hnhdigital-os / laravel-php-elixir
Provides a PHP based equivalent to Node.js based Elixir
- php: >=5.6.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-combine: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-copy: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-empty: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-exec: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-replace: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-revision: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-sass: ~1.0
- hnhdigital-os/laravel-php-elixir-watch: ~1.0
- symfony/yaml: ~3.0
Requires (Dev)
- codeclimate/php-test-reporter: dev-master
- illuminate/database: 4.*|5.*
- phpunit/phpunit: 5.*
- symfony/process: ~2.3
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Provides a replacement of the Node.js based elixir pre-packaged with Laravel Framework. Tasks are sequentially run in the order that they are declared in the configuration file. You can specify more than one task module block.
This package has been developed by H&H|Digital, an Australian botique developer. Visit us at
Pre-install requirement
This package requires ext-inotify which can be installed by:
$ pecl install inotify
You will likely need to enable this extension. You can use the following (may not match your specific OS settings).
$ echo "" | sudo tee /etc/php/7.1/mods-available/inotify.ini && sudo ln -s /etc/php/7.1/mods-available/inotify.ini /etc/php/7.1/cli/conf.d/20-inotify.ini
Via composer:
$ composer require-dev bluora/laravel-php-elixir ~2.0
Enable the service provider by editing config/app.php:
'providers' => [ ... Bluora\PhpElixir\ServiceProvider::class, ... ];
Run the command with the default config file (.elixir.yml).
$ php artisan elixir
Run the command with a custom config file:
$ php artisan elixir --config=***
Run the folder watcher to automatically run elixir on file changes with the default config file (.elixir.yml).
$ php artisan elixir:watch
Run the folder watcher to automatically run elixir on file changes using a custom config file:
$ php artisan elixir:watch --config=***
Configuration for this package is done in the '.elixir.yml' located in your base directory or in the 'vendor/bluora/laravel-php-elixir/src/.elixir.yml.example'.
First declare the task name and the class name in the configuration file (these modules are installed by default).
modules: combine: - Bluora\PhpElixirCombine\CombineModule copy: - Bluora\PhpElixirCopy\CopyModule empty: - Bluora\PhpElixirEmpty\EmptyModule exec: - Bluora\PhpElixirExec\ExecModule replace: - Bluora\PhpElixirReplace\ReplaceModule revision: - Bluora\PhpElixirRevision\RevisionModule sass: - Bluora\PhpElixirSass\SassModule
List tasks using the first level in the YAML file or, if you need to declare more than one task module in different location of the config file, simply prepend the task with a number (unique to the task) and a hash. For example:
copy: xxx: yyy 1#copy: zzz: aaa
If you are testing php-elixir, you can stop tasks from running by prepending them with an exclaimation mark (!).
!copy: xxx: yyy
- dry-run - runs the script but doesn't actually do anything.
- verbose - provides further feedback of what is happening.
options: dry-run: true verbose: true
Paths lets you declare path constants that can be used in your other tasks.
paths: PATH_SASS: resources/assets/sass PATH_BOWER: bower_components PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS: public/assets PATH_PUBLIC_BUILD: public/build PATH_RESOURCES: resources PATH_RES_ASSET_IMAGES: resources/assets/images
Watch configuruation item is only used by the elixir:watch console command.
watch: - PATH_RESOURCES?filter=!php
Deletes all files and folders in the listed paths.
Executes a given file and arguments.
exec: php: artisan inspire
Processes and compiles a *.scss file and outputs it to specified path.
sass: PATH_SASS + /app.scss: PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/app.css
Gets the contents of one or many files and combines it into the specified file.
Source folders can be specified with single level or multi-level lookup, and the ability to filter files by extension.
combine: PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/jquery-combined.min.js: - PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js - PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/combined.js: - PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/**?filter=js
Copies files from a file path or a folder path to a specified folder or file name.
Folder paths can be configured to get the top level directory using '/*' or for all files and folders in path by using '/**'.
Further configuration can be added using the standard query string format.
- filter - comma deliminated list of extensions.
copy: PATH_BOWER + /jquery/dist/jquery.min.js: PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/jquery/ PATH_RES_ASSET_IMAGES + /**?filter=png: PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /images/
You can replace specific text in files or folder paths.
replace: PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS + /vendor/vendor_name/styles.css: - ../img - vendor/vendor_name
Provides revisioning of files in a specified folder location.
Options that are available:
- hash_length - defaults is 8.
- minify - default is false.
- php_manifest - generates a php equivalent of the json revision file.
revision: PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS: - PATH_PUBLIC_BUILD - PATH_PUBLIC_BUILD + /rev-manifest.json - hash_length=12&minify=true&php_manifest=true
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.