
A Ping Tree is a process in which a single lead is offered to multiple buyers in real-time and sold to the highest bidder

v0.2.0.2 2023-02-28 19:01 UTC


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A Ping Tree is a process in which a single lead is offered to multiple buyers in real-time and sold to the highest bidder.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require graymatterlabs/pingtree:^0.3.0


$tree = new Tree($strategy, $offers);

$response = $tree->ping($lead);


The ping tree will return the first successful response provided by an offer. Responses must implement the GrayMatterLabs\PingTree\Contracts\Response interface but should be customized beyond that.

$tree = new Tree($strategy, $offers);

$response = $tree->ping($lead);

if ($response instanceof RedirectResponse) {
  return redirect($response->url());


Offer instances are responsible for communicating with and managing state of the offer such as health and eligibility rules.


namespace App\Offers;

use App\Http;
use App\Leads\AutoLead;
use GrayMatterLabs\PingTree\Contracts\Offer;
use GrayMatterLabs\PingTree\Contracts\Lead;
use GrayMatterLabs\PingTree\Contracts\Response;

class Example implements Offer
    private string $url = '';
    public function __construct(private Http $http, private string $key)

    public function getIdentifier(): string|int
        return 'example';

    public function ping(AutoLead $lead): int
        $response = $this->http
            ->withHeader('Authorization', $this->key)
            ->post($this->url . '/value', [
                // ...
        return (int) $response->json('value');

    public function send(AutoLead $lead): Response
        $response = $this->http
            ->withHeader('Authorization', $this->key)
            ->post($this->url . '/send', [
                // ...

        return new RedirectResponse(!$response->ok(), $response->json('accepted'), $response->json('url'));

    public function isEligible(AutoLead $lead): bool
        return $lead->validate();
    public function isHealthy(): bool
        return $this->http->get($this->url . '/health')->ok();


This package fires events and provides you the ability to register listeners for each. Listeners can be used for performing any custom logic. Listeners are executed synchronously to be sure to handle any potential exceptions.

Listeners can be registered to the Tree class, which handles all events, using the listen method, like so:

$tree = new Tree($strategy, $offers);

// listen for any events
$tree->listen($event, $callable);
$tree->listen($event, $other_callable);

$response = $tree->ping($lead);

Below is a list of all events fired, their descriptions, and the parameters passed to any registered listeners.


This package provides a concept of "strategies" to decide which offer to send the lead to. A default set of strategies are provided out-of-the-box. The only requirement to providing your own strategies is that they implement the GrayMatterLabs\PingTree\Contracts\Strategy interface.


composer test


Please see the Release Notes for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.