
Automated URL redirection checker

v0.3.1 2019-04-12 07:29 UTC


Automated URL redirection checker


  • Automate URL redirections tests for your application
  • Add origin and destination urls to ensure redirections are working properly
  • Seamless integration with your existing project
  • Simple YAML file to define tests

Installation and usage

  1. Install this component using Composer
$ composer require gorkalaucirica/redirect-checker
  1. Create your yaml file
# tests/redirections/example.yml
https://google.com/services: https://www.google.com/services/
http://google.es/preferences: https://www.google.es/preferences
http://support.google.com: https://support.google.com/
  1. Run the command
$ ./bin/redirect-checker yaml tests/redirections/example.yml
$ ./bin/redirect-checker yaml tests/redirections/example-non-absolute.yml --base-url="https://www.google.com" 

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