
This module improves the performance of your contao environment.

1.9.1 2023-02-08 13:56 UTC


This module improves the performance of your contao environment.


Lazy-loading offscreen images

Offscreen images are images that appear below the fold. Since users can't see offscreen images when they load a page, there's no reason to download the offscreen images as part of the initial page load. In other words, deferring the load of offscreen images can speed up page load time and time to interactive.

We ship an adjusted picture_lazyload.html5 with this bundle to provide proper lazy loading setup for images (picture_default.html5 will be replaced with picture_lazyload.html5 if script js_lazyload in tl_layout.scripts is enabled). If in case you use custom picture-*.html5 templates adjust like the following:

How to use?

To enable lazy loading, enable the js_lazyload JavaScript-Template within your page layout.

<img data-src="/your/image1.jpg"
    data-srcset="/your/image1.jpg 200w, /your/image1@2x.jpg 400w"
    sizes="(min-width: 20em) 35vw, 100vw">

    <source media="(min-width: 1024px)" data-srcset="/your/image1a.jpg" />
    <source media="(min-width: 500px)" data-srcset="/your/image1b.jpg" />
    <img alt="Stivaletti" data-src="/your/image1.jpg">

Background images We also support lazy loading for background images. To take advantage of this feature, add the css class lazy to the background image container and provide the path to the image within the data-src attribute.

<div class="lazy" data-src="../img/44721746JJ_15_a.jpg"></div>

Lazy load inside sliders like slick slider

In order to prevent bouncing of cloned carousel slide images (using infinite looping), the lazyLoad technique should be set to progressive instead of on-demand.

Prevent lazy loading

If you want to prevent your image from being lazy loaded, you have to adjust your template and add ['lazyload' => false] to the picture template data.

<?php $this->extend('block_searchable'); ?>

<?php $this->block('content'); ?>

  <figure class="image_container"<?php if ($this->margin): ?> style="<?= $this->margin ?>"<?php endif; ?> itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">

    <?php if ($this->href): ?>
      <a href="<?= $this->href ?>"<?php if ($this->linkTitle): ?> title="<?= $this->linkTitle ?>"<?php endif; ?><?= $this->attributes ?> itemprop="contentUrl">
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php $this->insert('picture_default', array_merge(['lazyload' => false] ,$this->picture)); ?>

    <?php if ($this->href): ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ($this->caption): ?>
      <figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption"><?= $this->caption ?></figcaption>
    <?php endif; ?>


<?php $this->endblock(); ?>

Example: ce_image.html5

If you use the heimrichhannot/contao-utils-bundle TwigExtension image, just add 'lazyload': false to your item data.

{{ singleSRC|image([0,0,3],{'href' : url, 'lazyload': false})|raw }}

Update lazy load on demand

If you need to update your lazy load instances on demand, for example using the barba.js PJAX page transition plugin, use the window.lazyLoad.update() function.


In order to make adjustments like trigger animation on scroll after image has been loaded, there are some callbacks you might listen on the image:

😋 Tips & tricks

Do NOT use placeholder images

Taken from the verlok/lazyload github README.md:

We do not recommend to use a placeholder image (like a transparent pixel GIF) in your HTML.

  • For best perceived performance, leave the src and srcset attributes blank. Doing so, the image will be shown as soon as LazyLoad starts loading the image. See this video or [this pen](https://> codepen.io/verlok/pen/bKYggE?editors=0110) to test the difference (remember to disable the cache and to set a slower connection speed if you have a very fast one).
  • If you put anything in the src (like a transparent GIF), then LazyLoad starts loading the image but it won't be shown by browsers until the new image is loaded, leading to a worse perceived performance.

It's safe not to put any value in the src nor srcset attributes, even if your HTML won't validate by a static code analyzer. The reason is that once JavaScript is executed, those values will be set by LazyLoad. For SEO, if the > client is a crawler like Googlebot, it will be detected by LazyLoad which will fix the HTML.