument to construct the service, being an instance of an entity manager (a doctrine or neo4j one); and flag the service with the tag, the bundle will look for the attribute alias on this tag to use as reference afterward (name used to specify storage on your resources).


As allowed formats are handled via encoders, you declare new ones with a tag on the encoder service you want to add.

Example of the built-in json format:

    class: Innmind\Rest\Server\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder
        - { name: serializer.encoder }
        - { name: innmind_rest.server.format, format: json, mime: application/json, priority: 10 }


In most cases the only event you'll want to alter will be KernelEvents::RESPONSE or Events::{STORAGE}_READ_QUERY_BUILDER (STORAGE can be DOCTRINE or NEO4J) to add restriction on the query like for example the user being connected.

You can look at Events.php to review all the events you have at your disposition.


To consume an API you need to use the innmind_rest.client service. Examples of usages:

use Innmind\Rest\Client\HttpResource;

$client = $container->get('innmind_rest.client');

$resources = $client->getServer('')->read('some_resource');
$resource = $client->getServer('')->read('some_resource', 42);

$toCreate = new HttpResource;
$toCreate->set('someProperty', 'value');
$client->getServer('')->create('some_resource', $toCreate);

$toUpdate = new HttpResource;
    ->set('all', 'properties')
    ->set('must', 'be set');
$client->getServer('')->update('some_resource', 42, $toUpdate);

$client->getServer('')->remove('some_resource', 42);

You can use $server->getResources() to view all the resources exposed by the server API; it will return an associative array with the names as keys and the definitions as values.