
Provides information about subjects by their identification number from the ARES database (in Czech Republic).

v3.0.9 2024-09-10 13:29 UTC


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Installation to project

The best way to install h4kuna/ares is using Composer:

composer require h4kuna/ares

# optional and default support
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

Download information about customer via his IN.


Homepage documentation for developers.

Load data by one identification number.

use h4kuna\Ares;
$ares = (new Ares\AresFactory())->create();
try {
    $response = $ares->loadBasic('87744473');
    /* @var $response Ares\Ares\Core\Data */
} catch (Ares\Exceptions\IdentificationNumberNotFoundException $e) {
    // log identification number, why is bad? Or make nothing.
} catch (Ares\Exceptions\AdisResponseException $e) {
    // if validation by adis failed, but data from ares returned
    /* @var $response Ares\Ares\Core\Data */
    $response = $e->data;
    $response->adis === null; // true
} catch (Ares\Exceptions\ServerResponseException $e) {
    // no response from server or broken json

Load data by many identification numbers. Limit by ARES service is set to 100 items, but library chunk it and check duplicity.

use h4kuna\Ares;
/** @var Ares\Ares $ares */
$numbers = ['one' => '25596641', 'two' => '26713250', 'three' => '27082440', 'four' => '11111111'];

try { 
    foreach ($ares->loadBasicMulti($numbers) as $name => $r) {
        var_dump($name, $r->company);
} catch (Ares\Exceptions\ServerResponseException $e) {
    // no response from server or broken json

Other endpoints

Choose endpoint from class Sources.

  • SERVICE_* - available other endpoints
  • CORE - is main endpoint this is used in method $ares->loadBasic()
  • DIAL - use if you want list of value for example PravniForma
  • SER_NO_* are not exists
use h4kuna\Ares;

/** @var Ares\Ares $ares */
$result = $ares->getAresClient()->useEndpoint(Ares\Ares\Sources::SERVICE_VR, '27082440');


Parameters kodCiselniku and zdrojCiselniku you can find in json file, on this page AresRestApi-verejne_v*.json, like a ciselnikKod: PravniForma, zdroj: res.

use h4kuna\Ares;

/** @var Ares\Ares $ares */
$result = $ares->getAresClient()->searchEndpoint(Ares\Ares\Sources::DIAL, [
	'kodCiselniku' => 'PravniForma',
	'zdrojCiselniku' => 'res',

foreach ($result as $item) {

Data Box (datová schánka)


use h4kuna\Ares;
/** @var Ares\Ares $ares */
try {
    $response = $ares->loadDataBox('87744473');
} catch (h4kuna\Ares\Exceptions\ServerResponseException $e) {
    // catch error


Support base check.

use h4kuna\Ares;
/** @var Ares\Ares $ares */

try {
    $response = $ares->checkVatVies($vatNumber);
    var_dump($response->valid); // true / false
} catch (Ares\Exceptions\ServerResponseException $e) {
    // invalid VAT